

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-10 12:25:24 浏览次数:166
跪求《浪漫鼠德佩罗》王后死了国王弹的曲子 ..

国王的鲁特琴 the king's lute

我也是在别的地方好不容易找到的,并不是很好,但可以听。。。 评论

《浪漫鼠德佩罗》插曲 20070010
这个要等一段时间估计才有了,我在电驴上找了下,结果大家都是想找那首歌的,但是有人写信给作曲家,结果他的助手回答说因为歌曲无首无尾所以没有收录啊,我也觉得很好听呢!他说会尽快收录进原声大的,看来我们只能等了。 你可以看下底下的评论,很多人喜欢呢! 有个人拔下来了一点,你可以听下 http://net.hist.edu.cn/1.MP3
参考资料: http:///topics/2725754/ 评论

《疯狂农场》,在QQlive里就可以看到 评论

感觉是Harry Potter的翻版,但是根本都没办法跟Harry Potter媲美~~~不推荐看! 评论

在 上面搜索 William.Ross.-.[浪漫鼠德佩罗.-.The.tale.of.DesPEreaux 下面是url 要是被屏蔽的话就自己搜索把! ed2k://|file|William.Ross.-.[浪漫鼠德佩罗.-.The.tale.of.Despereaux].专辑.(mp3).rar|140990711|d24b631011c8719259b9337f1db57b55|h=VLE3ZHBGQD6D36DLXJT3P7UL2LMPJ7RE| 评论

《浪漫鼠德佩罗》里的那支曲子,据目前原声大碟创作者自述,尚未收录到大碟中。具体的曲名不详。 电驴有网友收到的信件原件如下: blueuranus 2009/03/28 21:34:58 26楼 举报 我给作曲家写了一封信,没想到他的助手回了,很感动啊: ) Dear listener, first of all, thank you for your email. We didn't include the Lute piece in the soundtrack because it was a little short and wouldn't fit easily into the overall album musical progression. We also had time constraints and had to keep the soundtrack album below a certain number of minutes. Because of this, the King's lute piece was never mixed down for stereo and the only version that exists is the one heard in the movie. We are aware that many people enjoyed that piece and we are looking into ways to get it released, perhaPS as a digital download, or as PArt of an uPDAted digital version of the soundtrack album. However, due to various legal requirements and copyright issues, we unfortunately do not know if or when this will be possible. Very sincerely, Jerome Leroy Assistant to William Ross 意思是说因为曲子过短以及时间原因所以没有放到原声集中,但发现很多人都很喜欢它,以后有可能会考虑发布到网上 评论

关键词: 电影
