

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2019-04-01 19:52:04 浏览次数:196












  A soul cake, a soul cake:
Please, good missus, a soul cake,好太太您请,一个灵魂蛋糕,
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,苹果,梨子,梅子和樱桃,
Any good thing to make us all merry。
A soul cake, a soul cake,灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕,
Please, good missus, a soul cake,好太太您请,一个灵魂蛋糕,
One for Peter, two for Paul,一个给彼得,二个给保罗,
And three for Him that made us all。
God bless the master of this house上帝保佑这个家的主人
And the mistress also,包括女主人
And all the little children和所有的孩子们
That round your table grow;他们围坐在桌旁。
The cattle in your stable,还有你的牛,
The dogs at your front door,还有你的狗,
And all that dwell within your gates和你门前所有的住宿者
We'll wish you ten times more。
A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕:
Go down into the cellar,And see what you can find;下到地窖来看看
If the barrels are not empty如果木桶不是空的
We'll hope that you'll be kind;我们希望您有爱心;
We'll hope that you'll be kind我们希望您有爱心
With your apple and your pear,施舍苹果和梨子
And we'll come no more a-soulin'今后,我们将不超过1 - soulin'
Till Christmas time next year。
A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕:
The streets are very dirty,街道很脏,
Me shoes are very thin,我的鞋很单薄,
I have a little pocket我有一个小口袋
To put a penny in;能放进一便士;
If you haven't got a penny;如果你没有得到一分钱
A ha'penny will do;一个 ha'penny也可以
If you haven't got a ha'penny;如果您没有一个ha'penny
God bless you。



  A soul cake, a soul cake:
Please, good missus, a soul cake,好太太您请,一个灵魂蛋糕,
An apple, a pear, a plum or a cherry,苹果,梨子,梅子和樱桃,
Any good thing to make us all merry。
A soul cake, a soul cake,灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕,
Please, good missus, a soul cake,好太太您请,一个灵魂蛋糕,
One for Peter, two for Paul,一个给彼得,二个给保罗,
And three for Him that made us all。
God bless the master of this house上帝保佑这个家的主人
And the mistress also,包括女主人
And all the little children和所有的孩子们
That round your table grow;他们围坐在桌旁。
The cattle in your stable,还有你的牛,
The dogs at your front door,还有你的狗,
And all that dwell within your gates和你门前所有的住宿者
We'll wish you ten times more。
A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕:
Go down into the cellar,And see what you can find;下到地窖来看看
If the barrels are not empty如果木桶不是空的
We'll hope that you'll be kind;我们希望您有爱心;
We'll hope that you'll be kind我们希望您有爱心
With your apple and your pear,施舍苹果和梨子
And we'll come no more a-soulin'今后,我们将不超过1 - soulin'
Till Christmas time next year。
A soul cake, a soul cake:灵魂蛋糕,灵魂蛋糕:
The streets are very dirty,街道很脏,
Me shoes are very thin,我的鞋很单薄,
I have a little pocket我有一个小口袋
To put a penny in;能放进一便士;
If you haven't got a penny;如果你没有得到一分钱
A ha'penny will do;一个 ha'penny也可以
If you haven't got a ha'penny;如果您没有一个ha'penny
God bless you。


关键词: 金佳英
