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4、摇滚校园2不是2010年就上映了吗 怎么网上还没有
6、摇滚校园 演员列表
7、电影 摇滚校园 百度云




序号-乐队(演唱者) - 歌曲名字

01-No Vacancy - Fight
02-No Vacancy - Heal Me, I'm Heartsick
03-The Clash - Stay Free
04-摇滚校园原声 - 代课第一天放学的背景音乐
05-Kiss - Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio(The Ramones cover)
06-Rodrigo - Concierto De Aranjuez II. Adagio
07-Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love
08-Black Sabbath - Iron Man
09-Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
10-ACDC - Highway To Hell
11-The Doors - Touch Me
12-Alicia Morton -Tomorrow
13-Leann Rimes - Amazing Grace
14-Elaine Paige - Memory
15-ACDC - Back In Black
16-The Who - Substitute
17-Jack Black - In The End Of Time
18-George Benson - The Greatest Love Of All
19-Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools
20-Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Roadrunner
21-Jack Black - Step Off
22-The Ramones - My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down(Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)
23-metallica - The Wait(Killing Joke cover)
24-Brand New Sin - Sad Wings
25-Young Heart Attack - Mouthful Of Love
26-The Darkness - Black Shuck
27-Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
28-Jack Black - Computerman
29-Jack Black - Math Is A Wonderful Thing
30-The Black Keys - Set You Free
31-Stevie Nicks - Edge Of Seventeen
32-Alan Bergman, Marilyn Bergman & Dave Grusin - Good Times(Theme)
33-School Of Rock - School Of Rock
34-ACDC - For Those about To Rock(We Salute You)
35-T-Rex - Ballrooms Of Mars
36-David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
37-Wylde Ratttz - T.V. Eye
38-The Velvet Underground - Ride into the Sun
39-摇滚校园原声 - 学生们去家里找杜威的音乐
40-School Of Rock - It's A Long Way To The Top(ACDC cover)


序号. 影片中出现时间点 说明

01. 0:00:00 影片的片头曲。

02. 0:05:34和1:31:04 杜威去找他的乐队,他的乐队正在排练的那首歌,也是最后比赛时那个乐队表演的歌曲。

03. 0:07:34 杜威卖吉他时候的背景音乐,一直到他开车去学校放的都是这首。

04. 0:14:43 第一天放学的背景音乐。

05. 0:15:46 杜威拿以前的照片给奈德看的时候的背景音乐。

06. 0:19:24 音乐课上演奏的古典音乐。

07. 0:20:18 听完音乐课上的古典乐,杜威去车里搬乐器。

08. 0:21:20 教吉他手弹电吉他时的第一首音乐。

09. 0:21:34 教吉他手弹电吉他时的第二首音乐,也是后来几个人合奏的音乐。

10. 0:21:50 教吉他手弹电吉他时的第三首音乐。

11. 0:22:27 教键盘手弹电子琴时的音乐。

12. 0:26:56 金发女孩第一次唱的歌。

13. 0:27:10 戴眼镜的黑人女孩第一次唱的歌。

14. 0:27:31 班长第一次唱的歌。

15. 0:29:19 杜威给学生们分配任务时的背景音乐。

16. 0:32:10 Summer靠在大树上等老师给她换成乐队经理时候的音乐。

17. 0:36:30和0:40:29 杜威应学生们的要求,在教室里唱自己写的歌。

18. 0:40:00 跟老师们吃饭时候说的“I believe that the children are the future. ...just remind us how we used to be.”就是引用这首歌的歌词。

19. 0:43:49 放学时,胖女孩想当歌手时候唱的。

20. 0:44:30 Zack老爸不让他听摇滚乐时候的背景音乐。

21. 0:47:08 “-现在大家都感到愤怒了吗? -是的! -好, 那正适合写一首摇滚歌曲……”“少管我!……”

22. 0:49:26 讲述排练、学习、看演唱会过程的背景音乐。

23. 0:53:23 他们第一次出去比赛的背景音乐,还有一个学生在大树旁边放风。

24. 0:55:00 胖女孩因为紧张不想唱的时候,从远处传来的音乐声。很小,是其他乐队正在表演的声音。这首歌因为版权问题下载不到完整版的,只有这个试听片段。要听完整版请购买2002年发行的《Brand New Sin》专辑里的第5首歌。

