

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-21 15:42:26 浏览次数:185
爱情连连看插曲 预告片 The ting tings - 《that‘s not my name》 女生进场 akb48 - 《babybabybaby》 男嘉宾出场 Troy Bolton - 《Get'cha Head In The Game》 卡位站 白智英 - 《爱情会来吗》 大幕全部拉开 kara 组合的歌,叫《mr》 打开第一个大幕 《can't take my eyes off you》 这歌有很多个版本,爱情连连看的,用酷搜索 铃 快节奏 can't take my eyes off you 女生请就位 alicia keys - 《rapture》 男生重新点亮灯 李玖哲 - 《只牵你的手》 男生来拍板 李胜基 - 《现在开始我爱你》 牵手失败 王力宏 - 《你不知道的事》 牵手成功 1983 - 《爱情木瓜》非诚勿扰:男嘉宾出场音乐插曲《can you feel it》 女嘉宾出场音乐 艾薇儿的《girl freid》 女嘉宾被选中走上台的音乐 少女时代 《Gee》 男女嘉宾配对成功插曲 卓文萱《梁山伯与朱丽叶》 男生失败退场插曲【伤痛的不止是一个】 可惜不是你-梁静茹 评论

1) 终于台上锣鼓停了,大幕拉开,角色出场。&(打&的是相当于画线的)但不管男的女的,出来偏不面对观众,一律背身掩面,女的就碎步后移,水上漂一样,台下就叫:瞧那腰身,那肩头,一身的戏哟!是男的就摇那帽翎,一会儿双摇,一会儿单摇,一边上下飞闪,一边纹丝不动,台下便叫:绝了,绝了!等
上联:台上是人台下也是人,锣鼓打响人看人,求下联 评论

Alicia Keys《Rapture》
Toe to toe
Dancing very close
Barely breathing
Almost comatose
Wall to wall
PEople hypnotized
And they’re stePPing lightly
Hang each night in Rapture

Back to back
Spineless movement
And a wild attack

Face to face
Sadly solitude
And it’s finger popping
Twenty-four hour shopping in Rapture

Fab Five Freddie told me everybody’s high
DJ’s spinnin’ are savin’ my mind
Flash is fast, Flash is cool
Francois sez fas, Flashe’ no do
And you don’t stop, sure shot
Go out to the PArking lot
And you get in your car and you drive real far
And you drive all night and then you see a light
And it comes right down and lands on the ground
And out comes a man from Mars
And you try to run but he’s got a gun

And he shoots you dead and he eats your head
And then you’re in the man from Mars
You go out at night, eatin’ cars
You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too
Mercuries and Subarus
And you don’t stop, you keep on eatin’ cars
Then, when there’s no more cars
You go out at night and eat up bars wher the people meet
Face to face, dance cheek to cheek
One to one, man to man
Dance toe to toe
Don’t move too slow, ’cause the man from Mars
Is through with cars, he’s eatin’ bars
Yeah, wall to wall, door to door, hall to hall
He’s gonna eat ‘em all
Rapture, be PUre
Take a tour, through the sewer
Don’t strain your brain, paint a train
You’ll be singin’ in the rain
I said don’t stop, do punk rock

Well now you see what you wanna be
Just have your party on TV
‘Cause the man from Mars won’t eat up bars when the TV’s on
And now he’s gone back up to space
wher he won’t have a hassle with the human race
And you hip-hop, and you don’t stop
Just blast off, sure shot
‘Cause the man from Mars stoPPEd eatin’ cars and eatin’ bars
And now he only eats guitars, get up! 追问:

爱情连连看大幕拉开时的英文歌,有句I love bab的叫啥名?

打开第一个大幕  《can't take my eyes off you》


i love you baby and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby
trust in me when i say (it's) ok
oh pretty baby don't let me down i pray
oh pretty baby now that i found you stay
and let me love you oh baby let me love you oh baby


爱情连连看. 拉开大幕的歌曲叫啥啊,
KARA--Mr 评论

卡位站          白智英 -《爱情会来吗》
打开第一个大幕 hermes house band-《can't take my eyes off you》


