

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-12 13:15:19 浏览次数:187
你说你会来,于是,我便走过了阡陌和桑田,在你必经的路口,迎风而立,站成永恒…… 你说你会来,于是,总喜欢了独静凝望远方,冥想,你会在怎样的一个时光里悄然而至?你说你会来,于是,我便满心忐忑的坐立不安,想象你是否一如初见时的笑靥?你说你会来,于是,星星和月光都在夜色之中醉眼相盼,着一缕相思的幽香,轻唤着你的名字,占据了所有的梦里时光。你说你会来,于是,等待的心温暖如春轻而易举地便覆盖了整个秋冬的寒。 你说你会来,于是,我便从早等到晚,从春等到秋,从花开到叶落,等了一季又一季…… 你说你会来,于是,我便书写了一段又一段相思的文字,只为让你明了我同你一般的想念。尽管,我不知道一段文字应该怎样的开头,怎样结尾,如同,不知道我们初时是怎样的不期而遇,又会有怎样的无言结局,更不知道在字里行间该怎样描述我们之间的点点滴滴,只有,那么一笔一划一撇一捺的把心情汇集在素雅的稿纸上,把思念寄托在冰凉纤弱的指尖上…… 评论

在你面前想表现的他很出众很能干那正常啊,如果她在你心目中是个没用的人,那么他在你面前存在是没有意义的。但不会想你说的不考虑女人的感受,自作主张,自以为是。应该多方面考虑的。 评论

韩国影片 救世主 女主角脱衣服勾引男脚的那歌叫什么?
救世主插曲曲名:Sex bomb 歌手: Tom Jones feat.Mousse T.

Aw, Aw baby, Yeah, ooh Yeah, huh, listen to this
Spy on me baby use satellite
Infrared to see me move through the night
Aim gonna fire shoot me right
I'm gonna like the way you fight
And I love the way you fight

Now you found the secret code
I use to wash away my lonely blues well
So I can't deny or lie cause you're a
only one who make me fly
(You know what you are? You are..)

Sexbomb sexbomb you're a sexbomb uh, huh
You can give it to me when I need to come along give it to me
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on baby you can turn me on
You know what you're doing to me don't you. ha ha,
I know you do

No don't get me wrong ain't gonna do you no harm no
This bomb's made for lovin' and you can shoot it far
I'm your main target come and help me ignite ow
Love struck holding you tight hold me tight darlin'
(Hold me tight..)

Make me explode although you know the route
to go to sex me slow slow baby
And yes I must react to claims of those who say
that you are not all that huh, huh, huh

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
You can give it to me when I need to come along
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on turn me on darlin'
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb sexbomb
You can give it to me when I need to come along
Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on

You can give me more and more counting up the score
You can turn me uPSide down inside out
You can make me feel the real deal uh uh
I can give it to you any time because you're mine, ouch

Sexbomb, aw baby

Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And you can give it to me when I need to be turned on
No, no Sexbomb sexbomb you're my sexbomb
And baby you can turn me on turn me on
And baby you can turn me on turn me on
Baby you can turn me on turn me on
Ooh baby you can turn me on turn me on
Baby you can turn me on oh
Baby you can turn me on oh
Baby you can turn me on
Well baby you can turn me o 评论




看电影一定要记住 haokan5
百度一下 去看好看的电影吧
《Style》 《给饭》《不能结婚的男人》 《吞噬太阳》《Triple》《善德女王》《两个妻子》《市政厅City Hall》《那个傻瓜》《灿烂的遗产》《男人的故事》《乞丐变王子》《传闻中得七公主》《妻子的诱惑》《不是谁都能爱》 《贤内助女王》 《我被你迷住了》 《我的帅管家》 《做得好,做得妙》 《Q.E.D.证明终了》 《平凡奇迹》 《爱情洗牌》
【剧情片】:《风声》《建国大业》《熊回家路》《飞向天空》《彷佛你消失了》《古斯特洛夫号》《高校奇女子》《走着瞧》《黄金国度》《如果没有爱》《神秘群岛》《崭新的二十岁》《肖申克的救赎》 《百万金婴》 《悲惨世界》《辛德勒的名单》 《阿甘正传》 《勇敢的心》 《活着》 《天堂影院》 《杀手里昂》 《完美的世界》




关键词: 男子汉
