

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-04 14:13:29 浏览次数:222
总店在武侯区科华路81号,下面提供的是分店: 陈麻婆豆腐大石西路店 地址:大石西路80号附8-9号 陈麻婆豆腐万福店 地址:人民中路二段51号 陈麻婆豆腐浣花店 地址:大石西路80号附8-9号 陈麻婆豆腐双林店 地址:双林路 评论

Mapo doufu (Mapo tofu) is a poPUlar Chinese dish from the Sichuan (Szechuan) province. It is a combination of tofu (bean curd) and minced meat, usually pork or beef, in a spicy chili- and bean-based sauce, typically a thin, oily, and bright red susPEnsion. Variations with other ingredients such as water chestnuts, onions, other vegetables, or wood ear fungus are not considered authentic recreations of the Sichuan classic.[who?] The name is often thought to mean "Pocked-Face Lady's Tofu," and is said to come from a (possibly fictional) food vendor by the name of Ma, who made and sold the dish. Another possible explanation stems from an alternate definition of 麻, meaning "numb": the Szechuan pePPErcorns used in the dish can slightly numb the diner's mouth. True Mapo doufu is powerfully spicy with both conventional "heat" spiciness and the characteristic "mala" (numbing spiciness) flavor of Sichuan (Szechuan) cuisine. The feel of the PArticular dish is often described by cooks using seven specific Chinese adjectives: 麻 (numbing), 辣 (spicy hot), 烫 (hot temperature), 鲜 (fresh), 嫩 (tender and soft), 香 (aromatic), and 酥 (flaky). These seven characteristics are considered to be the most defining of authentic Mapo doufu. The authentic form of the dish is increasingly easier to find outside China today, but usually in Sichuanese restaurants that do not adapt the dish for non-Sichuanese tastes. In the west, the dish is often adulterated, with its spiciness severely toned down to widen its aPPeal[citation needed]. This happens even in Chinese restaurants, commonly those not specialising in Sichuan (Szechuan) cuisine. In American Chinese cuisine the dish is often made without meat to appeal to vegetarians, with very little spice, a thick sweet-and-sour sauce, and added vegetables, a stark contrast from the authentic. Vegetarians can often still enjoy the powerful taste of the authentic dish, however, as it can easily be made without meat at all (and simply just tofu) while not toning down the spices; this version is technically referred to as Mala doufu although this name is not always well-known. 评论


川菜。典型的川菜 评论


主料:豆腐两块 辅料:蒜苗花.酥牛肉臊子(就是已经炒的很干香的那种)



麻呼呼热辣辣 又麻又辣 麻得适度,辣的诱人




关键词: 调味料 豆腐
