

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-08-02 10:00:32 浏览次数:374
暮光之城观后感     书城里,有段时间把暮光之城的书堆得犹如书城里就专卖这本书而开的一样,很多。阴森森的封面,那种黑色是诡异的,充满着恐怖和不可思议。我以为就是一些新上架的小说,只不过是为了吸引人眼而摆出来,却不知道它是风靡全球的书。直到我看《看电影学英语》节目里,关于棒球的之部分,截取的正是暮光之城的片段,我很惊奇那种速度,想要看那部电影,却因为看不清右上角的字体错过了它,现在想起来就是相见恨晚。

暮光同城?我只知道有幕光之城啊。。。。 评论

I'd never given much thought to how I would die.
But dying in the place of someone I loved,seems like a good way
to go.

twilight (movie)
Edward:Hello, I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen. You're Bella?

Edward:And now you're unhaPPy?
Edward:I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure you out. You're very difficult for me to read.
Bella:Did you get contacts?
Bella:Your eyes were black the last time I saw you and now...They're like golden-brown.
Edward:Yes, I know. It's the...fluorescence.

Edward:You hit your head...I think you're confused.
Bella:I know what I saw.
Edward:What exactly was that?
Bella:You...You stoPPEd the van. You PUshed it away with your hand.
Edward:Nobody's gonna believe you.
Bella:I wasn't gonna tell anybody. I just need to know the truth.

Edward:Bella...We shouldn't be friends.
Bella:You really should've figured that out a little earlier. I mean, why didn't you just let the van crush me. And save yourself all this...regret?
Edward:You think I regret saving you?
Bella:I can see that you do....how I..
Edward:You don't know anything.
Alice:Hi! Are you gonna be riding withe us?
Edward:No, Our bus is full.

Bella:You know, your mood swings are kind of giving me a whiplash.
Edward:I only said it'd be better for you if we weren't friends, not that I didn't wannt to be.
Bella:What does that mean?
Edward:If you're smart, stay away from me.
Bella:Let's say for argument sake that I'm not smart. Will you tell me truth?
Edward:No, probably not. I'd rather hear your theories.
Bella:I have considered...Radioactive spiders and Krytonite.
Edward:That's all suPEr-hero stuff, right? What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm...the bad guy?
Bella:You're not.

Edward:I don't have strength to stay away from you anymore.

Bella:You're impossibly fast...and strong. Your skin is PAle white and ice cold. Your eyes change color...and sometimes you speak like...like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything...You don't go out in the sunlight. How old are you?
Bella:How long have you been seventeen?
Edward:A while.
Bella:I know what you are.
Edward:Say it....out loud...say it.
Edward:Are you afraid?
Edward:Then ask me the most basic question: what do we eat?
Bella:You won't hurt me.

Edward:Everything about me invites you in...My voice, my face...Even my smell. As if I would need any of that. As if you cound outrun me! As if you could fight me off. I'm designed to kill.
Bella:I don't care.
Edward:I've killed people before.
Bella:It doesn't matter.
Edward:I wanted to kill you. At never wanted a human's blood so much in my life.
Bella:I trust you.

Edward:My family, we're different from others our kind. We only hunt animals. We've learned to control our thirst. But you...Your scent...is like a drug to me. Like my own personal brand of heroin.

Edward:I can't read your mind. You have to tell me what you're thinking.
Bella:Now I'm afraid.
Bella:I'm not afraid of you. I'm only afraid of losing you...Like you're going to disappear.
Edward:You don't know how long I've waited for you. And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Bella:Stupid lamb.
Edward:What a sick, masochistic lion.

Bella Bedroom1
Bella:about three things I was ABSolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevoCABly in love with him.

Edward:I'm breaking all the rules now anyway...Since I'm going to hell.

Edward:I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow.
Bella:Wait, with your family?
Bella:What if they don't like me?
Edward:So you're worried...Not becouse you'll be in a house full of vampires but...becouse you think they won't approve of you?

Edward Room
Bella:I can't dance.
Edward:I can always make you.
Bella:I'm not scared of you.
Edward:You really shouldn't have said that.

Bella:This isn't real. This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.
Edward:This is my world.

Bella Bedroom2
Bella:How did you get in here?
Edward:The window.
Bella:Do you do that a lot?
Edward:Just the past couple months. I like watching you sleep...It...kind of fascinating to me. Um...I want to try one thing...Stay very still.

Rosalie:Why? What is she to me?
Carlisle:Rosalie...Bella is with Edward. She is part of this family now. We protect our family.
Bella:If anything happens, I just...
Edward:Nothing's gonna happen. There's seven of us against two of them. And when everything's done, I'm gonna come back and get you. Bella, you are my life now.

Bella:I'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go.

Carlisle:To try suck the venom out.
Edward:No, I won't be able to stop.
Carlisle:Then find the will...To stop. But choose. She only has minutes left.
Edward:I can't make you go away, Bella. But I'll make it go away.
Carlisle:Edward, stop! The blood is clean, yoru're killing her. Edward, stop! Stop. Find the will.
Bella:Dead is peaceful...easy. Life is harder.

Bella:Edward,why did you save me? If you just had let the venom spread...I could be like you right now.
Edward:You don't know understand, you dont want this.
Bella:I want you, Always.
Edward:I'm not gonna end your life for you.
Bella:I'm dying....Already. Every second I get closer...Older.
Edward:That's the way it's suPPOsed to be.
Bella:Alice said that she saw me like you. I heard her.
Edward:Her visions change.
Bella:Yeah, but someday people decide. I've decided.
Edward:Is that what you dream about? Becoming a monster?
Bella:I dream about being with you forever.
Edward:Forever...Are you ready right now?
Edward:Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?
Bella:Yes...for now.
Bella:No one will surrender tonight. But I won't give in. I know what I want.


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关键词: 电影 光大
