

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-03 15:18:52 浏览次数:154
迪士尼经典巨献 华特迪士尼公司倾情打造“迪士尼家庭奇妙之旅”   2007年9月25日,上海,世界著名家庭娱乐王国打造者华特迪士尼公司将在中国大陆地区电视台首次播映其著名动画片《美女与野兽》(英文名BeautyandtheBeast)。该影片的中文版将于本周六9月29日晚十点,9月30日早十点在中央电视台电影频道《佳片有约》中播出,届时喜爱动画的小朋友们就可以和爸爸妈妈一起坐在电视机前共同观看这部曾获多项奥斯卡奖项的动画片啦!   《美女与野兽》是华特迪士尼公司于今年8月起在中国大陆地区推出“迪士尼家庭奇妙之旅”大型经典动画片展播隆重推荐的影片之一。本周六即将播出的描述爱心与勇气的《美女与野兽》,及10月和11月的《小美人鱼》等影片均为迪士尼公主系列影片。迪士尼公主系列共有6位可爱的公主形象:白雪公主、贝尔公主、仙蒂公主、茉莉公主、爱丽儿公主及爱洛公主。她们共同体现着迪士尼公主梦想,美丽,浪漫和缘分的特质。迪士尼希望通过这些影片中生动故事和活泼的形象,激发小朋友们追寻、实现自己的梦想的愿望,在娱乐中帮助她们树立积极向上的人生观、价值观,从而成为一个真正的迪士尼公主。   《美女与野兽》于1991年推出,是迪士尼的第30部经典动画。影片被该届奥斯卡金像奖提名为最佳影片,是该奖项历史上唯一被提名的动画片。本片改编自法国古老的神话故事,由600多位动画师,耗时3年半,绘制一百万张图画之后制作完成。该影片也是国际动画史上第一部尝试运用电脑科技的动画片。   本片片尾流行主题曲由著名黑人男歌手 PEabo Bryson 与流行乐天后席琳迪翁(CelineDion)演唱。该主题曲还获得当年奥斯卡最佳原著配乐、最佳歌曲两项大奖。此次在国内播放的中文版影片主题歌曲《爱在蔓延中》由著名音乐人陈少琪重新填词,著名艺人谢霆锋与新生代女歌手梅琳深情演绎,整首歌曲旋律优美,洋溢着爱的浪漫。 评论

谁有动画版美女与野兽全集视频 要双字幕的哦 急急急 主角贝儿
http://data.movie.xunlei.com/movie/15053?down=1 评论


Tale as old as time’ true as it can be.
Barely even friends’ then somebody bends’ unexpectedly
Just a little change’ small to say the least’ both a little scared’neither one prePAred’
Ever just the same’ Ever a surprise
Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise.INSTRUMENTAL
Ever just the same’
Ever a surprise
Ever as before’
and ever just as sure
as the sun will rise.
Tale as old as time’ tune as old as song’
Bitter sweet & strange’
finding you can change’ learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
(Certain as the sun)’
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time’
Song as old as rhyme’ Beauty & the Beast
Tale as old as time’
Song as old as rhyme’







这里有下,支持迅雷下载。 追问:

(Suddenly, BEAST grABS BELLE's shoulder and wHIPS her around. She droPS the torch she was carrying into a PUddle and the room is dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.) BEAST: What are you doing here? MAURICE: Run, Belle! BELLE: Who's there? Who are you? BEAST: The master of this castle. BELLE: I've come for my father. Please let him out! Can't you see he's sick? BEAST: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here. BELLE: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything! BEAST: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner. BELLE: Oh, there must be some way I can...wait! Take me, instead! BEAST: You! You would take his place? MAURICE: Belle! No! You don't know what you're doing! BELLE: If I did, would you let him go? BEAST: Yes, but you must promise to stay here forever. (BELLE ponders the situation and realizes she can't see the captor) BELLE: Come into the light. (BEAST drags his legs, then his whole body into the beam of light. BELLE looks, her eyes growing wider until she can stand no more and falls back to MAURICE.) MAURICE: No, Belle. I won't let you do this! (BELLE regains her composure, then steps into the beam of light, giving her a very virgin-ish look) BELLE: You have my word. BEAST: (quickly) Done! (BEAST moves over to unlock the cell, and BELLE collapses to the floor with her head in her hands. We hear the door being unlocked, then MAURICE rushing over to BELLE.) MAURICE: No, Belle. Listen to me. I'm old, I've lived my life-- (BEAST grabs him and drags him downstairs) 评论

中文版最新录制的主题曲由 谢霆锋&梅琳 <爱在蔓延中> 附送歌词 歌曲:爱在蔓延中 演唱:谢霆锋 梅琳 海洋与星空 本来不相通 朝夕相对中 在互相感动 在互相包容 我们的天空 吹不同的风 看你的笑容 谁能不动容 爱在蔓延中 我们能想象 爱情的力量 比岁月坚强 战胜了别人 奇异的目光 爱就像彩虹 爱就像彩虹 就只有一种 能为你心痛 最大的光荣 爱在蔓延中 我要你明白什么是真爱 在这个世界上我希望你比我先离开 让我一个人 让我一颗心 来承担所有的伤害(的伤害) 我们所以快乐 因为经过多少的忍耐 如果失去你 失去你的爱 谁还稀罕什么自由自在 我们能想象 爱情的力量 比岁月坚强 战胜了别人 奇异的目光 我们的天空 吹不同的风 看你的笑容 谁能不动容 爱在蔓延中 爱在蔓延中 眼神能见证 不是一场梦 爱在蔓延中 评论
