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Can You Do It (oPEn mike in the studio ...) Lsd duckblind. Alright. wait a minute ... (false start ...) I ... (starting over ...) One, ... ... two, ... ... One, ... two, ... One, two, three, four. I ... went to a dance, ah, just the other night. Other night, other night, other night. The dance they was doin' there, it was out of sight. Out-a-sight, out-a-sight, out-a-sight. I knew right away, yeah, that there was nothing to it. Nothin' to it, nothin' to it, nothin' to it. I could tell right away, oh boy, even i could do it. Even i could do it, i could do it, i could do it. Well, first step: you got to move to the left. Second step: you got to go for yourself. Third step: well, you're doin' alright. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Grab yourself a PArtner, then you start it movin' too. To and fro, to and fro, to and fro. The next thing you know, hey, you want to do it some more. Do it some more, do it some more, do it some more. I knew right away, yeah, that there was nothing to it. Nothin' to it, nothin' to it, nothin' to it. I could tell right away, oh boy, even i could do it. Even i could do it, i could do it, i could do it. Yeah, first step: you got to move to the left. Second step: you got to go for yourself. Third step: well, you're doin' alright. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! You grab yourself a partner, then you start it movin' too. To and fro, to and fro, to and fro. You get out on the floor and start doin' it some more. Do it some more, do it some more, do it some more. I knew right away, yeah, that there was nothing to it. Nothin' to it, nothin' to it, nothin' to it. I could tell right away, oh boy, even i could do it. Even i could do it, i could do it, i could do it. I went to a dance just the other night. Other night, other night, other night. The dance they was doin', yeah, it was out of sight. Out-a-sight, out-a-sight, out-a-sight. I knew right away, yeah, there was nothing to it. Nothin' to it, nothin' to it, nothin' to it. I could tell right away, oh boy, even i could do it. Even i could do it, i could do it, i could do it. I went to the dance. I went to the dance.

中国四大同志电影: 张元的<<东宫.西宫>> 王家卫的<<春光乍现>> 关锦鹏<<蓝宇>> 李安<<喜宴>>1、《墨里斯》( MAURICE )(首部获奥斯卡奖同志影片 ) 2、《蝴蝶君》( M.BUTTERFLY )真实情节,奥斯卡华裔影帝尊龙主演 ) 3、《给王富》( To Wong Foe )(经典喜剧,歌舞场面精美 ) 4、《神父同志》(PRIEST)(获多项国际电影奖项 ) 5、《沙漠妖姬》( The Adventures Of Pricilla )—(奥斯卡服饰奖及国际奖项 ) 6、《玻璃情人》( Cranston )(影帝强纳森普莱斯主演 ) 7、《费城故事》( Philadelphia )(奥斯卡最佳男主角汤汉斯主演 ) 8、《假凤虚凰(鸟笼)》( The Birdcage )(喜剧片,“肥妈”罗宾威廉斯主演 ) 9、《世纪的哭泣》( And th band played )李察基尔率好莱坞十大红星全情参演 ) 10、《生无怨死无悔》( To die)(《人鬼情未了》同志版,结局令您大出意外 ) 11、《GAY新世界》( The world of gay )——九十年代末美国同志生活真实写照 ) 12、《男人的一半还是男人》 ( MY Own Private Idaho )(港译《不羁的天空》 ) 13、《迷情杀人夜》(Mid Night In The Garden Of Good )-(港译《欲望地》 ) 14、《夺魂索》( Funny )(谋杀片经典级作品 ) 15、《心太羁》( Wilde )(英国大文豪王尔德的真实生活写照 ) 16、《我为兄狂》( Le Confessional )(为数不多的法国同志影片 ) 17、《哭泣的游戏》( Reflections Cry Me ) (影片艳惊全,倍受争议 ) 18、《衣柜里的男人》( Most Desired Man )(误闯同志世界,他将如何面对 ) 19、《野芦苇》( Lees Roseau Savages )(获法国凯撒电影奖多项奖项 ) 20、《狂野的爱》( Les huits faubes )21、《喜宴》( The Wedding Banquet )(父母能否接受独生儿子的选择? ) 22、《星闪闪》( Twinkle )(两男一女,一段假凤虚凰的婚姻。23届日本金像奖 ) 23、《春光乍泄》(张国荣、梁朝伟全裸大胆演出,激动人心 ) 24、《妖街皇后》( Black Street )—(著名导演杨帆作品,著名男模林伟亮领衔) 25、《霸王别姬》(大场面、大明星,戏里演人生,人象一场戏 ) 26、《假男假女》(一群香港同志的悲欢喜乐,片中可能有你的影子) 27、《美少年之恋》(现代都市中同志生活的真实写照,杨帆导演 ) 28、《四级杀人狂》(稍稍沾边 ) 29、《香港大夜总会》—(她爱他,他又爱他。红星香曲慎吾香艳反串十分艳丽 ) 30、《愈快乐愈堕落》( Hold You Tight ) (唐、小哲迷糊间陷入两性间的抉择) 31、《月之全蚀》(两位著名诗人的伟大爱情故事 ) 32、《情难禁》(In and out)(如何让“同志”不受社会歧视? ) 33、《紫醉金迷》(Velvet gold mine)—(揭开英国摇滚巨星迷幻闪烁的一页 ) 34、《百分百欲望》(Desire)(爱无穷、爱无从、爱无尽,爱到最深仍是爱 ) 35、《众神与野兽》(Gods and Monsters)(99年美国票房冠军 ) 36、《心太狂》(B.Monkey)(现代青年人的自我放纵。全美两星期卖座冠军 ) 37、《夜舞男》(兄弟四人皆为夜总会舞男 ) 38、《三人行不行》(99全美喜剧爱情巨片强劲登陆 ) 39、《男人最痛》(当男人爱上男人,男人最痛 ) 40、《同志来料》佐治为什麽决定做变性手术? ) 41、《给远方的兵哥》--(加拿大军官与荷兰小男孩的故事 ) 42、《两只公半只舞》(以积极的发掘无穷的乐趣) 43、《基场恋事多》—警察一觉醒来,身边躺着一位赤裸少年) 44、《你爱他》(是义无返顾地爱,还是割舍这段感情 ?) 45、《东宫西宫》(中国@!#第一部同志电 影) 46、《四十岁的Gay》(A Queer Story)(基佬林子祥要结婚了 ?) 47、《金枝玉叶》(张国荣主演的同志电影) 48、《流沙幻爱》(一段关乎暗恋的平淡小品) 49、《同会》(有史以来最精彩的日本片,靓仔如云,高潮迭起,结局奇特) 50、《有时跳舞》(两对男女同志,构成人生交叉点) 51、《美国美人》(AMERICAN BEAUTY)—(获奥斯卡五项大奖,票房直逼全球之冠 ) 52、《近乎完美》(懂得割舍,爱才自由 )


