

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-26 14:33:22 浏览次数:171
  1. 美丽传说II星愿 LegendⅡ (2005) .....展鸿图


  2. 明星制造 (2005)

  3. 兄弟 Xiong di (2004) .....Zhao Feiyang


  4. 阿郎在北京 (2003)

  5. 赌侠大战拉斯维加斯 The Conmen in Vegas (1999) .....PEter Chu

    Du xia da zhan La si Wei jia si
    The Con Man in Las Vegas

  6. 陌生人 Riding The Storm (1998)

  7. 98古惑仔之龙争虎斗 98 Wise Guys: Dragon Struggle Tiger Fight (1998) .....Chiang Tin-yeung (as Man Chi Leung)

    98 goo waak chai ji lung chang foo dau
    Young and Dangerous V

  8. 97古惑仔之战无不胜 Young and Dangerous 4 (1997) .....Chiang Tin-Yeung

    97 goo waak jai jin mo bat sing
    97 Wise Guys No War Cannot Be Won

  9. 新阿郎 Xin ah lang (1996) .....Li Kailang 'Ah Lang'

    Brave New World
    Yi lu feng chen

  10. 万里长情 Down Memory Lane (1995)

  11. 怒海威龙 No hoi wai lung (1995)

    Tough Beauty and the SloPPy Slop
    Angry Sea Mighty Dragon

  12. 金枕头 Jin zhen tou (1995) .....Sai Renniang

    The Golden Pillow

  13. 大路 Da lu (1993) .....A Hong Kong Wanted

    The Trail

  14. 龙兄鼠弟之追日者 The Edge of Righteousness (1993)

  15. 喋血十三 Dip huet sap saam (1992)

    Spy Blood 13
    Bloodshed Thirteen

  16. 胜者为王 Sing je wai wong (1992)

    Sheng zhe wei wang
    The Mighty Gambler

  17. 烈火情仇 Lit foh ching sau (1992)

    The Godfather's Daughter Mafia Blues
    Flaming Love Enemy

  18. 超级女警 Super Lady Cop (1992) .....尹秋水

    超级女警察 / 狂凤密命
    Kuang feng mi ling
    Crazy Phoenix Secret Order

  19. 赌城大亨II之至尊无敌 Do sing daai hang II ji ji juen mo dik (1992) .....Kuo Ying-Nan

    Casino Tycoon II
    Du cheng da heng II zhi zhi zun wu di

  20. 巨人 Big Man (1992)

  21. 赌城大亨之新哥传奇 Do sing daai hang (1992) .....Kuo Ying-Nan

    Casino Tycoon
    New Older Brother Legend

  22. 大家族 The Big Family (1991) .....蒋进

  23. 英伦越战 Ying lun yuet jin (1991) .....Liang

    Phantom War
    Hero Peer Exceed War

  24. 赌尊 All for the Gamblers (1991)

    Du zun
    Gambling Respect

  25. 表姐,妳玩嘢! Biu je nei woon ye (1991) .....Li

    Biao jie ni wan ye
    Gambling Queen

  26. 大哥大续集 Daai goh daai juk jaap (1991)

    Fatal Recall
    Big Brother Big Sequel

  27. 地头龙 Dei tau lung (1990)

    Dragon Fighter
    Di tou long

  28. 喋血风云 Return to action (1990) .....万 Sir

    Die xue feng yun
    Feng yun zai qi

  29. 赌王 King of gambler (1990)

    Du wang
    Gamble King

  30. 笑傲在明天 Siu giu zoi ming tin (1990)

  31. 季节II The Seasons II (1990) .....(as Man Chi Leung)

  32. 致命的诱惑 Ji ming dik yau waak (1990)

    Fatal PAssion
    Fatal Attraction

  33. 横冲直撞火凤凰 Waang chung jik jong foh fung wong (1990)

    Fire Phoenix
    Heng chong zhi chuang huo feng huang

  34. 香港舞男 Heung Gong mo naam (1990)

    Hong Kong Gigolo
    Hong Kong Dance Man

  35. 美国博仔 Yellow Rain (1990) .....Chen Buo

  36. Black Vengeance (1990) .....(as Man Chi Leung)

  37. 义胆雄心 Yi daam hung sam (1990)

    Gangland Odyssey
    Righteous Courage Great Ambition

  38. 奇兵 Kei bing (1990)

    The Sniping
    Ingenious Military Move

  39. 标一族 Jue biu yat juk (1990) .....Jen Chin-Hsing

    Best Friend of the CoPS
    Pig Mark One Tribe

  40. 出土奇兵 Chut si kei bing (1990) .....Thunderrod

    Figures from Earth
    Go Forth Scholar Ingenious Military Move

  41. 都市猎人 Do si lip yan (1989)

    Big City Hunter
    Du shi lie ren

  42. 再起风云 Joi hei fung wan (1989)

    The Last Duel
    Again Rise Turbulence

  43. 猎魔群英 Lie mo qun ying (1989) .....Supt. Tsang

    Devil Hunters
    Qun ying hui

  44. 专钓大鳄 Juen diu daai ngok (1989) .....Chuan Mak Yuen

    Crocodile Hunter
    Expert at Fishing for Big Crocodiles

  45. 我在江湖 Fight to Survive (1989) .....方景雄

    Ngoh joi gong woo
    I Am All Over the Country

  46. 城市判官 Sing si poon goon (1989)

    Big City Condemn Official

  47. 沉底鳄 Cham dai ngok (1989) .....Lui Tai-Yung/Rambo

    Chen di e

  48. 他来自江湖 (1989) .....明天

    The Jutice Of Life

  49. 伴我狂奔 Boon ngoh kong ban (1989)

