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1部 就叫史酷比 评论

1 Titanic PAr. $1,842.9 $600.8 32.6% $1,242.1 67.4% 1997 2 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King NL $1,119.1 $377.0 33.7% $742.1 66.3% 2003 3 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BV $1,066.2 $423.3 39.7% $642.9 60.3% 2006 4 The Dark Knight WB $1,001.9 $533.3 53.2% $468.6 46.8% 2008 5 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone WB $974.7 $317.6 32.6% $657.2 67.4% 2001 6 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End BV $961.0 $309.4 32.2% $651.6 67.8% 2007 7 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix WB $938.2 $292.0 31.1% $646.2 68.9% 2007 8 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince WB $929.2 $301.8 32.5% $627.4 67.5% 2009 9 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers NL $925.3 $341.8 36.9% $583.5 63.1% 2002^ 10 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace Fox $924.3 $431.1 46.6% $493.2 53.4% 1999 11 Shrek 2 DW $919.8 $441.2 48.0% $478.6 52.0% 2004 12 Jurassic Park Uni. $914.7 $357.1 39.0% $557.6 61.0% 1993 13 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire WB $895.9 $290.0 32.4% $605.9 67.6% 2005 14 Spider-Man 3 Sony $890.9 $336.5 37.8% $554.3 62.2% 2007 15 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Fox $878.8 $196.5 22.4% $682.2 77.6% 2009 16 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets WB $878.6 $262.0 29.8% $616.7 70.2% 2002 17 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring NL $870.8 $314.8 36.1% $556.0 63.9% 2001^ 18 Finding Nemo BV $864.6 $339.7 39.3% $524.9 60.7% 2003 19 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith Fox $848.8 $380.3 44.8% $468.5 55.2% 2005 20 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen P/DW $833.2 $402.1 48.3% $431.1 51.7% 2009 21 Spider-Man Sony $821.7 $403.7 49.1% $418.0 50.9% 2002 22 IndePEndence Day Fox $817.4 $306.2 37.5% $511.2 62.5% 1996 23 Shrek the Third P/DW $799.0 $322.7 40.4% $476.2 59.6% 2007 24 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $795.6 $249.5 31.4% $546.1 68.6% 2004 25 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial Uni. $792.9 $435.1 54.9% $357.8 45.1% 1982^ 26 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Par. $786.6 $317.1 40.3% $469.5 59.7% 2008 27 The Lion King BV $783.8 $328.5 41.9% $455.3 58.1% 1994^ 28 Spider-Man 2 Sony $783.8 $373.6 47.7% $410.2 52.3% 2004 29 Star Wars Fox $775.4 $461.0 59.5% $314.4 40.5% 1977^ 30 The Da Vinci Code Sony $758.2 $217.5 28.7% $540.7 71.3% 2006 31 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe BV $745.0 $291.7 39.2% $453.3 60.8% 2005 32 The Matrix Reloaded WB $742.1 $281.6 37.9% $460.6 62.1% 2003 33 Transformers P/DW $709.7 $319.2 45.0% $390.5 55.0% 2007 34 Forrest Gump Par. $677.4 $329.7 48.7% $347.7 51.3% 1994 35 The Sixth Sense BV $672.8 $293.5 43.6% $379.3 56.4% 1999 36 Ice Age: The Meltdown Fox $655.4 $195.3 29.8% $460.1 70.2% 2006 37 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl BV $654.3 $305.4 46.7% $348.9 53.3% 2003 38 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones Fox $649.4 $310.7 47.8% $338.7 52.2% 2002^ 39 Kung Fu Panda P/DW $631.7 $215.4 34.1% $416.3 65.9% 2008 40 The Incredibles BV $631.4 $261.4 41.4% $370.0 58.6% 2004 41 Hancock Sony $624.4 $227.9 36.5% $396.4 63.5% 2008 42 Ratatouille BV $623.7 $206.4 33.1% $417.3 66.9% 2007 43 The Lost World: Jurassic Park Uni. $618.6 $229.1 37.0% $389.6 63.0% 1997 44 The Passion of the Christ NM $611.9 $370.8 60.6% $241.1 39.4% 2004^ 45 Mamma Mia! Uni. $609.8 $144.1 23.6% $465.7 76.4% 2008 46 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa P/DW $603.9 $180.0 29.8% $423.9 70.2% 2008 47 Casino Royale Sony $594.2 $167.4 28.2% $426.8 71.8% 2006 48 War of the Worlds Par. $591.7 $234.3 39.6% $357.5 60.4% 2005 49 Men in Black Sony $589.4 $250.7 42.5% $338.7 57.5% 1997 50 Quantum of Solace




1.《泰坦尼克号》1,835,300,000 2.《指环王:王者归来》1,129,219,252 3.《加勒比海盗2》1,045,254,338 4.《哈利波特与魔法石》968,657,891 5.《星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁》922,379,000 6.《指环王:双塔奇兵》921,600,000 7.《侏罗纪公园》919,700,000 8.《哈利波特与火焰杯》892,194,397 9.《史莱克2》880,871,036 10.《哈利波特与密室》866,300,000 评论

