

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-18 14:07:00 浏览次数:242
Hear sweet music softly singing I love you, May from your heart comes those word I love you, too. Tenderly hands pressing, fondest vows renew, Saying once again my love, ah I love you. And as the mazy dance, our souls fain would entrance, Our hearts no more repine, but seem to murmur “Oh be mine” And as gliding silently, no words are said twixt you and me, The heart sPEaks those sweet words I love you alone. Hear sweet music softly singing I love you, May from your heart comes those word I love you, too. Tenderly hands pressing, fondest vows renew, Saying once again my love, ah I love you. 评论

没老婆的话,可以表白 评论

跪求丶风流寡妇二重唱五线谱 和西波涅二重唱的 !!!!!!!!
你6没事吧,无语 评论

没老婆的话,可以表白 评论

选自轻歌剧《风流寡妇》中的选段 相对无语可以在那下载MP3的格式
在这呢 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=%B7%E7%C1%F7%B9%D1%B8%BE&lm=-1 评论

小说? 评论

关键词: 寡妇 英文原版
