

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-10 12:22:41 浏览次数:196
黑夜传说前传:狼族再起/黑夜传说3 片尾曲叫什么?
1. Lighten Up Francis (JLE Dub Mix) (04:34) PErformed by PUscifer 2. Underneath The Stars (Renholder Remix) (03:36) Performed by The Cure (f/ Maynard James Keenan/Puscifer and Milla) 3. Nasty Little Perv (Renholder Remix) (03:24) Performed by Perry Farrell 4. Deftones (03:47) Performed by Hole In The Earth (Renholder Remix) 5. Miss Murder (VNV Nation Remix) (05:59) Performed by AFI 6. Over And Out (Renholder Remix) (03:29) Performed by Alkaline Trio 7. Deathclub (Wes Borland/Renholder Remix) (03:51) Performed by William Control (f/ Matt Skiba) 8. Board Up The House (Renholder Remix) (04:19) Performed by Genghis Tron 9. Stiff Kittens (Jnrsnchz Blaqkout Remix) (04:59) Performed by Blaqk Audio 10. Broken Lungs (Legion Of Doom Remix) (04:48) Performed by Thrice 11. Today We Are All Demons (Beneath The World Mix) (04:35) Performed by Combichrist 12. I Want You To (03:10) Performed by Black Light Burns 13. Two Birds, One Stone (Wes Borland/Renholder Remix) (02:56) Performed by dro Dead, Gorgeous 14. Let's Burn (04:28) Performed by King Black Acid 15. Tick Tock Tomorrow (Wes Borland/Renholder Remix) (03:48) Performed by From First To Last 16. Steal My Romance (03:02) Performed by Ghosts On The Radio 评论

Board Up The House-Genghis Tron 补充:

就是拿前几部里死的人的说事儿~~~这部里狼人确实帅~~还是两大种族厮杀,砍砍砍,撕撕撕。。。。终于把4部看完了~~看完我就是变态了~~ 评论

黑夜传说前传3:狼族再起 片尾第二首重金属音乐。

是这个吗?歌曲名:underworld the rise of lycans 2009 08 genghis tron board up house renholder remix underworld the rise of lycans 2009 08 genghis tron board up house renholder remix 与百度MP3对话


我有 按 [黑夜传说前传:狼族再起].Underworld.Rise.Of.Yhe.Lycans.2009.DVDSCR.XViD-NEPTUNE.avi 版本分割 为 1 段 是这个吧 你去 http://shooter.cn/xml/sub/107/107544.xml?download=1下载吧 评论

黑夜传说有3部 1.黑夜传说 2.进化 3.黑夜传说前传之狼族再起 评论

