

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-09-03 15:11:07 浏览次数:260
1.Vishal Dadlani - Dhoom Again
2.Sunldhl Chauhan - Kamli
3.Mohlt Chauhan - TU HI JUNOON
4.Sinddharth MahadEVAn - Malang
我暂时就知道这些= =



相关分类:动作/赛车   片长:129分钟   地区:印度   语言:印度语   色彩:彩色   年份:2004


监制: Aditya Chopra   导演: Sanjay Gadhvi   

主演:   尼古拉斯·凯奇 .... Randall 'Memphis' Raines   乔万尼·里比斯 .... Kip Raines   安吉丽娜·朱莉 .... Sara 'Sway' Wayland   T.J·克罗斯 .... Mirror Man   威廉·李·斯科特 .... Toby   斯科特·坎 .... Tumbler   詹姆斯·杜万 .... Freb   威尔·帕顿 .... Atley Jackson   德尔略·林多 .... Det. Roland Castlebeck   蒂莫西·奥利芬特 .... Det. Drycoff   凯·迈克布赖德 .... Donny Astricky   罗伯特·杜瓦尔 .... Otto Halliwell   克勒斯托弗·埃克里斯顿 .... Raymond Vincent Calitri   维尼·琼斯 .... The Sphinx   格雷斯·扎布里斯基 .... Helen Raines


  警官杰斯特是一个外表严肃态度坚决的人,他的任务是把那些破坏交通秩序和在街道抢劫的人缉拿归案。然而,有一个团伙公然向警官杰斯特提出挑战,处处为难,在公路上肆无忌惮犯罪,于是,一场惊心动魄的抓老鼠的游戏拉开序幕…… [编辑本段]续集简介  阿里一直想要成为一名警察,如今他终于梦想成真,成了警官杰斯特的搭档。A先生是一个善于利用高科技的国际惯偷,在完成了一系列匪夷所思的偷窃任务后,他的下一个目标锁定在了印度的孟买。警方得到消息后,将这个任务交给了阿里和杰斯特。在孟买,A先生也找到了他的搭档——一个貌美而聪明的女贼。阿里和杰斯特他们能抓到A先生么?...










  片名:《Dhoom 2》


  国家/地区: 印度





  导演 Director:

  Sanjay Gadhvi

  编剧 Writer:

  Vijay Krishna Acharya

  主演 Actor:

  赫里尼克·罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan ....Aryan Singh/Mr A.

  艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai ....Sunehiri

  阿布舍克·巴强 Abhishek Bachchan ....Jai Dixit

  尤代·乔普拉 Uday Chopra ....Ali Akbar Fateh Khan

  碧帕莎·芭素 BiPAsha Basu ....ACP Shonali Bose

  Rimi Sen ....Sweety Dixit

  制作人 Produced by:

  阿迪提亚·乔普拉 Aditya Chopra ....producer





音乐 http://so.xunlei.com/search?search=%E5%B9%BB%E5%BD%B1%E8%BD%A6%E7%A5%9E&suffix=&restyPE=-1&id=2


<非诚勿扰> 非常好看的综艺节目 这里可以看哦:/play.htm?d=297288%2C297287%2C297286%2C297285%2C297284%2C297283%2C

