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1、哪里能看 赤面煞星 ?


1、哪里能看 赤面煞星 ?


优酷的,无毒,希望是你要的,不过是中文版的 哦

2、 介绍一下朱迪主演的美国片《赤面煞星》?


安妮是一名才华横溢的女艺术家,与众不同的设计风格让她在业界颇有名气。在高速公路上,安妮的车子不幸抛锚,却让她偶然间撞见黑帮谋杀案的发生过程。充满了恐惧的安妮侥幸逃过黑帮的追杀,逃到警察局报案。但她将面临的却是一个更复杂的局面。警方已经调查这个黑帮集团很久,而安妮正是起诉他们的最好证人。于是警方要她出庭作证人,但黑帮却要杀她灭口,对她不依不饶。无奈之下,为了保命,安妮只好改名换姓乔装打扮逃亡到另一州过新的生活。   虽然如此,但生活依然不平静。为了铲除这个眼中钉,黑帮派出了最具实力的杀手麦罗。在麦罗接手的所有杀人项目中,还从没有失手过。经过一番调查和分析,麦罗很快就找到了安妮的行踪。但一番斗智斗勇后,还是让安妮逃走了。逃走的安妮无家可归,只
能找到一家地下室暂时躲避。而另一方面,黑帮加大了追杀力度。除了麦罗,又派了一队人马来追杀安妮。很快,黑帮成员们就找到了她的藏身之地。而此时的麦罗却不忍心对一个弱女子下手,在危难之际将她救走。   麦罗救走了安妮,就等于背叛了他的老板,更违反了行规。黑帮得知消息后,开始四处追寻二人,于是二人一起开始了逃亡之路。在这段日子里,二人朝夕相处,慢慢地安妮对这个看似冷酷的杀手产生了好感。而麦罗也不可救药地爱上了这个聪明的女人,并向她展开热烈的攻势。为了躲避危险,麦罗带安妮来到荒芜的郊外生活,在这里二人度过了一段十分甜蜜的时光。但是,与此同时,安妮也在时时刻刻为二人人的将来忧虑着。   麦罗和安妮的藏身之处虽然隐蔽,但是黑帮还是很快找到了他们。一路上二人疲于奔命,为了安妮的将来,麦罗决定答应老板的要求,和他谈判。而另一方面,警方也得到消息,赶到谈判现场,局面变得异常复杂。而黑帮猛烈的火力,也让麦罗和安妮难以抵挡。关键时刻,麦罗使出绝招,终于二人珠联璧合,战胜了黑帮。


When murder is your business, you'd better not fall in love with your work.



《好汉两个半》是由哥伦比亚广播公司播出的一部电视情景喜剧。前期由查理·辛,乔恩·克莱尔,安格斯·琼斯主演,后期由阿什顿·库彻加盟主演。《好汉两个半》的“半个”是因为第一季播出时杰克年纪太小,只能算半个。主人公查理是一个潇洒自由的单身汉,但离婚后被前妻剥夺了几乎一切财产的弟弟艾伦带着儿子杰克的突然来访完全打乱了查理悠然自得的生活,三个男人一台戏,这下可有得乐了。在全美情景喜剧收视一片低迷的大背景下《Two and a Half Men》强势出击,多次夺得喜剧类剧集收视的骄人战果,不得不让人刮目相看。并获得多项艾美奖。


