

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-03 14:07:43 浏览次数:179
 2011 《项塔兰》   2011 《快乐的大脚2》(voice)   2011 《钱与》 (Moneyball)   2010 《肮脏伎俩》(Dirty Tricks)   2010 (Chad Schmidt)   2010 《迷失Z城》(The Lost City of Z)   2010 《生命之树》(Tree of Life)   2010 《超级大坏》(Megamind)(为超级英雄“Metroman”配音)   2009 《无耻混蛋》(Inglorious Bastards)   2008 《阅后即焚》(Burn After Reading)   2008 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(或译《返老还童》/《班杰明的奇幻旅程》/《奇幻逆缘》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)[1]    史密斯夫妇-布拉德.皮特2007《刺杀神枪侠》(或译《神枪手之死》)(The Assassination of Jesse James)   2007《十三罗汉》(Ocean's Thirteen)   2006《通天塔》(Babel)   2005《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.and Mrs Smith)   2004《十二罗汉》(Ocean's Twelve)   2004《特洛伊》(Troy)   2003《辛巴达七海传奇》(Sinbad Legend Of The Seven Seas)为主角辛巴达配音   2001《十一罗汉》(Ocean's Eleven)   2001《间谍游戏》(Spy Game)   2001《墨西哥人》( The Mexican)   2000《偷拐抢骗》(Snatch)   1999《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)   1998《第六感生死恋》(或译《情约今生》)(Meet Joe Black)    夜访吸血鬼1997《西藏七年》(Seven Years in Tibet)   1997《与魔鬼共行》(The Devil's Own)   1997《太阳的背面》(The Dark Side of the Sun)   1996《沉睡者》(SleePErs)   1995《十二猴子》(12 Monkeys)   1995《七宗罪》(Seven)   1994《燃情岁月》(或译《秋日传奇》)(Legends of the Fall)   1994《夜访吸血鬼》(或译《吸血迷情》)(Interview with the Vampire)   1994《初恋情人》(The Favor)   1993《绝命大煞星》(True Romance)   1993《加州杀手》(Kalifornia)   1992《大河恋》(A River Runs Through It)    《返老还童》1992《美女闯天关》(Cool World)   1992《梦幻强尼》(Johnny Suede)   1991《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis)   1991《田径双雄》(Across The Tracks)   1990《早逝》(Too Young To Die)   1990《辉煌岁月》(Glory Days)   1988《下课后》(Cutting Class)   1987《无主地》(No Man's Land)   作为制作人   2010《海扁王》 评论

2010肮脏伎俩 Dirty Tricks   2010Chad Schmidt   2009生命之树 The Tree of Life   2009斗士 The Fighter   2009无耻混蛋 Inglorious Bastards   2008阅后即焚 Burn After Reading   2008本杰明·巴顿奇事/返老还童/班杰明的奇幻旅程/奇幻逆缘 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button   2007《刺杀神枪侠》(或译《神枪手之死》)(The Assassination of Jesse James)   2007《十三罗汉》(Ocean's Thirteen)   2006《通天塔》(Babel)   2005《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.and Mrs Smith)   2004《十二罗汉》(Ocean's Twelve)   2004《特洛伊》(Troy)   2001《十一罗汉》(Ocean's Eleven)   2001《间谍游戏》(Spy Game)   2001《墨西哥人》( The Mexican)   2000《掠夺》(Snatch)   1999《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)   1998《第六感生死恋》(或译《情约今生》)(Meet Joe Black)   1997《西藏七年》(Seven Years in Tibet)   1997《与魔鬼共行》(The Devil's Own)   1997《太阳的背面》(The Dark Side of the Sun)   1996《沉睡者》(Sleepers)   1995《十二只猴子》(12 Monkeys)   1995《七宗罪》(Seven)   1994《燃情岁月》(或译《秋日传奇》)(Legends of the Fall)   1994《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire)   1994《初恋情人》(The Favor)   1993《绝命大煞星》(True Romance)   1993《加州杀手》(Kalifornia)   1992《大河奔流》(A River Runs Through It)   1992《美女闯天关》(Cool World)   1992《梦幻强尼》(Johnny Suede)   1991《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis)   1991《田径双雄》(Across The Tracks)   1990《早逝》(Too Young To Die)   1990《辉煌岁月》(Glory Days)   1988《下课后》(Cutting Class)   1987《无主地》(No Man's Land) http://baike.baidu.com/view/48513.htm 评论

谁给推荐几部布拉德皮特主演的电影 最好火爆点的?





