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马克·吐温 马克•吐温( Mark Twain,1835~1910) 美国作家。原名塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱斯。1835年11月30日生于密苏里州,1910年4月21日卒于康涅狄格州。 马克•吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。马克•吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”“最具美国本土特色的作家”。他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。 幼时家境贫困,12岁时因父亲去世辍学,开始到印刷所当学徒,稍大一点便外出找活干。21岁时,对轮船上的领港员生活发生极大兴趣,决定拜师学艺。密西西比河上 4 年领港生活使他熟悉各式各样的人。这一段经历为他今后的创作提供了许多素材 。 他的笔名马克 • 吐温就取自船工生活:mark 是“测标”,twain为“两英寻(合12英尺)”,“测标两英寻”说明仍是安全水位。1861年,南北战争爆发,他随哥哥去内华达;先卷入找矿热潮,后去报馆工作,从此开始创作生涯。 19世纪60~70年代,马克•吐温发表幽默短篇共70篇,其中多数为小品类。它们的主要特色是极度夸张、幽默、滑稽。主人公往往天真老实,思想单纯,有一套先入为主的想法,结果处处碰壁。他的成名作《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》和名篇《竞选州长》、《神秘的访问》都是这样写的。在一部分作品里,幽默含有讽刺,如《竞选州长》、《坏孩子的故事》 、《好孩子的故事》等 。作者解释说“ 幽默只是花絮”,“为幽默而幽默是不能经久的”,他的幽默滑稽出自严肃的创作目的。这期间他讽喻的社会现象有: 种族歧视、新闻界的乌烟瘴气、投机心理以及社会道德的错位与虚伪。 60年代末马克•吐温到了东部之后,发表了《傻子出国记》、《过苦日子》和《镀金时代》三部长篇作品。 《傻子出国记》为通讯集,是马克•吐温的旅欧报道。写天真无知的美国人在欧洲的旅游见闻,滑稽、诙谐,表现出美国人在欧洲封建社会及其印记面前的优越感。《过苦日子》是一部回忆录,写作者到内华达找矿经过,其中有不少虚构成分,把艰苦的淘金生活写得生气勃勃,热气腾腾,其间一些夸张 、滑稽的故事表现出马克•吐温的喜剧才能。《镀金时代》是他同邻居、作家查尔斯•沃纳合写的长篇小说,旨在讽刺当时疯狂的社会投机心理。小说的人物有企业家、政客、农场主和小市民。作者通过艺术形象告诉我们:在那个资本主义自由竞争时代,获得大量财富的是投机商、企业家和政客,小人物永远是在做梦,就像那位塞勒斯上校,发财梦做了一个又一个,可餐桌上“只见冷水和生萝卜”。 70年代初,马克•吐温同一位富商的女儿奥利薇亚•兰登结婚,定居在马萨诸塞州的哈特福德。《汤姆•索亚历险记》、《在密西西比河上》和《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》就是这段稳定的生活期间写的。《汤姆•索亚历险记》描写少年儿童追求新奇、冒险的生活。小汤姆厌恶呆板乏味的小镇生活,包括主日学校的虚伪刻板、守旧的小市民习气、老一套的布道演说……他同小伙伴去岛上“探险”,同大自然融为一体,表现出少年儿童的活泼的稚气。《在密西西比河上》回忆了作者当年的水上生涯。大河景色、航运经历、弟弟遇难等真实故事,富有诗意,抒情气氛很浓。书中写到领港员协会的组织和斗争是19世纪美国劳工运动的宝贵史料。 《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》是马克•吐温的代表作,也是美国文学的一部名著。小说续《汤姆•索亚历险记》的内容,主人公换成汤姆的朋友哈克——一个穷苦白人的儿子 。他害怕醉鬼父亲毒打,又受不了保护人的清规戒律,离家出走,半路上遇见黑奴吉姆,两人乘木排沿着密西西比河逃亡,去寻找自由州。哈克虽没有受过教育,爱撒谎,但本性善良,好开玩笑,又富于同情心。一路上吉姆照顾哈克,哈克帮助吉姆匿藏。哈克长期生活在蓄奴州,流行的种族歧视观念常牵制着他。他们越接近自由州,哈克的内心矛盾越尖锐。当时蓄奴州的法律规定,帮助黑奴逃跑是有罪的,他决定写信向吉姆的主人告发。可是一想起吉姆渴望自由,临危不惧 ,而且舍己为人等优良品质,哈克就感到为难,最后终于把信撕掉。哈克的作为表现了作者自由、平等的民主理想。书中还描写了南北战争前多方面的社会生活,创造了许多人物形象。小说纯粹用美国口语写成,开创了美国文学口语文体的传统。 80年代后期开始,马克•吐温的作品有:用荒诞情节批判英国封建体制的 《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》,用巧妙错位的故事讽刺美国种族歧视的《傻瓜威尔逊》,歌颂法国民族女英雄的《冉•达克》,以及深刻剖析金钱腐蚀作用、暴露上等人伪善面貌的《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》。 80年代马克•吐温筹办出版公司并投资新式排字机的试制工程。这两项工作均告失败,致使马克•吐温破产。1891年,他迁家欧洲,自己作环巡回演讲以偿还债务。1900年回国。这个时期,他发表的长篇作品有《赤道环游记》。 20世纪初,马克•吐温发表了一系列反帝政论:《使用私刑的合众国》、《给生在黑暗中的人》、《为芬斯顿将军辩护》、《战争祈祷》等。在这些论文中,作者控诉帝国主义的侵略行径,同情并支持殖民地人民的斗争。随着作者对社会现实认识的深化,他的幽默风格逐渐从滑稽趋向讽喻 ,开朗活泼的心情也逐渐变为忧郁愤慨,这在他后期反帝政论中尤为明显。在《什么是人》 ,《第44号,神秘的陌生人》等作品中还流露出人生如梦的悲观情绪。 他的文学生涯很长,因此发表过的作品也有很多。作品大致分类: 短篇:处女作《拓殖者大吃一惊的花花公子》、《百万英镑》、《竞选州长》、《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》《卡拉维拉斯郡著名的跳蛙》、《康涅狄克焦最近的狂欢节上的罪行纪实》 中篇:《败坏赫德莱堡的人》、《艰难历程》 长篇:《傻子国外旅行记》、《镀金时代》、《汤姆·索亚历险记》、《哈克贝里·芬历险记》、《王子与贫儿》、《密西西比河上的生活》、《傻瓜威尔逊》、《在亚瑟王朝的康涅狄克州的美国佬》、《冉·达克》 侦探汤姆.索亚》 游记:《国外旅游记》、《赤道游记》 剧本:《阿星》 回忆录:《格兰特回忆录》 评论


