命令与征服3 凯恩的愤怒
《命令与征服3 凯恩的愤怒》游戏画面初公开
《命令与征服3 凯恩的愤怒》以邪恶的诺德兄弟会幕后领袖凯恩的视角为主线,讲述他从第二次泰伯利亚之战后的再度崛起到《命令与征服3》故事开始之前的经历。资料片还将引导玩家经历整个第三次泰伯利亚之战的全过程,在游戏中扮演凯恩这一反派角色的依然是玩家们熟悉的Joe Kucan。
在官方的视频广播节目中,《命令与征服3》的制作人Jim Vessale透露了资料片《凯恩的愤怒》的部分详细情报。据他介绍,资料片中将再次引入高清电影实拍与CG画面相结合的手段来描述游戏的剧情,此外还将有部分全新角色登场。他还透露,资料片的故事将以“全球霸权争夺”为主要线索,游戏系统将在战略和战术层面上进一步延伸。
《命令与征服3 凯恩的愤怒》游戏画面初公开
《命令与征服3 凯恩的愤怒》以邪恶的诺德兄弟会幕后领袖凯恩的视角为主线,讲述他从第二次泰伯利亚之战后的再度崛起到《命令与征服3》故事开始之前的经历。资料片还将引导玩家经历整个第三次泰伯利亚之战的全过程,在游戏中扮演凯恩这一反派角色的依然是玩家们熟悉的Joe Kucan。
在官方的视频广播节目中,《命令与征服3》的制作人Jim Vessale透露了资料片《凯恩的愤怒》的部分详细情报。据他介绍,资料片中将再次引入高清电影实拍与CG画面相结合的手段来描述游戏的剧情,此外还将有部分全新角色登场。他还透露,资料片的故事将以“全球霸权争夺”为主要线索,游戏系统将在战略和战术层面上进一步延伸。
谁有了给你啊··一个注册码只能注册一个号··如果是国人真有了谁会给你啊·? 要注册码有2个途径获得 1是购买 正版凯恩的愤怒 他将会一邮件形式随机抽中把序列号和下载地址给你发到邮箱来·· 2是如果您没有购买凯恩的愤怒和想测试版红色警报3 ,那么就要成为fileplanet的订户。 fileplanet目前拥有数量有限的钥匙他们所赠送的每周,专门为fileplanet订户。如需详细资讯,在这个特别节目,请访问: http:///promotions/redalert3/ 官方网站的详细说明在下面 你不相信你也可以自己去看 Comrades,同志们, The Command & Conquer 3 Red alert 3 Mutliplayer Beta Test has now been live for over 2 weeks and we have officially activated over 50,000 users from our Kane's Wrath PUblic queue. If you registered for the beta test within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath world-wide release, then you should have likely received your beta test activation e-mail by now.命令&征服3红色警戒3 mutliplayer测试现在已经活了超过2周,我们已正式启动,超过5.0万用户从我们的凯恩的愤怒市民排队,如果你注册的Beta测试的前几个星期凯恩的愤怒世界-广泛的释放,那么你应该有可能收到您的测试激活电子邮件现在。 We are making every attempt to activate the entire Kane's Wrath public queue list by early next week, so if you have not been activated yet, please stay PAtient Comrade, your time is coming!我们正在尽一切企图激活整个凯恩的愤怒市民排队名单下周初,因此,如果您有没有被激活,但请留在病人的同志,您的时间是未来! If you have not received your activation e-mail yet and you did register at our beta test website within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath release, the following may aPPly to you:如果您没有收到您的激活电子邮件,但和你没有登记在我们的测试网站上的前几个星期凯恩的愤怒释放,下列可能对您适用: » Be sure to check your "junk" and "spam" e-mail as our activation e-mail may have ended up in that section of your e-mail client without you knowing. »务必检查您的“帆船”和“垃圾邮件”电子邮件作为我们的启动电子邮件可能已结束了在这一节中您的电子邮件客户端没有你知道。 » Make sure you are checking the e-mail account you registered with on our beta test website. »确保您正在检查电子邮件帐户您登记在我们的测试网站。 This would likely be your Master EA account email.这将有可能您的主环境帐户的电子邮件。 If you changed your e-mail addresss between the time you registered for the beta test and now, you
红警3的CDKEY是多少 跪求
玩不成的··第一个CD是安装序列号··而进游戏需要一个序列号· 这个序列号的获得有2个途径· 1是购买 正版凯恩的愤怒 他将会一邮件形式随机抽中把序列号和下载地址给你发到邮箱来·· 2是如果您没有购买凯恩的愤怒和想测试版红色警报3 ,那么就要成为fileplanet的订户。 fileplanet目前拥有数量有限的钥匙他们所赠送的每周,专门为fileplanet订户。如需详细资讯,在这个特别节目,请访问: http:///promotions/redalert3/ 下面是EA官方网站的一些详细说明 更新-2 008年7月8日 Comrades,同志们, The Command & Conquer 3 Red alert 3 Mutliplayer Beta Test has now been live for over 2 weeks and we have officially activated over 50,000 users from our Kane's Wrath public queue. If you registered for the beta test within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath world-wide release, then you should have likely received your beta test activation e-mail by now.