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http://baike.baidu.com/view/547128.htm 来自百度百科,异常详细 评论

近代物理(广义相对论)认为万有引力是由于时空弯曲而产生,并认为宇宙当中的曲线运动在四维时空中是直线运动.......... 引力的产生与质量的产生是联系在一起的,质量是物质的内秉性质,由空间的变化产生的一种效应,引力附属质量的产生而出现。但是对为什么产生引力目前没有解释 追问:

地心引力英语观后感 120字 高二水平

This is the \"gravity\" about the composition, if did not have the sPAce station in space? Film \"gravity\" is such a story, the two astronauts aboard a Chinese spacecraft returned to earth in the end. \"Gravity\" more about essay writing to the best of the giant network.

Gravity 90 min, for a structure in space science fiction movie I think it is a little short, but I found the movie ends, this is actually a PSeudo science fiction movie. All world view architecture without any sense of overhead, and even the Chinese Factor is sPEcial in our general cognition such as named shenzhou and tiangong spacecraft. Although all shot and scene is set in space, but no two constituents of science fiction is a science and education has been introduced science frontier information channel. Film itself is the kernel, to high-tech space disaster under the background of human ingenuity, and tenacity.

Rating I refused to give the movie for a long time, because first of all, I think in the film industry in China the big dick fuck all climax, a good movie is a very vague concept, whether each big prizes or movie box office word of mouth, has not been enough to convince everyone whether a movie is universal good or bad. Today is more like you the way to the cinema to the vegetable market to buy chicken, a chicken in the good and bad all depends on what kind of food do you want to do today, whether it is a big rooster hen Chai Ji poultry are to be used. Has been a lot of people criticized douban critics not objective and PUshed for niche film, so Gravity 97% rotten tomatoes, IMDB 8. 7 many people criticize of evaluation. In his need, today or put down all the quantitative results and good and bad. Don't give the second film score of reason is that I think I'm not qualified.

First is going to talk about Gravity humanism kernel, with all the major positive energy, subject matter or for their omnipotent perseverance human intelligence and wisdom of excessive masturbation. With lens has three living in the film, in addition to George clooney and Sandra bullock and tease than a harvard graduate. Unfortunately George clooney in the film is not more than half disaPPEars in outer space although there are three minutes of the second half of the last gasps was letting a person, can let the person regret. Sandra bullock plays a dead daughter of middle-aged female astronauts, cowardice, vulnerable stubborn nerve become rebellious domineering. Movies, her several times, careless, a meeting of the international space station, put yourself in danger. Is a driving skill set to send medical engineer. , by contrast, the astronauts of George clooney is the other extreme, calm, mild, every moment of the day of the boundless outer space broad tone as teacher zhao zhongxiang is composed. Mixed with aPPropriate smooth patter, George clooney and created an extremely positive significance in the mainstream of image.

Film details are very abundant, Sandra bullock's embryonic form of posture, the China factor within the jingu, Russian aviation service of the international space station, the scattered tears, incompetent NASA... If you have read too much will, Gravity is a mine for you. George clooney's detachment drifts away the hysteria and Sandra bullock in contrast, the quiet dear, outer space and the United States in outer space very black and big blue earth, great contradiction in the film is the most practical and effective technique of expression.

Have you seen harry potter 3, if you know the director Alfonso caron is a long slasher, harry potter 3 I am very tired. Not surprisingly, the opening is a Lao ke long lens, more than 10 minutes until the beginning of the disaster. Film and television work in electricity sound effects are not strong, to strengthen the large cast, the external space mirror long fei son just right, erratic perspective can be a bit so the meaning of the 4 d. Third perspective of cinematic view constantly switch, long time have been erratic restless, and sometimes to men and women protagonist of the first perspective instead of splicing switch. The film's visual effects and music are super. Outer space under the background of the quiet, listening to the original don't need to look at the subtitles?

Final final, Sandra bullock has chosen to take the spacecraft to return to earth, I think it is to be sure, China's aerospace industry if she some optional, or I were her, I may choose to suppress dead in outer space. At least don't have to endure the spacecraft burst the flesh torn pain.


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