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Rome wasn't built in a day




it is a famous English proverb. From Roman allusions. Ancient Rome was originally a small Italian city. The 3rd century BC, Rome unified the entire PEninsula. The 1st century BC, the Roman city as across three continents Europe, Asia and Africa of the Roman Empire, the political, economic and cultural center. In order to strengthen his rule the Roman Empire, built by the Roman as the center, leading to all directions of traffic. According to historical records, the Romans Gong Zhu Hard Road 80 thousand kilometers. The road to promote the empire of internal and external trade and cultural exchanges. The 8th century AD, the Roman Catholic Church became the center of Western Europe, PArts of pilgrims flock to the believers. It is said that at that time from any of the Italian peninsula and Europe began a road trip, as long as the Bop, the end can be arrived in Rome. Even more interesting is that the rulers of ancient Rome for the convenience of deployed forces, ordered the trees planted on both sides of road in order to soldiers march block the hot sun. All roads lead to Rome According to legend, this sentence from the first Roman Emperor Julian (julian the apostate, 331-363) of the mouth. Julian was Constantine I (about 280-337) of the nephew. He learned, set scholars, writers and generals in one. Reign period (360-363) allows freedom of religion, and to allow reconstruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Belief of their own pagan, is the only non-Christians after Constantine emperor. Therefore, the church called him “apostate” (apostate). Many roads to Rome to take a number of ways a microcosm, or a lot of choice. And Chinese idioms are achieving the same or goes, the sea water similar to go thousands of miles. 追问:


这是个英语典故——Rome was not built in a day.



实际上,原文的意思是“罗马不是在一个白天建成的”,not “in a day”,应该是在晚上“in a night”


这是我的一位意大利学者朋友曾经告诉过我的典故。 评论

谁有李阳疯狂英语里面“罗马不是一天建成”的音频 MP3 啊,急需!!(两天以内啊)开头是




考古学家发现惊天之迷,最新的证据最终证实罗马帝国于公元前625年8月13号的日落之前开建并完工。考古学家们出示了一个卷轴,也就是一份由朱利叶斯-凯撒本人亲自签署的文件、合同。 这份拉丁文的合同的其中一部份翻译过来是说:我们巴比伦AlJeida建筑公司同意在公元前625年8月13号这一天开始动工并完成罗马帝国建筑的修建,如果我们不能在帝国指定的时间内完成,凯撒大帝可以砍下我们的脑袋去喂狮子。 考古学家们认为这一证据绝对有效,工匠们一定是在一天之内完成了罗马城的修建,因为他们没有发现任何被吃掉的脑袋的残渣的化石。 评论

罗马不是一天建成的起源于一个古代传说: 传说特洛亚王子的后裔公主来茜西尔维娅被战神马尔斯所幸,生下了孪生兄弟罗马路斯和莱谟斯。当时的国王知道后杀死了他们的母亲,并把兄弟俩装进篮筐,扔进波涛翻滚的台伯尔河。是一只母狼救了他们,并用自己的乳汁哺育了兄弟两人。后来兄弟俩长大成人,为了替母亲报仇,他们想法杀死了国王,这两个天赋异禀的狼养大的孩子一夜之间建造了罗马城。 后来,随着时间的推移,这句话的意思慢慢转变,由于古罗马城建筑先进、繁复、建筑技术高超、设计精湛,后人用“罗马不是一天建成的”,表示很多先进技术、物质文明、甚至一个成就,都不是简单达成的,而是经由很多人、或者很多努力,才能够完成的。 应该没有下句了 评论

关键词: 罗马 不是