他於1835年11月30日出生於美国密苏里州的佛罗里达,那是一个位居密西西比河支流苏鲁特河畔的小城镇,本名为山姆.兰古霍.克莱孟西,(Samuel Langhorne Clemens)。  





60岁时,为了偿还大笔欠债,他周游世界各地巡回演讲,也写了不少急就文章。61岁时,出版一本名叫「对姜尼.达尔克的怀念」的书,旅行演讲成功的结束,长女苏茜去世,从这时开始,他的作品便呈现了灰暗的气氛。虽然他的债务在三年中完全清偿,而他又重新成为富有,但是他愉快的心境已完全改变。69岁时,他的妻子奥莉薇去世,使他更受打击。马克.吐温的後期作品,弥漫著悲观恨世的情绪,与前判若两人,他自己也有所感觉,所以有些作品他不肯在生时出版。72岁时,得到牛津大学所授与的文学博士名誉学位,他在晚年是美国大名人,但已全然不是号称幽默大师,笑口常开的人了。74岁时,三女珍去世,再次受到打击。於一九一○年四月二十一日,因心脏病发,当太阳下山的时候,马克.吐温也平静的与世长辞,结束了他充满变化的一生,遗体葬於艾尔密拉。 评论

Mark Twain (PSeudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, 1835-1910), was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri, of a Virginian family. He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri. After his father's death in 1847, he was aPPrenticed to a printer and wrote for his brother's newsPAPEr. He later worked as a licensed Mississippi river-boat pilot. The Civil War PUt an end to the steamboat traffic and Clemens moved to Virginia City, wher he edited the Territorial Enterprise. On February 3, 1863, 'Mark Twain' was born when Clemens signed a humorous travel account with that pseudonym.

In 1864 Twain left for California, and worked in San Francisco as a reporter. He visited Hawaii as a correspondent for The Sacramento unio, publishing letters on his trip and giving lectures. He set out on a world tour, traveling in France and Italy. His experiences were recorded in 1869 in The Innocents Abroad, which gained him wide popularity, and poked fun at both American and European prejudices and manners.

The success as a writer gave Twain enough financial security to marry Olivia Langdon in 1870. They moved next year to Hartford. Twain continued to lecture in the United States and England. Between 1876 and 1884 he published several masterpieces, Tom Sawyer (1881) and The Prince And The Pauper (1881). Life On The Mississippi aPPEared in 1883 andHuckleberry Finn in 1884.

