

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-14 12:16:56 浏览次数:205
黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National PArk)位于美国(The United States of America)西部北落基山和中落基山之间的熔岩高原上,绝大部分在怀俄明州的西北部。 评论

黄石公园 位于美国西北部,是世界上第一个原始公园,也是美国第一个国家公园。1972年设立公园占地8956平方公里,相当于台湾省的四分之一。 黄石公园分五个区:西北的默斯温泉区以石灰石台阶为主,故也称热台阶区;东北为罗斯福区,仍保留着老西部景观;中间为峡谷区,可观赏黄石大峡谷和瀑布;东南为黄石湖区,主要是湖光山色;西及西南为间歇喷泉区,遍布间歇喷泉、温泉、蒸气、热水... http:///Sight/S_10271.html 评论


Canary Spring

Yellowstone National Park, established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872, is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, though it also extends into Montana and Idaho. The Yellowstone was the first national park in the world, and is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, esPEcially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most poPUlar features in the park. It has many tyPES of ecosystems, but the subalpine forest is dominant.

Indigenous Americans have lived in the Yellowstone region for at least 11,000 years. The region was bypassed during the Lewis and Clark Expedition in the early 1800s. Aside from visits by mountain men during the early to mid-1800s, organized exploration did not begin until the late 1860s. The U.S. Army was commissioned to oversee the park just after its establishment. In 1917, administration of the park was transferred to the National Park Service, which had been created the previous year. Hundreds of structures have been built and are protected for their architectural and historical significance, and researchers have examined more than 1,000 archaeological sites.

Yellowstone National Park spans an area of 3,468 square miles (8,980 km2), comprising lakes, canyons, rivers and mountain ranges. Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in North America and is centered over the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest supervolcano on the continent. The caldera is considered an active volcano; it has erupted with tremendous force several times in the last two million years. Half of the world's geothermal features are in Yellowstone, fueled by this ongoing volcanism. Lava flows and rocks from volcanic eruptions cover most of the land area of Yellowstone. The park is the centerpiece of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, the largest remaining, nearly intact ecosystem in the Earth's northern temperate zone.

Hundreds of species of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles have been documented, including several that are either endangered or threatened. The vast forests and grasslands also include unique species of plants. Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park. Forest fires occur in the park each year; in the large forest fires of 1988, nearly one third of the park burned. Yellowstone has numerous recreational oPPOrtunities, including hiking, camping, boating, fishing and sightseeing. Paved roads provide close access to the major geothermal areas as well as some of the lakes and waterfalls. During the winter, visitors often access the park by way of guided tours that use either snow coaches or snowmobile.



黄石国家公园(Yellowstone)位于美国(The United States America)西部北落基山和中落基山之间的熔岩高原上,绝大部分在怀俄明州的西北部。海拔2,134-2,438米,面积8,956平方公里。 评论



去黄石国家公园推荐两个最佳时间段,第一个是5月底-6月底,这是黄石国家公园的春末夏初时节,邻近的提顿山脉雪景依旧,公园里水草丰沃,动物活跃频繁,特别容易看到各种小野,小鹿等刚出生不久的baby animal。正值雪化时分,公园里的瀑布水量充沛,北面的猛犸热泉也是颇为壮观。
另外一个时间段就是深秋,每年的9月中旬到10月中旬。选择这段时间最大的好处就是可以看到黄石和提顿这两个国家公园的迷人秋色,秋天的黄石与提顿很美,色彩的搭配很有层次感,又显得大气自然。当然缺点就是瀑布水量会小,猛犸热泉也已完全干枯,10月的天气也不大稳定,常有winter storm来临。


黄石公园5月之前,很多路还不开,天气也还比较冷。我曾经5月中旬去过,白天不冷,晚上气温很低。那时山顶的雪还没有化,风景不错。气温正适合远足。如果露营的话,要够衣服。再有,如果运气不好,可能会赶上雪天。 据说7-8月是旺季,游人很多,因为所有的露营地都开放了,假期学生也都有时间。黄石的夏天也不热,25-30度,好天气多。但这个温度,远足可能有些热。正因为游人多,那时动物就相对少些,都被吓跑了。除非你远足到山里面,估计在路边看不到稀有的动物,不过大牦牛肯定不会少。 其实,这么看来,5月底到6月中应该是不错的季节。再有,黄石公园内的旅馆非常少,大家在园内主要是露营。开车进出公园20分钟左右,在附近的小镇上才能找到密集的旅馆。露营地需要提前预定,因为上面说了夏季人很多,露营地很抢手,被订光是必然的。夏季旅馆也比较贵。 评论

关键词: 黄石 公园
