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Since the history of mankind kept PEts since the beginning of the world's cats and the dog who is sworn enemies, the struggle between them has never stoPPEd. As a human-dominated, but also do not know, the crafty cat who is long overdue ambitious to attempt to occupy the Earth, which from generation to generation R & D a variety of technology and weapons, undercover in the human side waiting to launch a "coup", but for the dedicated each dog who always do everything possible to thwart the cat's crazy plan, I am afraid mankind has long been replaced by a cat. So cats are also depending on their dog for the thorn in the side, waiting to kill the other side of the home thoroughly and then quickly removed. One day, a human scientists successfully developed a specialized treatment canine allergy vaccines, it is conceivable that, if PUt into use this vaccine, which is for those who love dog people who suffer from allergies are no doubt good news, but the cat who ... ...哼哼fear of the world on their dogs too much imPAct on their plans to rule the Earth, so, at a guileful called "Doraemon" cat planning, the Cats have to decide at all costs , the destruction of the vaccine, and then scientists raised a puPPy, "Lu" inadvertently learned that the careful preparation of the plot, then at the other dog a few different character help of a vaccine against the "destruction" and " Anti-destruction, "World War II broke out, and one time, minions flying, cat dog jumping, what the final outcome? Ask not know if cats have won, we can watch sitting in the cinema this movie? 评论

关键词: 大战
