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While traveling to California for the disPUte of the final race of the Piston Cup against The King and Chick Hicks, the famous Lightning McQueen accidentally damages the road of the small town Radiator Springs and is sentenced to rePAir it. Lightning McQueen has to work hard and finds friendship and love in the simple locals, changing its values during his stay in the small town and becoming a true winner.
Lightning McQueen is a cocky, rookie race car. SPEeding on his way to a big race, he crashes into Radiator Springs, destroying lots of the inhabitants belongings. In order to make up for what he did, the cocky roadster is sentenced to community service. Though he will do anything to get away from the work, McQueen must learn to respect and bond with the Radiator Springs inhabitants in order to get out of the town and back on the racetracks.

Lightning McQueen is a young, hotshot rookie race car in the last race of the season. At the end of the race, he finds out he is tied with Chick Hicks and The King. On the way to the tie-breaker race in Los Angeles, California, some hot punk cars get him lost in a little town called Radiator Springs on the old Route 66 road, which has been long forgotten many years ago. Scared to death, he tears up the town's main road and is sentenced to community service by Doc Hudson. During this time, he meets a funny, but lovable tow truck named Mater and a beautiful Porsche Carrera named Sally. He also meets some other cars, whom which he finds to be quite odd. All he wants to do is get out of this town and back into the big city, but as the week until the race goes on, the town folk help him discover that life isn't just about trophies, fame, and sponsorsHIPS and McQueen learns about family and friendship. Written by Collin B.
Successful rookie racer Lightning McQueen has, to his pleasure, just won a 3-way tie with elder rival Chick Hicks and champ "The King", but is also proud and unaPPreciative of long-time (mostly older) suPPOrters enough to have his ignored pit-crew desert him. Accidentally lost en route to California for the tie-breaker, he crashes through Radiator Springs on Route 66, destroying the road and some property. Forced to remain in town until he repairs them, he's stuck in a small community whose tight-knit inhabitants accept neither his selfishness nor bad attitude. Refusing to respect them initially, he eventually returns the friendship of redneck Mater and falls in love with Sally, but can't seem to get gruff Doc Hudson, who keePS a painful secret, to change his mind about him. Soon Lightning learns the inhabitants of the town as a whole, who are almost a secret to the outside world, also had a past now painfully ABSent, and tries to help them enjoy it once more. 评论

Bob Paar used to be one of the world’s greatest superheroes (known to all as “Mr. Incredible”), saving lives and fighting evil on a daily basis. But now, fifteen years later, Bob and his wife (a famous former superhero in her own right) have adopted civilian identities and retreated to the suburbs to live normal lives with their three kids. Now he’s a clock-punching insurance claims adjuster fighting boredom and a bulging waistline. Itching to get back into action, Bob gets his chance when a mysterious communication summons him to a remote island for a top-secret assignment. 参考资料: http:///film/8346/incredibles/synopsis.phtml 评论

"WALL-E" is "Finding Nemo" (Finding Nemo) Directed by Andrew Stanton (Andrew Stanton) directed the second animation, which is scheduled for June 27, 2008 release. Videos The story takes place in 2700, due to excessive destruction of the human environment, the Earth at this time has become a floating in space, a big ball of refuse, human spacecraft moved to a last resort, and the company hired Buynlarge clear rubbish on Earth, waiting for the day refuse removal End back on Earth. So Buynlarge to the delivery of a large number of robots on Earth to garbage, but this robot is not suitable for the Earth's environment, and gradually are broken and in the end only one robot is still day-to-day procedures in accordance with the scheduled garbage. Clearly this is an impossible task. So after a few hundred years, the robot to collect a lot of man-made items, the most it is like a box of video taPES - starring Barbra Streisand musical "Hello, Dolly! "(Hello, Dolly!)! Over time, this lonely robot began self-consciousness, it was eager to spend time with it. One day a spaceship landed it was almost overhead, a beautiful female robot Eve came to Earth in charge of the search a number of things, garbage robot "love" on the Eve, but it faces a clear choice, with Eve and the spacecraft to leave the Earth, or continue in accordance with the default command to go pick garbage. Of course it is the last choice and Eve leave together, into space, but the show has just begun ... ... video film "WALL-E" is an acronym called "Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth", is sent to Earth Buynlarge company garbage those robot's official name. In addition the film will aPPEar in a live actor Fred Willard (Fred Willard), he will play Buynlarge President, in the cartoon appeared in a real person, which is the first Pixar. 评论

