
漫游奇遇记,漫游奇遇记 原声版

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我相信在将来的一百年后,这部书依然会畅全世界 。


Spring has just spread its wings. I always walk by the garden and think. “What a beautiful season!” I like reading as much as PEople like spring. I enjoy reading books under a tall cherry blooms tree. The petals fall down slowly and lightly and make me very haPPy, just like going to a sweet dream. If the book is Alice in Wonderland, I think it will be wonderful. I finished reading this book a few days ago. The plot in this book is very attractive. Oh, in my opinion, it is not only a book but also a story about adventure, that’s boys’ favorite. And it is a fairy tale about daydream, too. I think most of girls like daydream, including me. So I love this book very much. Alice is a little simple girl. She was sitting under a tree at first. Then she saw a white rabbit and ran after it, the rabbit jumped into a rabbit-hole and so did Alice. She fell down and down and came to a different place called ‘Wonderland’. Everything was strange there. She saw the bottle which had ‘Drink me’ on it and drank it, her size changed. That was really exciting! I always imagine that I can change my size according to my wishes, and then I can be tall enough to reach the biggest red apple which is hanging over on the top of the tree. Or I can be short enough to visit the house of ants. Do you think it would be interesting? So we can know how lucky Alice was! Alice also met some birds and took PArt in a strange race called Caucus race. It was funny because everybody started to run at different times and stoPPEd at different times too. After the race, the birds said goodbye to Alice and went away. Alice walked and walked, she met the white rabbit again but it did not recognize her, it called her ‘Mary Ann’ and asked her to bring its hat for it. Alice was afraid and would like to get bigger, so she found some strange mushrooms for dinner. She talked to the caterpillar which was sitting on the top of the mushroom. At last the big caterpillar told Alice ‘Eat the mushrooms you will change you size.” And then it vanished. After that, Alice went to her adventure. She met Duchess, the Cherish Cat. The Cherish Cat was very strange. It had a smile on its face. What a lovely and different cat! Later, she took part in a tea party and she discussed about time with a mouse and a hare. But actually she thought the tea party was very boring and stupid so she went away and came to a garden. To her surprise, everyone here was only card! The queen of the cards was bad-tempered. If you meet her, you’ll be afraid because she always shouted “Cut off his head! Cut off her head!” And they hold a trial because they thought someone stole the tarts. In the end, Alice found that was only a dream, she was still sitting under the tree. And the story ended. But I learnt many things from this book. In Alice in Wonderland, impossible is nothing, but the wonderland seems to be strange and stupid to us. Because the things we do or we think are always sensible. We will lose so much fun in this way. In fact, the story is a dream, but it shows me a different idea, just like our childhoods. I don’t want to grow up. I will have no choice but to face many difficulties and bad things when I grow up. Actually Wonderland is a nice place. That’s why I like this book. I always believe, the world is peace and wonderful, the cherry will always be in full bloom. Like what Dickens said “The PUre, the bright, and the beautiful. These things shall never die.” 评论