25. 0:57:07 杜威去找鼓手时候的背景音乐。

26. 0:57:19 鼓手正在打扑克时候的背景音乐。

27. 1:01:19 他们终于可以参加比赛了,在回去的路上汽车里放的音乐。

28. 1:02:00 杜威弹吉他哼的小曲,之后学生给他看了印有乐队名字的T恤。这是Jack Black主演的电视剧《Computerman》中的音乐。

29. 1:04:51 唱歌上数学课。

30. 1:06:54 和校长去酒吧喝酒的背景音乐。

31. 1:08:41 杜威给校长点的歌。

32. 1:10:23 和校长约会后回家时候杜威在车里唱的歌,是70年代的情景喜剧《Good Time》的主题曲。

33. 1:13:41 Zack自己写的那首歌,也是最后比赛用的那首。

34. 1:16:33 引用AC/DC的歌词。

35. 1:18:24 奈德收到莫名的薪水后,杜威向他坦白时候的背景音乐。

36. 1:20:17 杜威和校长一起去家长会在车上放的音乐。

37. 1:24:14 杜威被警察追出教室的音乐。

38. 1:24:29 家长会后,杜威、奈德、奈德的女友三人回到家中放的音乐。

39. 1:28:46 学生们去家里找杜威时,杜威从窗户往下看的音乐。

40. 1:42:46 比赛后返场曲目,也是片尾曲。


2、 类似摇滚校园的电影

摇滚之王/摇滚青春梦》剧情简介这是一个有关迟到的梦想的故事……“小鱼”罗伯特·菲什曼是一个极度活跃、过于亢奋、自我标榜的鼓手,作为一个乐队的创始人之一,“小鱼”最大的梦想就是成为一个超级摇滚巨星。然而太过专注于音乐的“小鱼”显然在处理人际关系方面不太在行,因为他随即就被自己组建的乐队除名,梦想的大门也在他面前轰然关闭。 20年之后,“小鱼”的侄子就像他当初一样,一头扎进摇滚的世界中着迷不已。由于之前受过伤害,“小鱼”尽量避免和侄子的乐队“A.D.D.”有任何接触,然而对音乐共同的爱却只会将他们越拉越近,终于,“小鱼”忍不住向这几个年轻人展示了自己作为一名鼓手的天赋,并告诉他们,只要心中有梦,自己是不会向年龄屈服的。于是,“小鱼”加入到了侄子的乐队中,填补了鼓手的空缺,最终,他将战胜以前的乐队,重新拿回自己梦寐以求的“摇滚上帝”的宝座,同时,他还会带领着这些在音乐的世界中稍显稚嫩的乐队成员,进行了一场有关成长的生命之旅。 一句话评论一部中规中矩到没有任何出格表现的娱乐喜剧,大部分时间里都能搏你一笑,但有的时候真是想笑都笑不出来。 ——《洛杉矶时报》 还未出名,雷恩·威尔森就已经被定位在了“疯狂的怪男人”的框框里,但显然他还有更多未被挖掘出来的潜能,也许应该尝试着改变一下戏路。