《赤面煞星》 Catchfire


中文名: 文森特·普赖斯
英文名: Vincent Price
性 别: 男
生 日: 1911-05-27
角 色:演员


1.Heroes of Horror AS …… Himself/Prof. Henry Jerrod/Francios Delambre/Dr. Warren Chapin/Dr. Anton Phibes/Edward Lionheart/Propero (archive footage) (2001)
2.The Fly Papers: The Buzz On Hollywood's Scariest Insect AS …… Himself (archive footage) (2000)
3.《世纪电影》A Century of Cinema AS …… Himself (archive footage) (1994)
4.The Heart of Justice AS …… Reggie Shaw (1993)
5.Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker AS …… Himself (1991)
6.《剪刀手爱德华》Edward Scissorhands AS …… The Inventor (1990)
7.《赤面煞星》Catchfire AS …… Mr. Avoca (1990)
8.The Horror Hall of Fame AS …… Himself/Recipient (1990)
9.Don't Scream It's only a Movie AS …… Narrator (1989)
10.Coral Browne: Caviar for the General AS …… Himself (1989)
11.《大捍无敌》Dead Heat AS …… Arthur P. Loudermilk (1988)
12.Vincent Price: The Sinister Image AS …… Himself (1988)
13.《八月的鲸鱼》The Whales of August AS …… Mr. Maranov (1987)
14.Strange But True Football Stories AS …… Narrator (1987)
15.The Offspring AS …… Julian White (1987)
16.《傻老鼠与大笨狗》The Great Mouse Detective AS …… Professor Ratigan (voice) (1986)
17.The Nativity AS …… King Herod (voice) (1986)
18.Dracula, the Great Undead AS …… Host/narrator (1985)
19."The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo" AS …… Vincent VanGhoul (voice) (1985)
20.Bloodbath at the House of Death AS …… Sinister Man (1984)
21.Terror in the Aisles AS …… (archive footage) (1984)
22.《鬼屋之影》House of the Long Shadows AS …… Lionel Grisbane (1983)
23.Your Choice for the Film Awards AS …… Himself/Host (1983)
24.Circus of the Stars #7 AS …… Himself - Co-ringmaster (1982)
25.Magic with the Stars AS …… Himself (1982)
26.The 54th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-presenter: Best Makeup (1982)
27.Vincent AS …… (voice) (1982)
28.Freddy the Freeloader's Christmas Dinner AS …… Professor Humperdo (1981)
29.Days of Fury AS …… Narrator (voice) (1980)
30."Mystery!" AS …… Host (1981-1989) (1980)
31.Pogo for President: 'I Go Pogo' AS …… The Deacon (voice) (1980)
32.The Monster Club AS …… Eramus (1980)
33."Time Express" AS …… Jason (1979) (1979)
34.once Upon a Midnight Scary AS …… Host (1979)
35.Scavenger Hunt AS …… Milton Parker (1979)
36.Lindsay Wagner: Another Side of Me (1977)
37.The Butterfly Ball AS …… Narrator (voice) (1976)
38.Joys AS …… Vincent Price (1976)
39.Alice Cooper: Welcome to My Nightmare AS …… Spider Voice (voice) (1975)
40.Alice Cooper: The Nightmare AS …… The Spirit of the Nightmare (1975)
41.Dr. Phibes Rises Again AS …… Dr. Anton Phibes (1974)
42.Percy's Progress AS …… Stavos Mammonian (1974)
43.The Devil's Triangle AS …… Narrator (voice) (1974)
44.《血染莎剧场》Theatre of Blood AS …… Edward Lionheart (1973)
45.Columbo: Lovely But Lethal AS …… David Lang (1973)
46.An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe AS …… Narrator (1972)
47.The Aries Computer (1972)
48.《歌剧院杀人王》The Abominable Dr. Phibes AS …… Dr. Anton Phibes (1971)
49.The Beginning of the End of the World AS …… Narrator (1971)
50.Mooch Goes to Hollywood AS …… Himself (1971)
51."The Hilarious House of Frightenstein" AS …… The Narrator (1971)
52.Here Comes Peter Cottontail AS …… January Q. Irontail (voice) (1971)
53.What's a Nice Girl Like You...? AS …… William Spevin (1971)
54.《有了女人烦恼多》The Trouble with Girls AS …… Mr. Morality (1970)
55.Cry of the Banshee AS …… Lord Edward Whitman (1970)