A clown fish named Marlin living in the Great Barrier Reef loses his son, Nemo, after he ventures into the open sea, despite his father's constant warnings about many of the ocean's dangers. Nemo is abducted by a boat and netted up and sent to a dentist's office in Sydney. So, while Marlin ventures off to try to retrieve Nemo, Marlin meets a fish named Dory, a blue tang suffering from short-term memory loss. The companions travel a great distance, encountering various dangerous sea creatures such as sharks, anglerfish and jellyfish, in order to rescue Nemo from the dentist's office, which is situated by Sydney Harbor. While the two are doing this, Nemo and the other sea animals in the dentist's fish tank plot a way to return to Sydney Harbor to live their lives free again. 评论

我们很多人对“一见钟情”都非常憧憬,在地里、在火车上、在长安街的一个地下通道里、在国贸的星巴克咖啡馆中,一个眼神的汇聚,一个胳膊的碰蹭,两个素昧平生的男女忽然间就迸发出爱慕的欲望,你会想——这就是我命中注定的那个人吧,这便是纯粹的爱情吧。“一见钟情”就是命运式的爱情,这份感情突如其来,会让你自己既惊喜万分,又有些措手不及。 为什么“一见钟情”会这样?难道世界上就没有真正的爱情了吗?命里注定的爱情不存在吗?……有人向我急切而又痛苦的询问,我想这也是很多朋友内心的困惑。 “所有的爱都是一种再发现。”我们对感情的理解,无论浪漫还是现实,都是和我们每个人的过去经历紧密相关的。爱情不是一种“初体验”,很多朋友认为爱情“条条大路通罗”,“天涯何处无芳草”,其实,从心理学的角度讲,你的爱情的对象,就是长久以来在你的潜意识之中一直渴望的那个人,就是特定情况下你非常需要的那个人。因此,即使你和他“一见钟情”,也不是你崭新的情感体验,不是偶然,我们平常很多很多看起来完全偶然的事情,它们的背后都有着充分的理由。“一见钟情”,这种命运式的爱情是有“前因”的。 “一见钟情”既不是全新的体验,也是可以分析的,不是那种“冥冥之中不可说清楚的”。让你心动的对象必然是贴合于你对恋人的长久憧憬,现实和你的过去必然在这一瞬间建立了“沟通”,让你处于压抑的内心“豁然开朗”。比如说一个童年遭遇很痛苦的男孩子,个性具有强迫症的特点,他就常常会被那些小孩似的女孩子“第一眼击中”,她们的娇弱、不安全、渴望被爱等等的性格特征,他都会接受,因为他会联想到自己的“过去”,对这个和自己相同或相近遭遇的“受害者”,他有一种保护和挽救的潜意识的冲动,在这个过程里他是快乐的,因为,这其实也是他自我疗伤的过程,现在脆弱的女友显然就是过去那个痛苦不堪的自己。 所以,相信第一眼的感觉,认为“一见钟情”是命运的安排不可阻挡,从而盲目地全身心地投入,这些都是万分危险的,仅仅是对方的相貌美丑(比如我曾经在梦中见过)或者此情此景的氛围(比如和我生日那天期许的爱人出现的场景完全一样),就凭空推测出对方的一切,然后在这种自我虚构的感情中彻底陶醉,从而全心地投入,当然是单方面的。这种“一见钟情”必败无疑,“一见钟情”通往幸福婚姻的道路,依然离不开对对方理性的分析和判断。纯粹的毫无理由的“一见钟情”是不存在的,两个人幸福地生活在一起,必然还是要经历一番苦心经营的。 评论

Woody, Buzz and the whole gang are back. As their owner Andy prepares to depart for college, his loyal toys find themselves in daycare wher untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice. So, it's all for one and one for all as they join Barbie's counterpart Ken, a thespian hedgehog named Mr. Pricklepants and a pink, strawberry-scented teddy bear called Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear to plan their great escape. 追问:

关键词: 剧情 生肖
