

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-19 14:59:45 浏览次数:178
《Solo dancer゜|▍     〔独舞家族官方简介〕》 分类:独舞▍家族 [03-20 12:54] 全文阅读 (共2页)   导读:   独舞,是一个网络家族。家族成立于2012年1月14日,由Mc帅少、何盼、阳阳三人创办。因为有着共同的兴趣爱好,我们走到了一起。家族成立不久,便得到广大网络界好友的支持与追捧。   在这个浩瀚的网络里,相约走在了一起,我们有了一个在网络里温馨的家!   家族以多元化发展迈向网络!涉及百度空间、腾讯空间、百度贴吧、腾讯搜吧、YYFC音乐、游戏公会、好友问问、百度MP3、YY等!   在阳阳的全力贡献下,在Mc帅少鼓舞动下,在何盼精心策划下,在高管的密切配合下,更因为有家族成员的团结友爱,促使独舞家族正茁壮成长!   独舞家族虽然称不上在网络家族里数一数二,但是我们相信!今日在族人的共同努力下,明日誓必创造出属于我们的辉煌!   【独舞家族简介】:   中文名称:独舞家族   英语名称:Solo dance   中文简称:独家   代表字符:独舞.Solo.   创办人:帅少、阳阳、何盼   【家族宣言】:   当你落寞了,独自一个人的时候,也不要忘记舞动前进的步伐,独舞有你有我。   【独舞家族属性】:   家族以QQ群的方式来进行家族管理于交流,以QQ群为发展基石,以QQ空间为发展条件,将逐步迈向整个网络,走向家族多元化趋势!   家族已经从单一QQ空间互动延伸至同城娱乐交友、技术交流、视觉开拓、YY语音娱乐、文字爱好团体家族   【独舞家族八大部】:   高管总部  审核部门     巡查部门  代言部门     宣传部门  外交部门     精英部门  技术部门   〔更多部门待发展〕   【独舞家族所属QQ群分类】:   网络外交群 娱乐交友群    学习交流群 技术交流群   上班一族群 家族成员群   〔更多群系待发展〕   【家族外围团队】:   学习交流团 文字爱好团   人气互动团 慈善公益团   〔更多团队待发展〕   【关于家族名字定义】:   独舞,只是一个代名词而已,没有什么特别的意义!倘若有,那也在于看待这个词汇的人是如何去理解的!可以代表信念,代表梦想,又或者是代表着一种寄托。   -----------------------------【独舞家族标准马甲】:   网名昵称:   独舞.XX   或者   Solo.XX   例如:   独舞.小婷   Solo.帅少   小贴士:   〔XX在这里代表自己的网络用名或者真实用名或者小名〕   ----------------------------空间昵称:   Solo dancer゜|▍XXQzone乐园   例如:Solo dancer゜|▍盼盼Qzone乐园   小贴士:   〔XX在这里代表自己的网络用名或者真实用名或者小名〕   -----------------------------   独舞家族全国接待审核群:86759161   家族暂时歪歪ID:64565057   寄语:   这里是空间爱好者的家。这里云集了众多兄弟姐妹,这里是一个心灵温馨的港湾。风风雨雨,我们同甘共苦!独舞家族欢迎网络里每位GGMM的加入!   ┝用心诠释·不离不弃┥ 评论









我没有的,你问别人要 评论

舞蹈烟花三月的串词 评论








Justin Timberlake 的 Magic 是一首pop ,R&B 的舞曲

试听 http://mp3.gougou.com/ting?cid=434AB435104D29C2D0937EC4CDC222A87439AD8A&ti=0&tit=magic&singer=justin%20timberlake

http:///search?search=magic%20%20%20%20justin&restyPE=-1&id=10000001&ty=0&PAttern=0 有好多,我试听的是第三个

(One two three ,Go)

your touch is so magic to me
the strangest things can haPPEn
the way that you react to me
i wanna do somethin you can't imagine..
imagine if there was a million mes talkin sexy to ya like that
you think you can handle boy when i give you my squeeze and i need you to PUsh it right back..

so can you show me, show me
what's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me?
...and i'll be goin', goin' till it aPPears that there is nothing but shoes on me..oh baby.
oooh babe

all night show, it's just you and the clock should be crowd to do tricks you never seen
and i bet that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic
so just me drive my body around you, i bet you'll know what i mean
cos' you know that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic.

everything ain't what it seems, i wave my hands and i got you
you feel so fly assisting me, but now its my turn to watch you..
ain't gon' stop you if you wanna crowd my neck, talk sexy, do me like that..
just do what i taught you boy, when i give you my squeeze and i need you to push it right back..

so can you show me, show me
what's your favorite trick that you wanna use on me?
and i'll volunteer and i'll be goin', goin' till it appears that there is nothing but shoes on me
oooh babe

all night show, it's just you and the clock should be crowd to do tricks you never seen
and i bet that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic
so just me drive my body around you, i bet you'll know what i mean
cos' you know that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic.

this is the part that we fall in love..
(ohhh ohh ohhh suga)
lets slow it down so we fall in love..
(but don't stop what ya doin to me)

all night show, it's just you and the clock should be crowd to do tricks you never seen
and i bet that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic
so just me drive my body around you, i bet you'll know what i mean
cos' you know that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic.

all night show, it's just you and the clock should be crowd to do tricks you never seen
and i bet that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic
so just me drive my body around you, i bet you'll know what i mean
cos' you know that i could make you believe that love is sexy magic 评论

关键词: 独舞
