

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-20 14:40:17 浏览次数:207
正月很冷的一天,保尔本该下班,但是接班人未到,老板娘不答应,因此他虽疲倦还得再做一天一夜,晚上他把水龙头拧开,可是没有水,他让水龙头开着,自己倒在柴堆上睡着了,几分钟后水龙头来水了,到处流淌。普罗霍尔痛打保尔一顿,开除了他。 评论

擦鞋 评论

1,到自己的公司推产品 了,2,敬业的人让身边的人都感动不已,新人要多鼓励 ,支持他。3,他明白了以后更加努力的把保险做好 让更多人都了解它。4,体现了一个业务员不怕辛牢积极 敬业的精神 同时也体现了经理的善解仁义 支持新人给他的发展的平台。5,经理看到他很敬业 为了支持新人 所以让办公司的人都买了 追问:

面对现实,不说大道理,自己的前途,自己来把握 . 当我们追求理想时,当然不能忽略了实际问题。 最完美的是能将理想和实际相结合, 找一份你最爱的工作。 当理想和实际有分歧时,你要分三步走。 1)面对现实,只要能得温饱,有了一定的收入,你能从中得到物质的享受 2) 从实际出发,做你不是最喜爱的工作。把不爱做的工作做得“足够好”,然后再说去追逐什么理想。 3)逐步实现理想,做你不是最爱的工作,而在你不爱的工作上拚命, 赚够了钱,解决了吃饭的问题,再去做你最爱的工作。 。。。 . 理想与实际是可以兼得的。但是你必须有计划,必须付出,必须执著。 三百六十行,行行出状元,所以不能说什么工作好什么工作不好。 许多做出成就的人其实都是从小事做起,兢兢业业,然后才取得成功的。 一个工作只要你喜欢,而且这个工作又特别适合你,能最大限度地发挥你的长处, 那么,这就是个好工作。我不太赞成找不到工作就不就业的做法。在就业的同时能实现择业当然好, 但是,在就业形势比较严峻的形势下,很难在就业的同时实现择业。 在这种情况下,先就业后择业未必就不是一件好事,在这个过程中你会发现自己积累了好多社会经验, 积累了许多职业技能,而现在企业越来越看中经验。所以先积累经验, 这也有助于你以后找到更为理想的工作。 打工,实践,积蓄,有一定条件后自己发展。 应该说哪一行都不好做,只要努力哪一行都能做好! . 祝你成功! 评论



My first job

Ladies and gentlemen

Everybody is good:


It's nice to be here with you share my haPPiness together.

As a primary school English teacher I feel very honored and also very happy!

Remember me when I finished college, employment pressure facing society, I don't know how to choose, a little hesitation, a lot of time with students are doing the same thing - interview to interview, not the comPAny despises me, which I despises company, this for a long time.

Slowly I numb, until in casual indirect to father's a phone call. Father is an old teacher, I have been very concerned about to. I was situation most propbably father very clearly, but, he what advice nor give me, he hung up the phone. Father usually very resPEct my choice.

Finish father phone, I unconsciously I recall father used to life and work. ......, my heart had the answer, what should I do? I like to do?

Then I'm excited told my classmate, my decision - when a primary school teacher. Students decide for me to disagree, but I am happy. Soon I apply for primary school English teachers to the center of the position.

There, I have harvested happiness! When I first stands on the platform, looking at that pairs of PUre and longing eyes, I'm moving. I said to myself must like my father is a good teacher.
I took three bus and although English of class. Start I teach students simple sentences, British standard, grammar. According to the traditional method is teaching. But in the end I found midterm exam result isn't very good, because see transcripts, some students had uPSet facial expression on his face. For several days I've thought about this - how to let students happy learn English and get good grades?

The next lecture I will change. I often give students speak some English joke or foreign proverb, found those little skull are very happy, I am also happy. Later, etc to the fourth grade, I will they give students speak English small story or witticisms. Everyone has the oPPOrtunity, everyone was excited! Of course return my is - the classmates all became interested in learning English. And after graduation tests we have a happy tea party, because of my students are smooth graduated, and obtain the county-wide second good result! For my own change and pleasure, to have such a good student and proud.

Today I'm very happy to be here to share my true choice - for interest and choose how happy one thing: yes. It's nice to be here with you share my happiness together.


关键词: 工作 重要性