4、摇滚校园2不是2010年就上映了吗 怎么网上还没有

这是一部目前不存在的电影 摇滚学校2美国唱响 原定是2010年上映 但是根本就没拍出来 具体什么原因就不知道了 总之就是一些什么版权版权之类的利益关系

第一部拍的那么成功 无论是票房还是口碑都很成功 而且属于老少皆宜的片子 如果拍出第二部 不可能一点动静都没有

这片子 也许在未知的将来会拍 但是现在 还没拍出来




6、摇滚校园 演员列表

演员 Actor:
  杰克·布莱克 Jack Black .....Dewey Finn
  琼·库萨克 Joan Cusack .....Rosalie Mullins
  Adam Pascal .....Theo
  Lucas Papaelias .....Neil
  Chris Stack .....Doug
  萨拉·丝沃曼 Sarah Silverman .....Patty Di Marco
  麦克·怀特 Mike White .....Ned Schneebly
  Lucas Babin .....Spider
  Jordan-Claire Green .....Michelle
  Veronica Afflerbach .....Eleni
  米兰达·卡斯格拉夫 Miranda Cosgrove .....Summer Hathaway
  Joey Gaydos Jr. .....Zack Mooneyham
  Robert Tsai .....Lawrence
  Angelo Massagli .....Frankie
  Kevin Alexander Clark .....Freddy Jones (as Kevin Clark)
  Maryam Hassan .....Tomika
  Caitlin Hale .....Marta
  Cole Hawkins .....Leonard
  Brian Falduto .....Billy
  James Hosey .....Marco
  Aleisha Allen .....Alicia
  Zachary Infante .....Gordon
  Rebecca Brown .....Katie
  Jaclyn Neidenthal .....Emily
  Suzzanne Douglass .....Tomika's Mother
  Eron Otcasek .....Musician
  Carlos Velazquez .....Musician
  Kimberly Grigsby .....Mrs. Sheinkopf
  Lee Wilkof .....Mr. Green
  Kate McGregor-Stewart .....Mrs. Lemmons
  Wally Dunn .....Gym Teacher
  Tim Hopper .....Zack's Father
  Michael Dominguez-Rudolph .....Art Student
  Crash Cortez .....Max
  尼基·凯特 Nicky Katt .....Razor
  John E. Highsmith .....Tony
  Heather Goldenhersh .....Sheila
  Timothy 'Speed' Levitch .....Waiter
  Scott Graham .....Punk Rock Guy
  Sharon Washington .....Alicia's Mother
  Kim Brockington .....Leonard's Mother
  Marty Murphy .....Concerned Father
  Kathleen McNenny .....Freddy's Mother
  Joanna Adler .....Summer's Mother (as Joanna P. Adler)
  Robert Lin .....Lawrence's Father
  Barry Shurchin .....Cop
  MacIntyre Dixon .....Bus Driver
  艾米·塞德丽丝 Amy Sedaris .....Mrs. Haynish
  Mary Fortune .....Teacher's Assistant
  Mandy Siegfried .....Female Employee
  Elisa Pugliese .....Concert Goer
  Carlos J. Da Silva .....Security Guard
  Ian O'Malley .....Radio Exec
  Chris Line .....Radio DJ
  Kyle Meaney .....Toby
  Amber Gristak .....Girl at Bar (scenes deleted)
  Ryan O'Connor .....No Vaccancy's Biggest Fan
  Lauren Adler .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  Leanne Cabrera .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  Catherine A. Callahan .....Concert Attendee (uncredited)
  Cary Clark .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  Nicole Ilise Clark .....Student in Cafeteria (uncredited)
  Ambi Daniel .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  Jane DeNoble .....Billy's Mom (uncredited)
  Janet Huege .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  Riley G. Matthews Jr. .....Blood Brothers MC Biker (uncredited)
  Scott Skversky .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  斯特沃特·萨默斯 Stewart Summers .....Extra (uncredited)
  Joe Wachowski .....Concert Goer (uncredited)
  弗兰克·威利 Frank Whaley .....Battle of the bands director (uncredited)
  Angus Young .....Himself (archive) (uncredited)
【摇滚校园2】  为《功夫熊猫》阿宝配音的美国演员杰克-布莱克,将继续出演其2003年上映的喜剧《摇滚校园》(School of Rock)续集。近日,派拉蒙影业公司正式宣布拍《摇滚校园2:美国狂响》,并将第一部中的原班人马悉数请回。其中包括导演理查德·林克莱特 (Richard linklater)、编剧麦克·怀特(Mike White)、制片人斯科特·鲁丁(Scott Rudin),还有主演杰克·布莱克(Jack Black)。第一部《摇滚校园》曾赚得8100万美元的票房。

7、电影 摇滚校园 百度云

百度云 摇滚校园在下方,提取时输入正确密码即可。
链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pKgqvEz 密码:3p8x



歌词:中英: School of rock
Baby we was makin straight A's.
Oh ,宝贝,尽管我们的成绩是A
But we was stuck iin the dumb days.
Don't take much to memorize your lies.
Feel like I been hypnotized.
And then that magic man, he come to town
WHOOEEE he gone spun my head around.
He said "recess is in session! two and two make five!"
And now baby, oh, I'm alive.
AW YEAH! Oh, I'm alive!
School of Rock
And if you wanna be the teacher's pet,
baby, you just better forget it.
Rock got no reason, rock got no rhyme.
you better get me to school on time.
- guitar solo -
Oh you know I was on an honor roll.
Got good grades got no soul.
Raised my h before I could speak my mind.
I been biting my tongue too many times.
And then that magic man said to obey…..uh-huh
"Do what magic man do, not what magic man say."
Now can I please have the attention of the class.
Today s assignment... a hem... kick some ass
And if you wanna be the teacher's pet,
Oh baby, you just better forget it.
Rock got no reason, rock got no rhyme.
You better get me to school on time.
And if you wanna be the teacher's pet,
Oh baby, you just better forget it.
Rock got no reason, rock got no rhyme.
You better get me to school on time.
This is my final exam.
Now you all know who I am .
I might not be that perfect son.
But ya ll be rockin" when I m done

片尾曲:It's A Long Way To The Top

riding down the highway
going to a show
stop in all the byways
playing rock 'n' roll
getting robbed
getting stoned
getting beat up
broken boned
getting had
getting took
i tell you people
it's harder than it looks
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
if you think it's easy doing one night stands
try playing in a rock roll band
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
hotel motel
make you wanna cry
lady do the hard sell
know the reason why
getting old
getting grey
getting ripped off
getting sold
second hand
that's how it goes
playing in a band
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
if you wanna be a star of stage and screen
look out it's rough and mean
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way
it's a long way
it's a long way
such a long way
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n' roll
it's a long way
it's a long way