达尼号〉也算吧,绝对不能忽略 评论


排名 电影名称 出品年份 全球票房(亿) 全美票房(亿) 海外票房(亿)
1 泰坦尼克号(Titanic) 1997年 $18.45 $6.008 $12.44
2 魔戒3:王者归来(The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King) 2003年 $11.19 $3.77 $7.42
3 哈利·波特之魔法石(Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) 2001年 $9.76 $3.17 $6.59
4 魔戒2:双塔奇兵(The Lord of the Rings:The Two Towers) 2002年 $9.26 $3.42 $5.84
5 星战前传:魅影危机(Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace) 1999年 $9.24 $4.31 $4.93
6 怪物史莱克2(Shrek 2) 2004年 $9.20 $4.41 $4.79
7 侏罗纪公园(Jurassic Park) 1993年 $9.14 $3.57 $5.57
8 哈利·波特:火杯的考验(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) 2005年 $8.92 $2.90 $6.02
9 哈利·波特:消失的密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) 2002年 $8.76 $2.62 $6.14
10 魔戒:魔戒现身(The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) 2001年 $8.71 $3.14 $5.57
11 海底总动员(Finding Nemo) 2003年 $8.64 $3.39 $5.25
12 星战前传3:西斯的复仇(Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith) 2005年 $8.50 $3.80 $4.70
13 蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man) 2002年 $8.21 $4.03 $4.18
14 独立日(Independence Day) 1996年 $8.17 $3.06 $5.11
15 外星人E.T.(E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial) 1982年 $7.93 $4.35 $3.58
16 哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) 2004年 $7.89 $2.49 $5.40
17 狮子王(The Lion King) 1994年 $7.83 $3.28 $4.55
18 蜘蛛侠2(Spider-Man 2) 2004年 $7.83 $3.73 $4.10
19 星球大战(Star Wars) 1977年 $7.75 $4.61 $3.14
20 纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) 2005年 $7.44 $2.92 $4.52
21 黑客帝国2:重装上阵(The Matrix Reloaded) 2003年 $7.38 $2.81 $4.57
22 达·芬奇密码(The Da Vinci Code) 2006年 $7.06 $2.11 $4.95
23 阿甘正传(Forrest Gump) 1994年 $6.77 $3.30 $3.47
24 灵异第六感(The Sixth Sense) 1999年 $6.72 $2.93 $3.79
25 加勒比海盗(Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) 2003年 $6.54 $3.05 $3.49
26 星战前传2:克隆人的进攻(Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones) 2002年 $6.49 $3.10 $3.39
27 冰河世纪2:消融(Ice Age: The Meltdown) 2006年 $6.38 $1.93 $4.45
28 超人特工队(The Incredibles) 2004年 $6.31 $2.61 $3.70
29 侏罗纪公园2(The Lost World: Jurassic Park) 1997年 $6.18 $2.29 $3.89
30 耶稣受难记(The Passion of the Christ) 2004年 $6.12 $3.70 $2.42
31 世界大战(War of the Worlds) 2005年 $5.91 $2.34 $3.57
32 黑超特警组(Men in Black) 1997年 $5.89 $2.51 $3.38
33 世界末日/绝世天劫(Armageddon) 1998年 $5.54 $2.02 $3.52
34 金刚(King Kong) 2005年 $5.49 $2.18 $3.31
35 谍中谍2(Mission: Impossible II) 2000年 $5.45 $2.15 $3.30
36 后天(The Day After Tomorrow) 2004年 $5.42 $1.86 $3.56
37 星球大战:帝国反击战(The Empire Strikes Back) 1980年 $5.38 $2.90 $2.48
38 达加斯加(Madagascar) 2005年 $5.28 $1.93 $3.35
39 怪物公司(Monsters, Inc.) 2001年 $5.254 $2.559 $2.695
40 终结者2(Terminator 2: Judgment Day) 1991年 $5.198 $2.048 $3.150
41 拜见岳父大人2(Meet the Fockers) 2004年 $5.165 $2.793 $2.373
42 人鬼情未了(Ghost) 1990年 $5.057 $2.176 $2.881
43 阿拉丁(Aladdin) 1992年 $5.041 $2.174 $2.867
44 特洛伊(Troy) 2004年 $4.974 $1.334 $3.640
45 龙卷风(Twister) 1996年 $4.945 $2.417 $2.528
46 玩具总动员2(Toy Story 2) 1999年 $4.850 $2.459 $2.392
47 冒牌天神(Bruce Almighty) 2003年 $4.846 $2.428 $2.417
48 怪物史莱克(Shrek) 2001年 $4.844 $2.677 $2.167
49 拯救大兵瑞恩(Saving Private Ryan) 1998年 $4.818 $2.165 $2.653
50 史密斯夫妇(Mr. & Mrs. Smith) 2005年 $4.782 $1.863 $2.919