56.The Bribe AS …… Carwood (1970)
57.The Comedy of Terrors AS …… Waldo Trumbull (1970)
58.《江山美人》The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex AS …… Sir Walter Raleigh (1970)
59.More Dead Than Alive AS …… Dan Ruffalo (1969)
60.Scream and Scream Again AS …… Dr. Browning (1969)
61.The Oblong Box AS …… Sir Julian Markham (1969)
62.《勾魂慑魄》Histoires extraordinaires AS …… Narrator (voice: English version) (uncredited) (1968)
63.The Jackals AS …… Oupa the Prospector (1967)
64.Spie vengono dal semifreddo AS …… General Willis/Dr. Goldfoot (1966)
65.The City Under the Sea AS …… Sir Hugh, The Captain (1965)
66.Tabù, I AS …… Narrator (voice) (1965)
67.The Tomb of Ligeia AS …… Verden Fell (1965)
68.Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine AS …… Dr. Goldfoot (1965)
69.The Wild Weird World of Dr. Goldfoot AS …… Dr. Goldfoot (1965)
70.《红死病》The Masque of the Red Death AS …… Prospero (1964)
71.Chagall AS …… Narrator (voice) (1964)
72.The Last Man on Earth AS …… Dr. Robert Morgan (1964)
73.《魔鸟》The Raven AS …… Dr. Erasmus Craven (1963)
74.Gordon, il pirata nero AS …… Romero (1963)
75.Diary of a Madman AS …… Simon Cordier (1963)
76.Beach Party AS …… Big Daddy (special thanks) (1963)
77.The Haunted Palace AS …… Charles Dexter Ward (Joseph Curwen) (1963)
78.Tales of Terror AS …… Fortunato/Valdemar/Locke (1962)
79.《恐怖塔》Tower of London AS …… Richard of Gloucester (1962)
80.《四大煞星》Convicts 4 AS …… Carl Carmer (1962)
81.Confessions of an Opium Eater AS …… Gilbert De Quincey (1962)
82.《世界的主人》Master of the World AS …… Robur (1961)
83.Pit and the Pendulum AS …… Don Nicholas Medina/Sebastian Medina (1961)
84.Nefertiti, regina del Nilo AS …… Benakon (1961)
85.The Three Musketeers AS …… Cardinal Richelieu (1960)
86."The Chevy Mystery Show" AS …… Host (1960)
87.House of Usher AS …… Roderick Usher (1960)
88.《猛鬼屋》House on Haunted Hill AS …… Frederick Loren (1959)
89.《蝙蝠》The Bat AS …… Dr. Malcolm Wells (1959)
90.《夺命第六感》The Tingler AS …… Dr. Warren Chapin (1959)
91.The 31st Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Art Direction-Set Decoration Awards (1959)
92.Return of the Fly AS …… Francois Delambre (1959)
93.《世界大马戏团》The Big Circus AS …… Hans Hagenfeld (1959)
94.《变蝇人》The Fly AS …… Fran?ois Delambre (1958)
95.Collector's Item AS …… Henry Prentiss (1958)
96."E.S.P." AS …… Host (1958)
97."Half Hour to Kill" AS …… Gene Wolcott (1958)
98.The 30th Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Music Awards (1958)
99.Eight Steps to Peace AS …… Narrator (1957)
100.The Story of Mankind AS …… The Devil (1957)
101.《夜澜人未静》While the City Sleeps AS …… Walter Kyne (1956)
102.《十诫》The Ten Commandments AS …… Baka (1956)
103.Serenade AS …… Charles Winthrop (1956)
104.The Vagabond King AS …… Narrator (uncredited) (1956)
105.Son of Sinbad AS …… Omar Khayyam (1955)
106.Born In Freedom: The Story of Colonel Drake AS …… Edwin L. Drake (1955)
107.The Mad Magician AS …… Don Gallico/Gallico the Great (1954)
108.Casanova's Big Night AS …… Casanova (uncredited) (1954)
109.Dangerous Mission AS …… Paul Adams (1954)
110.Crucifixion AS …… Narrator (1953)
111.The Las Vegas Story AS …… Lloyd Rollins (1952)
112.《热情如火》His Kind of Woman AS …… Mark Cardigan (movie actor) (1951)
113.Pictura AS …… Himself (narrator) (1951)
114.《艳婢蛇心》Adventures of Captain Fabian AS …… George Brissac (1951)