In the 1890s Twain lost most of his earnings in financial speculations and in the failure of his own publishing firm. To recover from the bankruptcy, he started a world lecture tour, during which one of his daughters died. Twain toured New Zealand, Australia, India, and South Africa. He wrote such books as The Tragedy Of Pudd'head Wilson (1884), Personal Recollections Of Joan Of Arc (1885), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) and the travel book Following The Equator (1897). During his long writing career, Twain also produced a considerable number of essays.

The death of his wife and his second daughter darkened the author's later years, which is seen in his posthumously published autobiography (1924). Twain died on April 21, 1910.
对不起,我没有短的。 评论

拿破仑 评论




Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. He is most noted for his novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the Great American Novel."

Twain grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, which would later provide the setting for Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. He apprenticed with a printer. He also worked as a tyPESetter and contributed articles to his older brother Orion's newspaper. After toiling as a printer in various cities, he became a master riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River, before heading west to join Orion. He was a failure at gold mining, so he next turned to journalism. While a reporter, he wrote a humorous story, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, which became very popular and brought nationwide attention. His travelogues were also well-received. Twain had found his calling.

He achieved great success as a writer and public speaker. His wit and satire earned praise from critics and peers, and he was a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty.

However, he lacked financial acumen. Though he made a great deal of money from his writings and lectures, he squandered it on various ventures, in particular the Paige Compositor, and was forced to declare bankruptcy. With the help of Henry Huttleston Rogers, however, he eventually overcame his financial troubles. Twain worked hard to ensure that all of his creditors were paid in full, even though his bankruptcy had relieved him of the legal responsibility.

Born during a visit by Halley's Comet, he died on its return. He was lauded as the "greatest American humorist of his age," and William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature."


Early life

Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born in Florida, Missouri, on November 12, 1835, to a Tennessee country merchant, John Marshall Clemens (August 11, 1798 – March 24, 1847), and Jane Lampton Clemens (June 18, 1803 – October 27, 1890).

Twain was the sixth of seven children. only three of his siblings survived childhood: his brother Orion (July 17, 1825 – December 11, 1897); Henry, who died in a riverboat explosion (July 13, 1838 – June 21, 1858); and Pamela (September 19, 1827 – August 31, 1904). His sister Margaret (May 31, 1830 – August 17, 1839) died when Twain was three, and his brother Benjamin (June 8, 1832 – May 12, 1842) died three years later. Another brother, PleASAnt (1828–1829), died at six months.Twain was born two weeks after the closest approach to Earth of Halley's Comet. On December 4, 1985, the United States Postal Service issued a stamped envelope for "Mark Twain and Halley's Comet."

When Twain was four, his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, a port town on the Mississippi River that inspired the fictional town of St. Petersburg in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Missouri was a slave state and young Twain became familiar with the institution of slavery, a theme he would later explore in his writing.

Twain’s father was an attorney and a local judge. The Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad was organized in his office in 1846. The railroad connected the second and third largest cities in the state and was the westernmost United States railroad until the Transcontinental Railroad. It delivered mail to and from the Pony Express.

Samuel Clemens, age 15In March 1847, when Twain was 11, his father died of pneumonia. The next year, he became a printer's apprentice. In 1851, he began working as a typesetter and contributor of articles and humorous sketches for the Hannibal Journal, a newspaper owned by his brother Orion. When he was 18, he left Hannibal and worked as a printer in New York City, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. He joined the unio and educated himself in public libraries in the evenings, finding wider information than at a conventional school. At 22, Twain returned to Missouri.

On a voyage to New Orleans down the Mississippi, steamboat pilot Horace E. Bixby inspired Twain to be a steamboat pilot. As Twain observed in Life on the Mississippi, the pilot surpassed a steamboat's captain in prestige and authority; it was a rewarding occupation with wages set at $250 per month,roughly equivalent to $73,089 a year today. A steamboat pilot needed to know the ever-changing river to be able to stop at the hundreds of ports and wood-lots. Twain studied 2,000 miles (3,200 km) of the Mississippi for more than two years before he received his steamboat pilot license in 1859.

While training, Samuel convinced his younger brother Henry to work with him. Henry was killed on June 21, 1858, when the steamboat he was working on, the Pennsylvania, exploded. Twain had foreseen this death in a dream a month earlier,which inspired his interest in parapsychology; he was an early member of the Society for Psychical Research.Twain was guilt-stricken and held himself responsible for the rest of his life. He continued to work on the river and was a river pilot until the American Civil War broke out in 1861 and traffic along the Mississippi was curtailed.

Missouri was considered by many to be part of the South, and was represented in both the Confederate and Federal governments during the Civil War. Twain wrote a sketch, "The Private History of a Campaign That Failed," which claimed he and his friends had been Confederate volunteers for two weeks before disbanding their company.

资料来源 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Twain


关键词: 马克吐温 简介
