

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-14 12:25:27 浏览次数:183
曲名Can't Smile Without You - Barry Manilow 地址 http:///search?search=%E5%9C%B0%E7%8B%B1%E7%94%B7%E7%88%B52&restyPE=-1&id=10000001&ty=0&PAttern=0 http://search1.btchina.net/btsearch.php?query=%B5%D8%D3%FC%C4%D0%BE%F42&type=0 评论

前段时间看了烈焰奇侠之黄金军团,里面有一首非常好听的歌名字是i can't smile without you 麻烦大家帮我找下歌词。谢谢拉~~
You know I cant smile without you I cant smile without you I cant laugh and I cant sing Im finding it hard to do anything you see I feel sad when youre sad I feel glad when youre glad if you only knew what Im going through I just cant smile without you you came along just like a song and brighten my day who would of believed that you wher part of a dream now it all seems light years away and now you know I cant smile without you I cant smile without you I cant laugh and I cant sing Im finding it hard to do anything you see I feel sad when your sad I feel glad when you´re glad if you only knew what Im going through I just cant smile now some people say haPPiness takes so very long to find well, Im finding it hard leaving your love behind me and you see I cant smile without you I cant smile without you I cant laugh and I cant sing Im finding it hard to do anything you see I feel glad when youre glad I feel sad when youre sad if you only knew what Im going through I just cant smile without you 评论




http://file.chinaunix.net/20080703/music2/73935_080727092251.MP3 评论




关键词: 军团 黄金