115.Notes on the Port of St. Francis AS …… Narrator (voice) (1951)
116.Curtain Call at Cactus Creek AS …… Tracy Holland (1950)
117.Champagne for Caesar AS …… Burnbridge Waters (1950)
118.The Baron of Arizona AS …… James Addison 'The Baron' Reavis, aka Brother Anthony (1950)
119.《巴城艳盗》Bagdad AS …… Pasha Ali Nadim (1949)
120.《三剑客》The Three Musketeers AS …… Prime Minister Richelieu (1948)
121.《两傻大战科学怪人》Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein AS …… Invisible Man at the end (voice) (uncredited) (1948)
122.Rogues' Regiment AS …… Mark Van Ratten (1948)
123.Up in Central Park AS …… Boss Tweed (1948)
124.The Long Night AS …… Maximilian (1947)
125."Pantomime Quiz" AS …… Himself (1947)
126.Moss Rose AS …… Inspector Clinner (1947)
127.The Web AS …… Andrew Colby (1947)
128.Dragonwyck AS …… Nicholas Van Ryn (1946)
129.《狂恋》Leave Her to Heaven AS …… Russell Quinton (1945)
130.A Royal Scandal AS …… Marquis de Fleury (1945)
131.《罗娜秘记》Laura AS …… Shelby Carpenter (1944)
132.《威尔逊总统传》Wilson AS …… William Gibbs McAdoo (1944)
133.The Eve of St. Mark AS …… Pvt. Francis Marion (1944)
134.The Keys of the Kingdom AS …… Angus Mealey (1944)
135.《圣女之歌》The Song of Bernadette AS …… Prosecutor Vital Dutour (1943)
136.Hudson's Bay AS …… King Charles II (1941)
137.Brigham Young AS …… Joseph Smith (1940)
138.The House of the Seven Gables AS …… Clifford Pyncheon (1940)
139.The Invisible Man Returns AS …… Geoffrey Radcliffe (1940)
140.Green Hell AS …… David Richardson (1940)
141.《恐怖塔》Tower of London AS …… Duke of Clarence (1939)
142.Service de Luxe AS …… Robert Wade (1938)
143.Michael Jackson: Number ones (2003) AS …… Himself (segment "Thriller") (voice)
144.Thriller (1983) AS …… (voice)
145.Madhouse AS …… Paul Toombes
146.100 Years of Horror: Maniacs (1996) AS …… Himself
147.Michael Jackson: Video Greatest Hits - HIStory (1995) AS …… Rap Performer (segment "Thriller") (voice)
148.The Hollywood Squares Episode dated 27 March 1967 AS …… Himself
149.Step Into the Third Dimension (1989) AS …… Himself/Narrator
150.100 Years of Horror (1996) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
151.Muppet Video: Gonzo Presents Muppet Weird Stuff (1985) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
152.Sparky's Magic Piano (1987) AS …… Henry, Sparky's dad
153.100 Years of Horror: Witchcraft and Demons (1996) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
154.Creepy Classics (1987) AS …… Himself
155.Michael Jackson: HIStory on Film - Volume II (1997) AS …… Rap Performer (segment "Thriller") (voice)
156.Naked Terror AS …… Narrator (voice)
157.The Strange Case of Alice Cooper (1979) AS …… Narrator (voice)
158.Pulp Cinema (2001) AS …… Himself (archive footage)
159.Pantomime Quiz Don Murray vs. Anna Maria Alberghetti AS …… Himself
160.Witchfinder General AS …… Matthew Hopkins
161.Grampa's Sci-Fi Hits (1965) AS …… Dr. Goldfoot (uncredited)
162.100 Years of Horror: Sorcerers (1996) AS …… Himself
163.The Little Troll Prince AS …… King Ulvik #1 (voice)
164.Ringo AS …… Dr. Nancy
165.Ruddigore AS …… Sir Despard Murgatroyd
166.Cucumber Castle AS …… Wicked Count Voxville
167.Joan Rivers and Friends Salute Heidi Abromowitz AS …… Himself
168.Escapes AS …… Host
169.Black Day for Bluebeard AS …… Michael Bastion
170.The Hollywood Squares AS …… Himself (1970-1976)
171.Journey Into Fear AS …… Dervos
172.The Christmas Carol AS …… Host/Narrator







赤面煞星 Catchfire 朱迪福斯特主演的
