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爱猫人士一定要看,各种猫咪的生活细节可爱的让人抓狂,这只童年卖萌、长大分享《穿靴子的猫》高清 http://hi.baidu.com/2qinwenfei/blog/item/ 评论


http:///html/gndy/dyzz/20120212/36466.html 评论

  猫:In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose , I found myself at a crossroads .
Was I destined to be an outlaw … or a hero ?
I did not know . only one thing was certain . I am PUss In Boots !
侍卫:Are you Puss In Boots ?
猫:I am … No .
This is outrageous ! What am I charged with , anyway ?
Because I’m pretty sure you got the wrong gato .
侍卫:Presenting Princess Alessandra Bellagamba !
猫:Your Majesty . I throw myself upon your mercy .
侍卫:Silencio !
公主:My heart has been stolen .
猫:I am innocent . I’ve seen you before in my life .
公主:No , Signore Boots .
      The Heart of Fire ruby is missing .
      It’s the crown jewel of my kingdom .
      Now there is only a hole wher the Heart once was .
      I want to hire you to find the Heart and bring it back to me .
猫:You want to hire me ?
公主:Yes . Your reputation is that of a cat who fears nothing .
猫:Yep . This is me .
Back off !
So , tell me more .
公主:The Heart was stolen by the notorious French thief , Le Chuchoteur
: Le what ?
公主:Le Chuchoteur . The WhisPErer .
: Why are we whispering ?
公主:That is his name !
      You must find him . I’ll PAy you anything .
: Yeah . Your tears are payment enough . 
公主:Grazie ! Grazie !
      Signore Boots , during the robbery we captured three of The Whisperer’s henchmen . They
      are the only ones who know the location of his secret hideout , but they will not talk .
: I will make them talk .
公主:I must warn you , these are the most vile and ferocious mercenaries we have ever encountered .
: I am Puss In Boots , I fear nothing !
   Open up !
   Is this a joke ?
侍卫:It’s no joke ! They are devils .
: These guys ?
公主:Signore , if these diablos help you find The Whisperer’s secret hideout , I will grant them their freedom .
: So , kitties , will you help Puss ?
   Princesa , your ruby is as good as found .
   You show Uncle Puss wher The Whisperer lives . Later , we will all go out for fish sticks !
   I know you want to play , but …Hey , hey , what are you …?
   No !
   Wait ! Those are mine !
   No !
   Stop it ! Gatos !
   This is very bad for my reputation .
   Pray for mercy … diablos !
   What ?
   Why did you do that ?
   No fish sticks for you !
   In the morning , you are going back to jail forever.
   Think of your mama . She’s going to be very disaPPOinted .
   You have no mama ..
   I should have known . You are orphans . Well , little ones , so am I . 
I know it’s hard to grow up . When you don’t know who to trust . Believe me , I was betrayed by my very best friend . He was an egg . He led me down the wrong path …  just as this Whisperer has done to you . What you need , pequenos , is for someone to point you in the right direction …  ..someone like me .
   And I shall call you Perla , because you are one of a kind . And you , Gonzalo , for you scraPPy temper . And you will be … ..Sir Timoteo Montenegro the Third . Because sometimes a title is all you need .
   Now gather around , for you have much to learn from…
   …Puss In Boots .
   And after that , the vine grew and grew , straight up into the clouds … to the Land of Giants.
      And that is all for tonight , my pequenos .
   The secret hideout .
耳语大盗:I am The Whisperer .
猫:What ?
耳语大盗:I am The …
猫:One more time , OK , buddy? 
耳语大盗:I am The Whisperer .
猫:-- You are The Whisperer ?
耳语大盗:Yes , I am .
猫:Good . I’ve come to take back the Heart of Fire ruby .
耳语大盗:What ?  You brought him here . You will pay dearly for betraying me , you naughty cats .
猫:You have to get through me first ! 
   Run , kittens , and don’t look back !
耳语大盗: Bad kittens .
猫:No !
    Hang on !
    Oh well . that’s that . We did it . Now , it is time for fish sticks !
公主:Signore Boots , the kingdom thanks you . Reward him .
猫:Oh , no no .This too much .
    Hey , you droPPEd one! Ldiota .
    And I have a gift for you .   Your new personal guard .
    It’s OK. They are much better now .
公主:Thank you .
猫:Now , I have to go .
   Gracias ,my little friends ,for you have shown me .there is glory , and sometimes gold , in doing the right thing .
      And you , Timmy . will definitely find gold in your litter box .
      Be good …my kids in boots . Allergies.
公主: Arrivedercil !
猫:I will never forget you . just as I know you will never forget the name Puss in …


穿靴子的猫第二部什么时候上映?说下 谢谢了
要是和第一部一样精彩甚至更精彩至少三四年吧,毕竟动画是蛮难画的哟,我是真心期待,你先看看别的动画,看饱了就来让你惊讶的鞋猫剑客2了哟! 评论

