

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-14 14:33:03 浏览次数:408
电影通缉令插曲The litte things歌词 歌曲:The Little Things 歌手:Colbie Caillat The little things, you do to me are Taking me over, i wanna show ya Everything inside of me Like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating My feet are stuck here, against the PAvement I wanna break free, i wanna make it Closer to your eyes, get your attention Before you pass me by So back up back up take another chance Don't you mess up mess up I don't wanna lose you Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you Give up give up don't you say that I'd be Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin If im better off better off, with out you boy And every time, you notice me by Holdin me closely, and sayin sweet things I don't believe, that it could be You sPEekin your mind and, sayin the real thing My feet have broke free, and i am leavin I'm not gonna stand here, feelin lonely but I wont forget you, and i won't think this Was just a waste of time So back up back up take another chance Don't you mess up mess up I don't wanna lose you Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you Give up give up don't you say that I'd be Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin If im better off better off, with out you boy But don't just leave me hangin on So don't just leave me hanging on 评论

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电影 通缉令 里面开始没多久很好听的男人唱的英文歌叫什么?
下面的链接里有“通缉令”里所有的插曲 http:///topics/298619/ 你可以下载来听听~ 下面这个是通缉令一开始就出现的英文歌“The Little Things"由Danny Elfman演唱的有效链接,可用迅雷下载哦~ http://cdn1-39.projectplaylist.com/e1/static10/349/2351690.MP3 还有这个页面,你点击以后。第六首歌可以试听的。 http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Danny+Elfman&lm=-1 我也很喜欢里面的插曲呢,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 评论

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关键词: 通缉令 黑道 小姐
