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钟无艳 ,怪谈之魔镜 ,爱情梦幻号 ,九星报喜 ,97家有喜事 , 大富之家 ,水浒笑传 ,花田喜事 , 家有喜事 ,开心鬼上错身 ,老豆唔怕多 ,开心鬼救开心鬼 ,发达秘笈 ,八星报喜 ,七年之痒 , 开心鬼撞鬼 ,英雄正传 开心鬼放暑假 ,灵气逼人, 开心鬼 ,小生怕怕 ,滑稽世界




恭喜发财 评论

谁知道 朱丽安·摩尔都演过什么电影 电视剧 唱过什么歌曲?


  Morgan's Summit ------- (2009)
  Boone's Lick ------- (2008)
  失明症/盲国漫游记 Blindness ------- (2008)
  鹰眼 Eagle Eye(voice) -------Aria (2008)
  Hateship, Friendship, Courtship ------- (2008)
  我不在那里/我不在场/我不在那儿 I'm Not There. ------- (2007)
  惊魂下一秒/预见未来/先知先觉/关下一秒 Next ------- (2007)
  Saturday Night Live in the '90s: Pop Culture Nation ------- (2007)
  Cómo conseguir un PAPEl en Hollywood ------- (2007)
  Children of Men: Visions of the Future ------- (2007)
  欲孽迷宫/野蛮容光 Savage Grace ------- (2007)
  自由国度/自由地/捍卫自由 Freedomland ------- (2006)
  人类之子/绝种浩劫 Children of Men ------- (2006)
  San Sebastián 2006: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2006)
  "Biography" Sylvester Stallone ------- (2005)
  The Naked Brothers Band ------- (2005)
  信任人/相信男人 Trust the Man ------- (2005)
  Nobel Peace Prize Concert ------- (2005)
  十全主妇/来自俄亥俄的获奖者 The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio ------- (2005)
  遗忘记忆/失落记忆 Remembering 'The Forgotten' ------- (2005)
  AFI Tribute to Meryl Streep ------- (2004)
  Signs and Voices ------- (2004)
  灵异拼图The Forgotten ------- (2004)
  吸引法则/相吸法则/恋爱法则 Laws of Attraction ------- (2004)
  Marie and Bruce ------- (2004)
  101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments ------- (2004)
  The Orange British Academy Film Awards ------- (2003)
  Check the Gate: PUtting Beckett on Film ------- (2003)
  时时刻刻/此时此刻/小说人生 The Hours ------- (2002)
  The Making of 'Far from Heaven' ------- (2002)
  远离天堂 Far from Heaven ------- (2002)
  沉默的羔:汉尼拔Hannibal ------- (2001)
  Reel Comedy: Evolution ------- (2001)
  航运新闻 The ShiPPing News ------- (2001)
  World Traveler ------- (2001)
  Breaking the Silence: The Making of 'Hannibal' ------- (2001)
  Beyond Jurassic Park ------- (2001)
  进化/进化危机 Evolution ------- (2001)
  Behind the Scenes: Hannibal ------- (2001)
  Welcome to Hollywood ------- (2000)
  Not I ------- (2000)
  少妇杀手 The Ladies Man ------- (2000)
  That Moment: Magnolia Diary ------- (2000)
  The 2000 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards ------- (2000)
  财富 cookie's Fortune ------- (1999)
  'PSycho' Path ------- (1999)
  老公不及格 An Ideal Husband ------- (1999)
  木兰花/心灵角落/人生交叉剔 Magnolia ------- (1999)
  爱到尽头 The End of the Affair ------- (1999)
  世界地图 A Map of the World ------- (1999)
  谋杀绿脚趾The Big Lebowski ------- (1998)
  Junket Whore ------- (1998)
  芝加哥出租车 Chicago CAB ------- (1998)
  1999惊魂记/触目惊心 Psycho ------- (1998)
  秘密风暴 The Myth of Fingerprints ------- (1997)
  侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park ------- (1997)
  The Making of 'Lost World' ------- (1997)
  不羁夜/一举成名 Boogie Nights ------- (1997)
  忘情毕加索/拯救毕加索/狂爱走一回 Surviving Picasso ------- (1996)
  安然无恙 Safe ------- (1995)
  同居大作战 Roommates ------- (1995)
  怀胎九月/九月之痒 Nine Months ------- (1995)
  刺客/最后刺客/刺客战场 Assassins ------- (1995)
  "HBO First Look" ------- (1994)
  泛雅在42街口 Vanya on 42nd Street ------- (1994)
  人生交叉点/银色,性,男女/浮世男女/银色·性·男女 Short Cuts ------- (1993)
  亡命天涯/逃亡者 The Fugitive ------- (1993)
  体证据 Body of Evidence ------- (1993)
  邦尼和琼 Benny & Joon ------- (1993)
  Luck, Trust & Ketchup: Robert Altman in Carver Country ------- (1993)
  推动摇篮的手 The Hand That Rocks the Cradle ------- (1992)
  红粉煞星 The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag ------- (1992)
  The Last to Go ------- (1991)
  Cast a Deadly Spell ------- (1991)
  大小精灵 Tales from the Darkside: The Movie ------- (1990)
  金钱、势力、谋杀 Money, Power, Murder. ------- (1989)
  sLaughterhouse II ------- (1988)
  风雨娉婷 "I'll Take Manhattan" ------- (1987)
  "Biography" "Biography" ------- (1987)
  As the World Turns: 30th Anniversary ------- (1986)
  "The Edge of Night" .... Carmen Engler (1 episode, 1984)


《开心鬼撞鬼》,《花田喜事》,《家有喜事》等 评论

钟无艳 Wu yen (2001-1-18)
怪谈之魔镜 Mirror, The (1999-9-9)
爱情梦幻号 Ai qing meng huan hao (1999-2-12)
九星报喜 Gau sing biu choi (1998-1-1)
97家有喜事 All's Well, Ends Well 1997 (1997-2-6)
97家有喜事 There are happy events in 97 (1997-2-6)
大富之家 Dai fu zhi jia (1994-1-1)
水浒笑传 Laughters Of Water Margins (1993-1-1)
花田喜事 All's Well, Ends Well Too (1993-1-1)
家有喜事 All's Well, Ends Well (1992-1-1)
开心鬼上错身 开心鬼上错身 (1991-1-1)
老豆唔怕多 Lao dou wu pa duo (1991-1-1)
开心鬼救开心鬼 Happy Ghost 4 (1989-1-1)
发达秘笈 How to Be a Billionaire (1989-1-1)
八星报喜 Eight Happiness, The (1988-1-1)
七年之痒 Seven Years Itch (1987-1-1)
英雄正传 Ying hung jing juen (1986-1-1)
开心鬼撞鬼 Happy Ghost 3 (1986-1-1)
开心鬼放暑假 Happy Ghost II (1985-1-1)
最佳拍档 Mad Mission 1 (1984-7-27)
开心鬼 Happy Ghost (1984-1-1)
灵气逼人 The Occupant (1984-1-1)
小生怕怕 Xiao sheng pa pa (1982-1-1)
滑稽世界 Laughing Times (1981-1-1)
皆大欢喜 Native Husband With Wife From (2004-1-17)
怪谈之魔镜 Mirror, The (1999-9-9)
开心鬼上错身 开心鬼上错身 (1991-1-1) 评论

关键词: 电影
