

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-25 13:44:07 浏览次数:153


1.A Love So Beautiful

2.眼中的迷雾 http:///download/music/SmokeGetsInYourEyes.MP3


兄弟,有了给我来一个~ 追问:

不道德的交易 影评
INDECENT PROPOSAL is a great example of a great premise for a movie - Would you allow your wife to sleep with a complete stranger for one million dollars ? and it's not too difficult to understand why this movie was so talked about on its initial release . Well would you ?
The one problem that the movie suffers from is that Robert Redford was cast as John Gage , the middle aged billionaire who desires the comPAny of Demi Moore's character Diane Murphy . Robert Redford who aged in his mid fifties looks about ten years younger and who still female fans to this day . One can't help thinking that Adrian Lyne would have been far better off exploiting the premise further by casting a much more physically rePUlsive actor as Gage . Some defenders may claim that Redford equals good box office and certainly this movie did suPErbly as far as world wide receipt's go , but it's a movie whose main selling point must be the simple central idea and would have perhaPS ended up a much better film . It's interesting to note that when women in their late 30s to early 50s answer the question " Would you ? " they usually end up replying " Robert Redford ! I'd go to bed with him for free " .
Without doubt, the touchy theme makes this film worth watching.The film doesn't condemn anybody. It just reveals the fragility of a relationship, despite the strong love that resides in it.The film uses an extravagant trigger to create a convincing emotional crisis that many couples will recognize.

The message is that at the end, true love wins; an attitude that I would recommend to any loving pair, attained by jealousy and resentment. 评论

如果我是男的,估计也和多数男人一样不会同意这样的交易并且绝对不会相信什么事情都没发生,天下没有免费的午餐难道竟然有凭空掉下的100万?这种事情毕竟有损自尊,而且假如对妻子有感情可能生理心理都不大好接受吧。但我是女性,站在妻子的立场,如果不被丈夫知道,而我又不讨厌那个富翁,那么有何不可?"贫贱夫妻百事哀"啊!100万可以为贫穷的夫妻生活增添多少乐趣?人总归是要向现实俯首的。不过假如事前丈夫已经知道那当然就具体问题具体分析了,关是要看丈夫是怎样的人以及自己对丈夫的感情是否深厚到可以放弃100万。 评论

巫师2 不道德的计划 到了黄昏也进不去罗列多的家啊
你等到天黑了再去 追问:

不应该啊 评论