 Crazy Kiyare Yeah! Sexy sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More chori Chori Kiya Re dil Yeh Dil Liya Re chori Chori Kiya Re dil Yeh Dil Liya Re jadu Se Jadu Kiya Re kiya Re 2 jaagi Soi Rahoon khoi Khoi Rahoon uski Yadoon Mein Uske Khwaabo Mein jhome Jiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 kiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 o Crazy crazy Kiya Re yeah! Sexy sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More chori Chori Kiya Re dil Yeh Dil Liya Re chori Chori Kiya Re dil Yeh Dil Liya Re jadu Se Jadu Kiya Re kiya Re 2 jaagi Soi Rahoon khoi Khoi Rahoon uski Yadoon Mein Uske Khwaabo Mein jhome Jiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 kiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 o Crazy crazy Kiya Re (Na Usko Pata na Uski Khata mein Us Pe Margai zara Usko Bata)2 dheree Dheere Ikraar Mein kabhi Kabhi Intezaar Mein uske Hi Pyaar Mein Jhoome Jiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 ho Crazy yeah! Sexy sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More chori Chori Kiya Re dil Yeh Dil Liya Re chori Chori Kiya Re dil Yeh Dil Liya Re jadu Se Jadu Kiya Re kiya Re 2 jaagi Soi Rahoon khoi Khoi Rahoon uski Yadoon Mein Uske Khwaabo Mein jhome Jiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 kiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 o Crazy crazy Kiya Re (Na Usko Pata na Uski Khata mein Us Pe Margai zara Usko Bata)2 dheree Dheere Ikraar Mein kabhi Kabhi Intezaar Mein uske Hi Pyaar Mein Jhoome Jiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 ho Crazy (Mein Yahan Bhi Gai mein Wahan Bhi Gai socha Pal Pal Use mein Jahan Bhi Gai)2 din Ho Ya Raat Ho woh Mere Saath Ho jab Uski Baat Ho jhoome Jiya Re crazy Kiya Re 3 o Crazy sexy Lady On Da Floor keep You Coming Back For More repeat dhoom again --MALE-- dhoom again and run away with me on a rollercoaster ride dhoom again and see your wildest dreams slowly come alive dhoom again and gotta break the rules and party all the time dhoom againwe gotta steal the show you know that ain't no crime so steal all that you can the magic you begun let's shout,break out comes on once againlets hear it dhoom machaale......... dhoom againand feel the beat of the rythem rythem of the night dhoom again and hear the voices calling creatures of the night dhoom again and see the shadows dancing in the pale moonlight dhoom againa and feel your heartbeat PUmping now the time is right so go walk out the door get down....get on the floor let's shout break out come on once again let's hear it dhoom machale and when love comes your way you'll know its here to stay you'll steal the chance 'cose you're the thief of hearts yeah you'll win with a galance walk away with your romance there's no more ther's no backing out now dhoom again and make the whole world crazy set your spirit free dhoom again anf take a break right now come celeberate with me dhoom again 'cos all wanna do is steal the showsomehow shoom again 'cos all i wanna say is hey the time is now let nothing get you down go out and paint the town let;s shout break out come on once again lets hear it doom machale.... Touch me teekhi teekhi teri akhiyaan, chhooke chhooke behkati hai, dekh dekh naa yun mujhko, hosh hosh le jaati hai, deewaanaa dil kahin kho jaaye naa, humse khafa koi ho jaye naa touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me soniyaa - 2 chhod chhod meri raahon ko, taubaa taubaa dar lagtaa hai, aisi vaisi teri baaton se, ishq vishk saa jagtaa hai, deewaanaa dil kahin kho jaaye naa, humse khataa koi ho jaaye naa touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me soniyaa - 2 roke naa ruke, mere yeh kadam tute naa kahin, jaanaa har kASAm rehne de zaraa, thodaa paas laa paagalpan kare mann hai manchalaa deewaanaa dil kahin kho jaaye na, humse khafaa koi ho jaaye naa touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me soniyaa - 2 naa main hosh mein, naa tu hosh mein behke naa kahin dono josh mein sine mein kahin sholaa saa jale yaaraa ishq pe kiskaa bas chale deewaanaa dil kahin kho jaaye naa, humse khataa koi ho jaaye naa touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me soniyaa - 2 teekhi teekhi teri akhiyaan, chhooke chhooke behkati hai, dekh dekh naa yun mujhko, hosh hosh le jaati hai, chhod chhod meri raahon ko, taubaa taubaa dar lagtaa hai, aisi vaisi teri baaton se, ishq vishk saa jagtaa hai, deewaanaa dil kahin kho jaaye na, humse khataa koi ho jaaye naa touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me soniyaa

关键词: 幻影
