

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-09-02 15:00:52 浏览次数:196




PRINCE的Do Me Baby,MILLISA MORGAN也唱过。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQxMzY0NDg=.html MV地址 http://splorkin.com/av/prince%20-%20do%20me%20baby.MP3 下载 歌词: Here we are in this big old empty room, staring each other down U want me just as much as I want u, lets stop fooling around Take me baby... kiss me all over... play with my love Bring out whats been in me for far too long Baby, u know thats all Ive been dreaming of Do me baby, like u never done before Give it to me till I just cant take no more Do me baby, like u never done before I want u now, I just cant wait no more, cant wait... Here we are looking for a reason for u to lay me down For a love like ours is never out of season, so baby please stop teasing me What ya do, I can never love no other, ure the best I ever had Whenever were not close to one another, I just want u so bad So do me baby, like u never done before Give it to me till I just cant take no more Cmon, do me baby, like u never done before I want u now, I just cant wait no more I said ooo...ooo...oooo...ooooooo Do me baby, do me baby, give it to me Do me baby, I want u now Do me baby, give it to me Do me baby, do me baby, dont wanna do it all alone I want your love. Do me baby, give it to me Do me baby, this feeling is too strong, make me wait 2 long, I want u now Youre leaving me no choice Ok, what are u gonna do...u just gonna sit there and watch? alright... Are u sure u dont wanna close your eyes? ...well, isnt it suPPOsed to take a long time? Im not gonna stop till the war is over... Help me! there...ok...ok Im so cold....just hold me


  尖峰3片尾--真男人          尖峰2是 -DON'T STOP 'TIL YOU GET ENOUGH


尖峰时刻1的是-Edwin Starr War


美国歌手Prince的Do Me Baby