朱莉的作品:功夫熊2 (Kung Fu PAnda2)(2011)

  旅客 (The Tourist)(2011)

  特工绍特 (Salt)(2010)

  爱情与荣誉 (The Mercenary: Love and Honor) (2009)


  换子疑云 (Changeling) (2008) 

  功夫熊猫 (Kung Fu Panda) (2008)

  Atlas Shrugged (2008)

  贝奥武夫 (Beowulf) (2007)

  坚强的心 (A Mighty Heart) (2007)

  A Place in Time (2007)

  特务风云 (The Good Shepherd) (2006)

  史密斯夫妇 (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) (2005)

  亚历山大大帝 (Alexander) (2004)

  空军上校和未来世界 (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) (2004)

  鲨鱼故事 (Shark Tale) (2004)

  机动杀人 (Taking Lives) (2004)

  Love and Honor (2004)

  发热 (The Fever) (2004)

  超越边界 (Beyond Borders) (2003)

  古墓丽影2 (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life) (2003)

  天算不如人算 (Life or Something Like It) (2002)

  无影终结者 (Cyborg 2) (2002)

  原罪 (Original Sin) (2001)

  古墓丽影 (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) (2001)

  证据拼图 (Without Evidence) (Gathering Evidence) (2000)

  极速60秒(致命60秒)(Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000)

  女生向前走(移魂女郎) (Girl Interrupted) (1999)

  神秘拼图(人骨拼图/拾骨者)(The Bone Collector) (1999)

  空中塞车 (PUshing Tin) (1999)

  地狱兄弟 (Hell's Kitchen) (1998)

  霓裳情挑(吉娅)(Gia) (1998)

  随心所欲 (Playing by Heart) (1998)

  洛城疑云 (Playing God) (1997)

  风云传奇 (George Wallace) (1997)

  真正的女人 (True Women) (1997)

  摩哈维的月亮 (Mojave Moon) (1996)

  爱总如此 (Love Is All There Is) (1996)

  恶女帮 ( Foxfire) (1996)

  无证可寻 (Without Evidence)(1995)

  黑客 (Hackers) (1995)

  电子人2 (Cyborg)(1993)

  安吉拉/爱丽丝&Viril (Angela / Alice & Viril) (1993 )

  朴克误我卅年 ( Lookin' to Get Out) (1982)


皮特的电影:2011 《项塔兰》

  2011 《快乐的大脚2》(voice)

  2011 《钱与球》 (Moneyball)

  2010 《肮脏伎俩》(Dirty Tricks)

  2010 (Chad Schmidt)

  2010 《迷失Z城》(The Lost City of Z)

  2010 《生命之树》(Tree of Life)

  2010 《超级大坏蛋》(Megamind)(为超级英雄“Metroman”配音)

  2009 《无耻混蛋》(Inglorious Bastards)

  2008 《阅后即焚》(Burn After Reading)

  2008 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(或译《返老还童》/《班杰明的奇幻旅程》/《奇幻逆缘》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)

       2007《刺杀神枪侠》(或译《神枪手之死》)(The Assassination of Jesse James)

  2007《十三罗汉》(Ocean's Thirteen)


  2005《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.and Mrs Smith)

  2004《十二罗汉》(Ocean's Twelve)


  2003《辛巴达七海传奇》(Sinbad Legend Of The Seven Seas)为主角辛巴达配音

  2001《十一罗汉》(Ocean's Eleven)

  2001《间谍游戏》(Spy Game)

  2001《墨西哥人》( The Mexican)


  1999《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)

  1998《第六感生死恋》(或译《情约今生》)(Meet Joe Black)

   1997《西藏七年》(Seven Years in Tibet)

  1997《与魔鬼共行》(The Devil's Own)