Spring has just spread its wings. I always walk by the garden and think. “What a beautiful season!” I like reading as much as people like spring. I enjoy reading books under a tall cherry blooms tree. The petals fall down slowly and lightly and make me very happy, just like going to a sweet dream. If the book is Alice in Wonderland, I think it will be wonderful.
I finished reading this book a few days ago. The plot in this book is very attractive. Oh, in my opinion, it is not only a book but also a story about adventure, that’s boys’ favorite. And it is a fairy tale about daydream, too. I think most of girls like daydream, including me. So I love this book very much.
Alice is a little simple girl. She was sitting under a tree at first. Then she saw a white rabbit and ran after it, the rabbit jumped into a rabbit-hole and so did Alice. She fell down and down and came to a different place called ‘Wonderland’. Everything was strange there. She saw the bottle which had ‘Drink me’ on it and drank it, her size changed. That was really exciting! I always imagine that I can change my size according to my wishes, and then I can be tall enough to reach the biggest red apple which is hanging over on the top of the tree. Or I can be short enough to visit the house of ants. Do you think it would be interesting? So we can know how lucky Alice was!
Alice also met some birds and took part in a strange race called Caucus race. It was funny because everybody started to run at different times and stopped at different times too. After the race, the birds said goodbye to Alice and went away. Alice walked and walked, she met the white rabbit again but it did not recognize her, it called her ‘Mary Ann’ and asked her to bring its hat for it. Alice was afraid and would like to get bigger, so she found some strange mushrooms for dinner. She talked to the caterpillar which was sitting on the top of the mushroom. At last the big caterpillar told Alice ‘Eat the mushrooms you will change you size.” And then it vanished.
After that, Alice went to her adventure. She met Duchess, the Cherish Cat. The Cherish Cat was very strange. It had a smile on its face. What a lovely and different cat! Later, she took part in a tea party and she discussed about time with a mouse and a hare. But actually she thought the tea party was very boring and stupid so she went away and came to a garden. To her surprise, everyone here was only card! The queen of the cards was bad-tempered. If you meet her, you’ll be afraid because she always shouted “Cut off his head! Cut off her head!” And they hold a trial because they thought someone stole the tarts.
In the end, Alice found that was only a dream, she was still sitting under the tree. And the story ended. But I learnt many things from this book. In Alice in Wonderland, impossible is nothing, but the wonderland seems to be strange and stupid to us. Because the things we do or we think are always sensible. We will lose so much fun in this way.
In fact, the story is a dream, but it shows me a different idea, just like our childhoods. I don’t want to grow up. I will have no choice but to face many difficulties and bad things when I grow up. Actually Wonderland is a nice place. That’s why I like this book. I always believe, the world is peace and wonderful, the cherry will always be in full bloom. Like what Dickens said “The pure, the bright, and the beautiful. These things shall never die.”

诺贝尔金奖获得者与儿童对话 评论

Have you read the book "Alice roaming fortuitous book? 评论

.希望使他快活,恐惧使他惊惶,他想睡,但睡不着,四肢像散了似的在一些干草上放着.什么响动也没有,只有天上的星伴着自己的心跳. .夜深了,多日的疲乏,与逃走的惊惧,使他身心全不舒服. .夜还很黑,空中有些湿冷的雾气,心中更觉得渺茫. 那辆车也真是可爱,拉过了半年来的,仿佛处处都有了知觉与感情,祥子的一扭腰,一蹲腿,或一直脊背,它都就上应合着,给祥子以最顺心的帮助. 他与它之间没有一点隔膜别扭的地方。赶到遇上地平人少的地方,祥子可以用一只手拢着把,微微轻响的皮轮象阵利飕的小风似的催着他跑,飞快而平稳。 拉到了地点,祥子的衣裤都拧得出汗来,哗哗的,象刚从水盆里捞出来的。 他感到疲乏,可是很痛快的,值得骄傲的,一种疲乏,如同骑着名马跑了几十里那样。 腮上没有多余的,脖子可是几乎与头一边儿(注:一边儿,即同样的。)粗;脸上永远红扑扑的。 弓子软得颤悠颤悠的,连车把都微微的动弹;车箱是那么亮,垫子是那么白,喇叭是那么响。 体面的,要强的,好梦想的,利己的,个人的,健壮的,伟大的,祥子,不知陪着人家送了多少回殡;不知道何时何地会埋起他自己来,埋起这堕落的,自私的,不幸的,社会病胎里的产儿,个人主义的末路鬼! 祥子一贯要强和奋斗,他所梦想的不过是以自己的劳动求得一种独立自主的生活。像他这样善良、正直的人,可就是得不到上天的疼爱……好不容易买来的新车被抢、委曲求全地娶了自己并不爱的虎妞、卖车安葬难产而死的虎妞、自己喜欢的小福子被卖到白房子后又自杀……这些事,给了祥子一重重的打击,他本想用自己的努力来实现自己的梦,但经过这些打击,他丧失了对于生活信心,自甘堕落,变得懒惰狡猾、极端自私,最后得了一身脏病,成为一堆行尸走肉。 其实,祥子之所以会有如此下场,很重要的原因是当时旧社会的黑暗和不合理。书中说:“苦人的懒是努力而落空了的自然结果,苦人的耍刺儿含有一些公理。”“人把自己从野兽中提拔出,可是现在人还把自己的同类驱到野兽里去。祥子还在那文化之城,可是变成了走兽。一点也不是他自己的过错。 以他那样的奋斗、那样的善良、那样的正直,必能成为一个对国家、对社会有用的人,我们现在生活在一个法治社会,我们应该珍惜这样的环境,好好地学习,不要辜负党和人民的教导,将来为祖国献出自己的一份力! 评论

关键词: 原声
