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1、征途魔幻迷宫任务怎么做 详细。。。


1、征途魔幻迷宫任务怎么做 详细。。。

迷宫是在凤凰城车夫旁边的那个NPC那里开始的.点击那个NPC进入迷宫地图.里面总共有4个NPC,3个是传送使者,1个是回凤凰城的.这几层都有5个NPC中间的经验王可以在他那里领取经验的.一你进入地图后看到的第一个NPC为1,往东北方向走看到的NPC为2.在往东南方向走看到的NPC为3.有人跑玩迷宫后会把答案发出来的.都是数字.比如21 31221 11321 11112 32331.前5层有时只要点3个NPC就可以到5层,也有2个就可以的.记住到了5.这几层不要忘了领经验哦.

2、 武林外传魔幻迷宫



1. Opening Titles Including Underground - David Bowie
2. Into The Labyrinth - Trevor Jones
3. Magic Dance - David Bowie
4. Sarah - Trevor Jones
5. Chilly Down - David Bowie
6. Hallucination - Trevor Jones
7. As The World Falls Down - David Bowie
8. Goblin Battle - Trevor Jones
9. Within You - David Bowie
10. Thirteen O'Clock - Trevor Jones
11. Home At Last - Trevor Jones
12. Underground - David Bowie




电影导演:吉姆·海森 Jim Henson
电影演员:珍妮弗·康纳利 Jennifer Connelly
大卫·鲍威 David Bowie
弗兰克·奥兹 Frank Oz
沃维克·戴维斯 Warwick Davis
语言:英语 游戏名称:《魅影传说》;
参与等级:45级以上。 魔幻迷宫一共11层,其中普通层10层,第十层可以通往神秘层
3.第11层有强力BOSS,击杀后奖励也非常丰富。小tips,该BOSS有禁疗技能,角色不能回复生命,建议组队击杀。 每天16:00-16:30活动开启后,游戏右上角有活动图标,可直接传送至活动NPC。活动结束前均可进入,不限次数。但只有成功进入第10层后才能获得一次奖励。








Jennifer Connelly was born in the Catskill Mountains, New York, to Ilene (Schuman), a dealer of antiques, and Gerard Connelly, a clothing manufacturer. Her father had Irish and Norwegian ancestry, and her mother was from a Jewish immigrant family. Jennifer grew up in Brooklyn Heights, just across the Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan, except for the four years her parents spent in Woodstock, New York. Back in Brooklyn Heights, she attended St. Ann's school. A close friend of the family was an advertising executive. When Jennifer was ten, he suggested that her parents take her to a modeling audition. She began appearing in newspaper and magazine ads (among them "Seventeen" magazine), and soon moved on to television commercials. A casting director saw her and introduced her to Sergio Leone, who was seeking a young girl to dance in his gangster epic once Upon a Time in America (1984). Although having little screen time, the few minutes she was on-screen were enough to reveal her talent. Her next role after that was an episode of the British horror anthology TV series Tales of the Unexpected (1979) in 1984.

After Leone's movie, horror master Dario Argento signed her to play her first starring role in his thriller Phenomena (1985). The film made a lot of money in Europe but, unfortunately, was heavily cut for American distribution. Around the same time, she appeared in the rock video "I Drove All Night," a Roy Orbison song, co-starring Jason Priestley. She released a single called "Monologue of Love" in Japan in the mid-1980s, in which she sings in Japanese a charming little song with semi-classical instruments arrangement. On the B-side is "Message Of Love," which is an interview with music in background. She also appeared in television commercials in Japan.

She enrolled at Yale, and then transferred two years later to Stanford. She trained in classical theater and improvisation, studying with the late drama coach Roy London, Howard Fine, and Harold Guskin.

The late 1980s saw her starring in a hit and three lesser seen films. Amongst the latter was her roles in Étoile (1989), as a ballerina and in Some Girls (1988), where she played a self-absorbed college freshman. The hit was Labyrinth (1986), released in 1986. Jennifer got the job after a nationwide talent search for the lead in this fantasy directed by Jim Henson and produced by George Lucas. Her career entered in a calm phase after those films, until Dennis Hopper, who was impressed after having seen her in "Some Girls", cast Jennifer as an ingénue small-town girl in The Hot Spot (1990), based upon the 1950s crime novel "Hell Hath No Fury". It received mixed critical reviews, but it was not a box office success.

The Rocketeer (1991), an ambitious Touchstone super-production, came to the rescue. The film was an old-fashioned adventure flick about a man capable of flying with rockets on his back. Critics saw in "Rocketeer" a top-quality movie, a homage to those old films of the 1930s in which the likes of Errol Flynn starred. After "Rocketeer," Jennifer made Career Opportunities (1991), The Heart of Justice (1992), Mulholland Falls (1996), and Inventing the Abbotts (1997). In 1998, she was invited by director Alex Proyas to make Dark City (1998), a strange, visually stunning science-fiction extravaganza. In this movie, Jennifer played the main character's wife, and she delivered an acclaimed performance. The film itself didn't break any box-office record but received positive reviews. This led Jennifer to a contract with Fox for the television series The $treet (2000), a main part in the memorable and dramatic love-story Waking the Dead (2000) and, more important, a breakthrough part in the polemic and applauded independent Requiem for a Dream (2000), a tale about the haunting lives of drug addicts and the subsequent process of decadence and destruction. In "Requiem for a Dream," Jennifer had her career's most courageous, difficult part, a performance that earned her a Spirit Award Nomination. She followed this role with Pollock (2000), in which she played Pollock's mistress, Ruth Klingman. Most recently, Ron Howard chose her to co-star with Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind (2001), the film that tells the true story of John Nash, a man who suffered from mental illness but eventually beats this and wins the Nobel Prize in 1994. Jennifer played Nash's wife and won a Golden Globe, BAFTA, AFI and Oscar as Best Supporting Actress.

Jennifer lives in New York. She is 5'7", and speaks fluent Italian and French. She enjoys physical activities such as swimming, gymnastics, and bike riding. She is also an outdoors person -- camping, hiking and walking, and is interested in quantum physics and philosophy. She likes horses, Pearl Jam, SoundGarden, Jesus Jones, and occasionally wears a small picture of the The Dalai Lama on a necklace. Her favorite colors are cobalt blue, forest green, and "very pale green/gray -- sort of like the color of the sea". She likes to draw.







游戏制作:StaticState Team
游戏发行:StaticState Team
运行环境:WinXP, Vista, Win7
游戏大小:500M 《魔幻迷宫》是一款由StaticState Team制作并发行的动作冒险游戏。在游戏一开始,玩家扮演的角色出现在幽暗的迷宫中,手持一支火把,可见范围较小,四周漆黑一片,偶尔会有一些低语及呵斥声传来,气氛较为恐怖。那么玩家须得找出这个迷宫的出路,逃离这里。开始时玩家只有一只火把,物品有限,在探险时需留心注意物品的收集。在游戏中玩家会在一些地方(如墙壁、石柱等)找到一些线索,一些文字信息可能会给玩家一些提示。这些信息有些部分被隐藏了,需要玩家前后的联想整理,才会有发现哦。
上下左右键控制移动,空格键攻击,Ctrl键取消对话,Shift键魔法攻击,1-9键为道具,Caps Lock键显示敌人生命值。 Windows XP or later
Intel Pentium IV 1.6 GHz
512 MB RAM
nVIDIA GeForce 5200+ или RADEON 8200+
210 MB hard drive space
DirectX 9.0 or later