  1997《太阳的背面》(The Dark Side of the Sun)


  1995《十二猴子》(12 Monkeys)


  1994《燃情岁月》(或译《秋日传奇》)(Legends of the Fall)

  1994《夜访吸血鬼》(或译《吸血迷情》)(Interview with the Vampire)

  1994《初恋情人》(The Favor)

  1993《绝命大煞星》(True Romance)


  1992《大河恋》(A River Runs Through It)

        1992《美女闯天关》(Cool World)

  1992《梦幻强尼》(Johnny Suede)


  1991《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis)

  1991《田径双雄》(Across The Tracks)

  1990《早逝》(Too Young To Die)

  1990《辉煌岁月》(Glory Days)

  1988《下课后》(Cutting Class)

  1987《无主地》(No Man's Land)


2007《刺杀神枪侠》(The Assassination of Jesse James) 2007《十三罗汉》(Ocean's Thirteen) 2006《通天塔》(Babel) 2005《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.and Mrs Smith) 2004《十二罗汉》(Ocean's Twelve) 2004《特洛伊》(Troy) 2001《十一罗汉》(Ocean's Eleven) 2001《间谍游戏》(Spy Game) 2001《墨西哥人》( The Mexican) 2000《掠夺》(Snatch) 1999《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club) 1998《第六感生死恋》(Meet Joe Black) 1997《西藏七年》(Seven Years in Tibet) 1997《与魔鬼共行》(The Devil's Own) 1997《太阳的背面》(The Dark Side of the Sun) 1996《沉睡者》(Sleepers) 1995《十二只猴子》(12 Monkeys) 1995《七宗罪》(Seven) 1994《秋日传奇》(Legends of the fall) 1994《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire) 1994《初恋情人》(The Favor) 1993《绝命大煞星》(True Romance) 1993《加州杀手》(Kalifornia) 1992《大河奔流》(A River Runs Through It) 1992《美女闯天关》(Cool World) 1992《梦幻强尼》(Johnny Suede) 1991《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis) 1991《田径双雄》(Across The Tracks) 1990《早逝》(Too Young To Die) 1990《辉煌岁月》(Glory Days) 1988《下课后》(Cutting Class) 1987《无主地》(No Man's Land) 评论

布拉德·皮特历年主演影片: 2007《刺杀神枪侠》(The Assassination of Jesse James) 2007《十三罗汉》(Ocean's Thirteen) 2006《通天塔》(Babel) 2005《史密斯夫妇》(Mr.and Mrs Smith) 2004《十二罗汉》(Ocean's Twelve) 2004《特洛伊》(Troy) 2001《十一罗汉》(Ocean's Eleven) 2001《间谍游戏》(Spy Game) 2001《墨西哥人》( The Mexican) 2000《掠夺》(Snatch) 1999《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club) 1998《第六感生死恋》(Meet Joe Black) 1997《西藏七年》(Seven Years in Tibet) 1997《与魔鬼共行》(The Devil's Own) 1997《太阳的背面》(The Dark Side of the Sun) 1996《沉睡者》(Sleepers) 1995《十二只猴子》(12 Monkeys) 1995《七宗罪》(Seven) 1994《秋日传奇》(Legends of the fall) 1994《夜访吸血鬼》(Interview with the Vampire) 1994《初恋情人》(The Favor) 1993《绝命大煞星》(True Romance) 1993《加州杀手》(Kalifornia) 1992《大河奔流》(A River Runs Through It) 1992《美女闯天关》(Cool World) 1992《梦幻强尼》(Johnny Suede) 1991《末路狂花》(Thelma and Louis) 1991《田径双雄》(Across The Tracks) 1990《早逝》(Too Young To Die) 1990《辉煌岁月》(Glory Days) 1988《下课后》(Cutting Class) 1987《无主地》(No Man's Land) 而现今的皮特已经成为了一位父亲,他与性感的茱莉的结合似乎也是习惯的结果,两人在《史密斯夫妇》里坠入爱河,并最终奉子成婚,最新作品《十三罗汉》为他赢得了威尼斯最佳男演员的荣誉。 评论

关键词: 疯狗 梦幻