命令&征服3红色警戒3 mutliplayer测试现在已经活了超过2周,我们已正式启动,超过5.0万用户从我们的凯恩的愤怒市民排队,如果你注册的Beta测试的前几个星期凯恩的愤怒世界-广泛的释放,那么你应该有可能收到您的测试激活电子邮件现在。 We are making every attempt to activate the entire Kane's Wrath public queue list by early next week, so if you have not been activated yet, please stay patient Comrade, your time is coming!我们正在尽一切企图激活整个凯恩的愤怒市民排队名单下周初,因此,如果您有没有被激活,但请留在病人的同志,您的时间是未来! If you have not received your activation e-mail yet and you did register at our beta test website within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath release, the following may apply to you:如果您没有收到您的激活电子邮件,但和你没有登记在我们的测试网站上的前几个星期凯恩的愤怒释放,下列可能对您适用: » Be sure to check your "junk" and "spam" e-mail as our activation e-mail may have ended up in that section of your e-mail client without you knowing. »务必检查您的“帆船”和“垃圾邮件”电子邮件作为我们的启动电子邮件可能已结束了在这一节中您的电子邮件客户端没有你知道。 » Make sure you are checking the e-mail account you registered with on our beta test website. »确保您正在检查电子邮件帐户您登记在我们的测试网站。 This would likely be your Master EA account email.这将有可能您的主环境帐户的电子邮件。 If you changed your e-mail addresss between the time you registered for the beta test and now, you
谁有了给你啊··一个注册码只能注册一个号··如果是国人真有了谁会给你啊·? 要注册码有2个途径获得 1是购买 正版凯恩的愤怒 他将会一邮件形式随机抽中把序列号和下载地址给你发到邮箱来·· 2是如果您没有购买凯恩的愤怒和想测试版红色警报3 ,那么就要成为fileplanet的订户。 fileplanet目前拥有数量有限的钥匙他们所赠送的每周,专门为fileplanet订户。如需详细资讯,在这个特别节目,请访问: http:///promotions/redalert3/ 官方网站的详细说明在下面 你不相信你也可以自己去看 Comrades,同志们, The Command & Conquer 3 Red alert 3 Mutliplayer Beta Test has now been live for over 2 weeks and we have officially activated over 50,000 users from our Kane's Wrath public queue. If you registered for the beta test within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath world-wide release, then you should have likely received your beta test activation e-mail by now.命令&征服3红色警戒3 mutliplayer测试现在已经活了超过2周,我们已正式启动,超过5.0万用户从我们的凯恩的愤怒市民排队,如果你注册的Beta测试的前几个星期凯恩的愤怒世界-广泛的释放,那么你应该有可能收到您的测试激活电子邮件现在。 We are making every attempt to activate the entire Kane's Wrath public queue list by early next week, so if you have not been activated yet, please stay patient Comrade, your time is coming!我们正在尽一切企图激活整个凯恩的愤怒市民排队名单下周初,因此,如果您有没有被激活,但请留在病人的同志,您的时间是未来! If you have not received your activation e-mail yet and you did register at our beta test website within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath release, the following may apply to you:如果您没有收到您的激活电子邮件,但和你没有登记在我们的测试网站上的前几个星期凯恩的愤怒释放,下列可能对您适用: » Be sure to check your "junk" and "spam" e-mail as our activation e-mail may have ended up in that section of your e-mail client without you knowing. »务必检查您的“帆船”和“垃圾邮件”电子邮件作为我们的启动电子邮件可能已结束了在这一节中您的电子邮件客户端没有你知道。 » Make sure you are checking the e-mail account you registered with on our beta test website. »确保您正在检查电子邮件帐户您登记在我们的测试网站。 This would likely be your Master EA account email.这将有可能您的主环境帐户的电子邮件。 If you changed your e-mail addresss between the time you registered for the beta test and now, you
