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湖州冷库门设计定制 厂家

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最后更新: 2019-08-18 20:47

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货)

  • 所在地区:浙江-杭州市
  • 收藏本公司 人气:224
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    The specifications, models and functions of the cold storage doors h*e been accurately calculated during the construction of the cold storage, so as to ensure that the cold storage has a good ther*l insulation effect after completion. The fittings used in the *nufacture of cold storage doors play an unsuccessful role in the operation of cold storage doors.
    Cooling effect is closely related to air temperature. Refrigerant temperature is much higher than air temperature. Liquid refrigerant can evaporate at boiling point two when it enters the low-pressure part through expansion valve from the high-pressure part, and absorb heat in the surrounding environment at the same time. But in the high temperature season or when the cooling load is too large, it can not achieve the best cooling effect. In order to s*e water, water cooling towers and water circulation equipment are equipped, and cooling water is repeatedly used. The efficiency of condensation and heat absorption depends on the contact area, water temperature and flow rate between cold water and other refrigeration pipes.
    Therefore, in the process of cold storage door operation, it is necessary to add accessories to ensure the impact of cold storage door operation on the environment, while *oiding the negative impact of low temperature on the physical state and function of cold storage door, and ensuring the stability of operation state and function.



