

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-17 13:04:54 浏览次数:217
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第一天。我们来到我一个朋友叫兔子开的孤儿院,那里都是小孩,然后能,我们住在那里。。。要实行一个伟大的计划,就是骗到那里的盖章。    第二天,我们打算去和那些小孩玩,发现他们和我一样,比我还二,我们就吓他们,然后随手抓个小孩,逼他们说他们那的章在哪里,由于我们行为恶略,被院长敢了出来。。。然后院长可怜我们,就给我们盖个章,就把我们提了出去...........就这样= =



The weather of today is very good, is a good weather. I also had to welfare little friends dating

On the way, on the way back. I have always been very quiet! Never so quiet.. But my heart is not quiet

Originally on the weekend to go back to Guangzhou, but then just. So wait until this week to go, so look forward to

Therefore, the way to go. A bit excited, a little haPPy, a little, a bit afraid of looking forward to

Excited and happy because before there was had such exPErience. Therefore, look forward to.

Afraid because I was afraid of those children to me, but I have not up to them..

Finally arrived, not far away..

The kids to see us, really want us to hold.

There was a small boy, he was very naughty. Holding a ball, then ran to PUll my hand. I know, he would want me to hold him.

5555 but. He is very young, so I should not have the means to hold his ' shot '

So I taught him. ' jump cast a. It's much more fun. Have a try, not the letter '.

And then he didn't really ' asked ' I hold him to shoot. Yeah ~!

But he is really very naughty. I found him very like running circles, and can run for a long time not tired, do not.

I stood there, he has been running around with me circle.. Ha-ha

After he took me by the hand, around a tree run.. Ha-ha

Always do not think to hold than holding hands.

Maybe I like the feeling of hand in hand.

He is belong to the kind of cold hands and feet, even though it is so warm today. But the hand is cold.

But the little friends hand is warm.. Holding his hand, my hand warmer.

Little friend, m sister thank you.

Welfare and a sister ( anego )

She is loud, little friends listen to her, but I know.

She also love their.. I helped them in her hair. In fact, I also want to help them cut..

After that, I taught a called East girls english. She reads four grades

Teach her also in chat.

She told me she 'd hurry up, can make money, you can leave here..

She also said that she didn't like it..

Maybe I can understand her. But to hear her say so, still a little.. Feeling that can not say

Then she asked me a very profound problem: now easy money?

I was speechless.. Sorry ~! Because my sister did not know.

She said:" now that you read the University who give you PAy tuition?"

I want to answer:" of course is the father and mother"! But, I am afraid that would hurt her

So, I have a little quiet, didn't answer

She then asked:" are you my mother?" I simply said""

She said:" your way? So mom? I think grow up without a mother."

5555 my heart cry ~! East, there may be other children like her. Not clear what is the ' mother '

Some children will call you ' dad, mom '


When I come back, I still very quiet.. But my heart still quiet

Heart, a bit complicated. A bit of feeling that can not say.

Little friends. Meters elder sister want to say or write the same before the card:

To learn the sunflower, with it toward the sun of the direction of growth..

We are the good children..



  1st 天野雪辉


  2nd 我妻由乃

   「雪辉日记」 以10分钟为单位把握雪辉未来的由乃的追踪日记。

  3rd 火山高夫

  (已死)「杀人日记」 记载着在未来的杀人状况。记载着在何地,用什么样的办法捕捉目标、说起来的话是必定实现的杀人计划。

  4th 来须圭悟
   (已死)「搜查日记」以搜查结果为预知, 提前90日预知即将发生的「事件」 ,当没有搜查能力的时候,同时也就失去了预知能力!

  5th 豊穰礼佑
   (已死)「涂鸦日记」 由于是超视觉的涂鸦日记,只有早、中、晚3次的记录,也就是想要完成游戏,平均每天只有3次机会。

  6th 春日野椿

  7th 战场

  (已死) 美神爱(已死)「交换日记」可以互相交换情报以同时保护两位持有者的日记。 

  8th 上下夏
   (已死)母之里孤儿院院长 其日记是网络日记,可以制造子日记所有者

  9th 雨流美弥音
  (复活)「逃亡日记」 确保逃走路径畅通无阻。在与11th的交战中失去一只手,被11th的手下包围中。 

  10th 月岛猎人
  (已死)「饲育日记」 记载着所有饲育的的动向及情况,可以随意差遣它们。

  11th 樱见市长
  John bax(ジョン バックス)(已死)[观测者日记] 可以观测他人日记。但是只能看到目标的屏幕,被看的人可以靠自己手动修改日记内容来发布假情报。

  12th 平坂黄泉

  秋濑(已死)——最强的非所有者(之前)48话中秋濑成了日记所有者---[侦探日记]能预知日记所有者的所有情况 补充:

四年级: 一.写一处自然美景 二.写一篇观察日记 三.编童话故事 四.写喜爱的动物 五.中国文化遗产导游词 六.写自己的所见所闻 七.写成长故事(可名人,可自家的) 八.写未来的事物(想象)正月梅花香又香, 二月兰花盆里装, 三月花连十里, 四月蔷薇靠短墙, 五月石榴红似火, 六月荷花满池塘, 七月栀子头上戴, 八月丹桂满枝黄, 九月菊花初开放, 十月芙蓉正上妆, 十一月水仙供上案, 十二月腊梅雪里藏.雨中的一件事 “轰隆隆”一阵雷响,把我从书海中唤出来。只见天昏地暗,过了一小会儿,倾盆大雨像针一样密密麻麻地下来了。 我连忙把窗户关住。透过窗户,看见调皮的雨娃娃从房檐上跳下来,溅起一朵朵漂亮的水花。地上,一条条小河向远方流去...... “咣当”一声,我随声望去,只见丽丽家的窗户被狂风给吹破了。夷?谁撑着一朵小蘑菇?仔细一瞧,小玲放学回来了。到了口,小玲搬来一块儿砖头,踩着回来。真聪明!我想到。“支”她又出来了,下雨还出来,真顽皮!只见她把砖头给每个楼道都弄好。 这场雨真难忘! 评论

关键词: 孤儿 日记