    追女重案组 / 新飞女正
    Accompany My Crazy Run
    Ban wo kuang ben

  50. 轰天龙虎会 Gwang tin lung foo wooi (1989) .....Father of Bobby and Danny (Hong Kong version only)

    The Deadly Sin
    China White

  51. 挑情 Tiu ching (1988)

    Provoke Love

  52. 法律无情 Faat lut mo ching (1988) .....向东

    Ruthless Family
    Ruthless Law

  53. 胭脂扣 Rouge (1988) .....Yuen

    Yin ji kau
    Yan zhi kou

  54. 捕风汉子 Bo fung hon ji (1988)

    He Who Chases After the Wind
    Bu feng han zi

  55. 旺角卡 As Tears Go By (1988) .....Tony

    Wong gok ka moon
    Carmen of the Streets

  56. 陷阱边沿 Ham jeng bin yuen (1988) .....Wong

    Edge of Darkness
    Trap Edge

  57. 撞邪先生 Chuang xie xian sheng (1988) .....沈慈航

    Mr. Possessed

  58. 大哥大 Da De Da (1988)


  59. 法中情 Law or Justice (1988)

    Among the Law Love
    Faat jung ching

  60. 我要逃亡 Set Me Free (1988)

    Ngoh yiu to mong
    I Must Escape Into Hiding

  61. 英雄好汉 Heroic Hero (1987) .....Yung

    Ying hung ho hon

  62. 江湖情 Drifter Love (1987) .....Tang Kat-Yung

    Gong woo ching
    Rich and Famous

  63. 生命之旅 Sung meng chi loi (1987) .....Sum Zhi Ho

  64. 1哥 The Big Brother (1987)

    Yat goh
    Number One Brother

  65. 省港旗兵续集兵分两路 Long Arm of the Law Il (1987) .....Biggy

    Saang gong kei bing chuk chap bing fan leung liu
    Long Arm of the Law 2

  66. 不夜天 Bat ye tin (1987) .....阎立山

    Killer's Nocturn
    Bu ye tian

  67. 流氓大亨 The Feud of Two Brothers (1986) .....Fong Kan-cheung

    "Lau man dai hung"

  68. 杨家将 The Yangs' Saga (1986) .....Hon Jong Ling, Deite

    "Yang ka cheung"

  69. 兄弟 Brotherhood (1986) .....李强

    Hing dai
    xiong di

  70. 英雄故事 Turn Around And Die (1986) .....伟男

  71. 陆小凤之凤舞九天 (1986)

  72. 替枪老豆 Tai cheung lo dau (1985) .....武德生

    Let's Have a Baby
    Substitute Gun Father

  73. 祝您好运 Juk nei ho wan (1985)

    Lucky Diamond
    Wish You Good Luck

  74. 薛仁贵 (1985)

  75. 水儿武士 Shui ngai miu si (1985)

    Journey of the Doomed

  76. 走火炮 Zou Huo Pao (1984)


  77. 傻探出更 Sha Tan Chu Geng (1984) .....沈大雄

    The darling kung-fu refugee

  78. 窥情 Maybe It's Love (1984)

    Kui Qing

  79. 青蛙王子 The Frog Prince (1984)

    Ching wa wong ji
    Prince Charming

  80. 等待黎明 Hong Kong 1941 (1984) .....黄克强

    Dang doi lai ming
    Waiting for Dawn

  81. 唐朝豪放女 An Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty (1984) .....崔博侯

    Tong chiu ho fong nui
    Tang Dynasty Uninhibited Woman

  82. 新飞狐外传 Xin fei hu wai zhuan (1984) .....苗人凤

    New Tales of the Flying Fox

  83. 布衣神相 Bu yi shen xiang (1984) .....独孤无敌

    Return of Bastard Swordsman

  84. 男女方程式 Naam nui fong ching sik (1984) .....David

    The Cute Little Fellow
    Male Female Equation

  85. 魔殿屠龙 Moh din tiu lung (1984)

    The Hidden Power of Dragon
    Mo dian tu long

  86. 爱奴新传 Lust for Love of a Chinese Courtesan (1984) .....凌云

    Ai nu xin zhuan

  87. 神雕侠侣 The Return Of The Condor Heroes (1983) .....Luk Lap-ding


  88. 天蚕变 Tian can bian (1983) .....独孤无敌

    Bastard Swordsman

  89. 男与女 Naam yue nui (1983) .....江远生

    Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Boys and Girls

  90. 如来神掌 Buddha's Palm (1982) .....古汉魂

    Ru lai shen zhang

  91. 花煞 My beloved (1982)

  92. I.Q.爆棚 I.Q. baau paang (1981) .....周学文

    危险十六岁 / 敢作敢为
    I.Q. Explosion Shed
    I.Q. bao peng

  93. 鬼域 Gui yu (1981)

    Avengers from Hell

  94. 太极张三丰 (1980)

  95. Gone with the Wind (1980) .....Choi Ching-hong

    "Fau sun luk gip"

  96. 大内群英 Dynasty (1980) .....Yinzhen

    "Dai noi kwan ying"

  97. 浮生六劫 Gone With The Wind (1979) .....蔡靖康

  98. 疯劫 The Secret (1979) .....阮仕卓

    Fung gip
    Crazy Disaster

  99. 喋血奇兵 Dip huet kei bing (1978)

    Bloody Hero
    Bloodshed Brilliant Military Move



关键词: 美国 国语
