

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-13 12:35:58 浏览次数:203
难忘那两位街头艺人 里的照应句是??
能在豪华的演奏厅演奏,他们只能在街头默默演奏。但在我心中,他是一位伟大的音乐家,伟大的艺术家。 评论

鸟叔的Gentleman 评论

求 stand by me 37名多国街头艺人共同演绎 这个版本的英文歌词和中文歌词



  This song says e.. no matter who you are,no matter wher you go in your life,

  and some point you gonna need somebody to stand by you.

  OHh yeah~ ohhh my god~

  Stand By me.~~

  No Matter wHo you are~no matter wher you go~ In your life~You gonna Need ~~somebody to stand by you

  No Matter how much Money you Get ~Orrr~~the Free you get

  You gonna Need~~somebody to stand by you~

  When the night has Come~

  and the Land~ (is dark..)

  And that Moon is the only light we'll see~

  no i won't~~ be afraid,

  oh,I won't shed a tear

  you stay alone and your PEople coming stand by me

  daring daring

  stand by me

  you’ll stand along

  and the people will stand by me

  and darling darling

  stand by me oh stand by me

  oh stand now stand by me

  stand by me Oh~When the skY that we look upon~ When she Tumble and fall~~ or the Mountain~ should Crumble to the sea~..

  Hmmm..I won't Cry~I Won't Cry~~No I~~~~won't~ S~hed a tear,Just respond~as You Stand~stand by meSo Darlin~~DaRRRlin~~ STand by me,OH~sTand by me~Please stand~ stand By me stand by me~And Darilin~ DArRlin~ sTand by me~Ohh~ Stand~ by me..please stand~ stand by me Stand by me~Ohhh baby baby~~ ~~So~ Darlin~dARlin~~ sTand ~Lalalala~ meOhh~sTand~~ Lalala ~ meOh Stand~ oh stand ~sTand stand By me Come ON~ stand by stand by me HMMM..sTand ~Lalala me OH~ Won'T You sTand~ LALALLA mEoHH sTand~ lalala me~ sTand by me ~Come on stand by me stand by me YEAH~When the Night~Has come~aNd the land~~(is dark)AND The MOON~~is thE ONly~Light we'Ll See~i wOn't be~Afraid~~LaLala~I WOn't ~Be afraid~~NaNuNone~~NaNuNone~~Did You~~YEah~~~STand~~~By Me?~~~~~~~~~~YEAh~~Yeahhh~~ Thank you thank you..


1凄惨 悲伤
2 第3个
3 丐说:我们不是乞丐,我不要别人给我们的钱。我只想让路人听听我用二胡拉的曲子。现在呀,没几个人爱听二胡了,我只希望有更多的人能欣赏这中国的民乐呀


4 那一老一少两个街头艺人就像两朵美丽的浪花,永远跳跃在我记忆的长河中。
5 她的头发又黑又长,皮肤洁白,就像童话故事中的白雪公主一样。
6 两位街头艺人在街头拉二胡以传承中国文化艺术的事件。
7 一个街头艺人,却有着不平凡的理想。他希望能让中国的这种民族乐器——二胡发扬光大。 追问:

很简单 补充:

信上有1句话:“对江青在政治局对我的教导和批评,毕生难忘。”虽然不能仅仅由于这 凤凰新闻客户端全华人第1移动资讯平台. 2014年1月1 评论

关键词: 艺人 街头 中国 视频
