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关于学校班级存在的不足。。进行交流。 评论

【初中地理】 [登高望远]或[站得高,看的远]能做为支持“地是一个球体”的事实或现象吗????









A Hero in My Heart Bruce Lee is a hero in my heart. He was an American-born martial artist, philosopher, instructor, martial arts actor. He was widely regarded as the most influential martial artist of the twentieth century and a cultural icon. . Lee was born in California, and raised in Hong Kong. His films elEVAted the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of poPUlarity and acclaim, and draw westerners’interest in Chinese martial arts. Lee became an iconic figure PArticularly to the Chinese, as he portrayed Chinese national pride and Chinese nationalism in his movies. He primarily practiced Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu). There are a number of legacies surrounding Lee that still exist in Hong Kong culture today. One is that his early 70s interview on the TVB show Enjoy Yourself Tonight cleared the busy streets of Hong Kong as everyone was watching the interview at home. Another topic is that his moment of birth is often used as a modern cultural proof of the existence of the Four Pillars of Destiny concept, having been born in the year of the dragon and hour of the dragon along with other astrological alignment. Although Lee is best known as a martial artist and actor, he majored in philosophy at the University of Washington. He was well-read and had an extensive library. His own books on martial arts and fighting philosophy are known for their philosophical assertions both inside and outside of martial arts circles. His eclectic philosophy often mirrored his fighting beliefs, though he was quick to claim that his martial arts were solely a metaphor for such teachings. He believed that any knowledge ultimately led to self-knowledge, and said that his chosen method of self-expression was martial arts. Lee felt that many martial artists of his day did not sPEnd enough time on physical conditioning. Bruce included all elements of total fitness—muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. He tried traditional bodybuilding techniques to build bulky muscles or mass. However, Lee was careful to admonish that mental and spiritual preparation was fundamental to the success of physical training in martial arts skills. Lee is really a Chinese hero in my heart. 评论

我也差不多诶。同感。 既然你们下学期不同班了,那么周末上网聊聊彼此班里的事。最重要的是讲讲自己的心情啊,会增进你们的友情。让他觉得你肯告诉他,至少当他是朋友的!谈这方面是最有话题可说的了。当然也不用一直谈学习。你也可以把今天发生的什么事很自然的说出来,比如今天心情不好啊,今天运气好啊之类的事说出来,一起分享分担。他肯定有所评论,然后再聊下去就OK啦! 其实呢。东扯西扯的啦``随便说说,随便侃侃,不是为了聊天而聊天,是为了让彼此开心而聊天。所以呢,你也别想太多了。祝你成功哦! 评论

它总让人想起硕果累累的秋,满眼的金黄色或者火红色,处处流露着收获的喜悦。 但收获也会常常困扰我们。我们时常抱怨得到的太少,但仔细想想,是我们自身的期望太高了。就像那个捡蘑菇的孩子,总想要那个最大的,最后却一无所获。我想丰厚的所得是要靠小的细节一点一点积累的,没有小事的用心,大的收获根本无从谈起。 记得一个故事。有位农场主拥有一块丰腴的土地,他告诉人们,从农场某一点出发,只要谁能在天黑之前回来,那么那个人所走过的土地都将属于他,多么诱人又看似不费吹灰之力的要求啊,但是后来却没有一个人得到土地。因为他们太贪心,总想多走一点,最后都没赶回去。也许看起来这么容易的问题真正出现在我们身边时也同样会困扰我们。 人,不可太不知满足,往往贪心的人才会一无所获。 静下来,仔细思考一下,收获是靠心来感悟的。我曾经非常喜欢诗词,总想一下子把那些优美的诗句全部装进脑中,但却总没有一首能完整地背出来。朋友告诉我,与其急于求成地每天翻几页,不如几天品味揣摩一首,只有用心感悟,才会领悟到更多更深的东西。是的,不要小看一滴微小的积累,这一滴缩进了全部的精华。 我们生活中每天都有许多收获,只要用心感受,就一定看得到。清晨,一声温暖的问候,收获的是对方美好的微笑;一段热心的帮助,收获的是别人真诚的感激。甚至连一朵飘逸轻灵的云,一只驻足歌唱的小鸟,一圈湖上漾起的涟漪,都会让我们收获到美,使心灵得到满足。 “生活中并不缺少美,缺少的是发现美的眼睛”,同样,生活中也并不缺少收获的,只是用心体会的问题。让我们的心再变得灵敏一些,让收获充盈着它,让我们真正感到生活着的美好。 所以,静静坐下来吧,让心也静下来,仔细体会我们的收获,这会更使我们热爱和感激这个世界,让心灵感受到更多的幸福。 评论






关键词: 作业
