

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-06 13:54:24 浏览次数:156

恋爱恐慌症主题曲:不要再    演唱:孔令奇       片尾曲:《夜车》

插曲:《杜U Love Me》《伯牙绝弦》《你不知道的事》 《美》《十八般武艺》《唯一》《快给大忙人让路》(《天涯海角》《每个人都会》  《破晓》     英文歌曲名:Can't Take My Eyes Off You 追问:

没爱痛苦 评论

戀愛恐慌症 電影 裡面全部的歌曲.
恋爱恐慌症: http:///view/index38309.html
主演 : 林依晨  陈柏霖   评论


歌曲名:Can't Take My Eyes Off You   
原唱:Frankie Valli   
作曲:Bob Gaudio   
作词:Bob Crewe   

you're just too good to be true   
can't take my eyes off you   
you'd be like heaven to touch   
i wanna hold you so much   
at long last love has arrived   
and i thank god i'm alive   
you're just too good to be true   
can't take my eyes off you   
PArdon the way that i stare   
there's nothing else to compare   
the sight of you leaves me weak   
there are no words left to sPEak   
but if you feel like i feel   
please let me know that it's real   
you're just too good to be true   
can't take my eyes off you   
i love you baby,and if it's quite all right   
i need you baby to warm the lonely night   
i love you baby   
trust in me when i say (it's) ok   
oh pretty baby,don't let me down,i pray   
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay   
and let me love you,oh baby,   
let me love you,   
you'er just too good to be true   
can't take my eyes off you   
you'd be like heaven to touch   
i wanna hold you so much   
at long last love has arrived   
and i thank god i'm alive   
you're just too good to be true   
can't take my eyes off you   
i love you baby,and if it's quite all right   
i need you baby to warm the lonely night   
i love you baby   
trust in me when i say (it's) ok   
oh pretty baby,don't let me down,i pray   
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay   
and let me love you,oh baby,   
let me love you, oh baby


这个... 真是好单薄的片子啊。陈柏霖有完杀大片少女的长相,但实在没有哪个角色让人特别记住。对恋爱有洁癖不是错,错的是不要不敢和那个人,轰轰烈烈走上一遭。有情人终成眷属。 评论

是北京爱情故事里面的歌哦 侃侃的滴答滴 就叫滴答 侃侃唱的 悲哀里边的.. 评论

关键词: 恋爱 电影
