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2、冒牌天神2 的 英文观后感
6、冒牌天神 里 扮演上帝的那个黑人演员叫什么名字?拜托了各位 谢谢



舞曲Gonna make you Sweat

Everybody Dance now ...
Everybody Dance now ...
Give me the music
Give me the music
Everybody Dance now ...
Everybody Dance now ...
Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah
Everybody Dance now ...
Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah
Everybody Dance now ...
[rap by Freedom Williams]
Here is the doe, back with the bass
The jam is live in effect and I don't waste time
Or the mike if it don't rhyme
Jump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jump
And I'm here to provide
Peace and lyrics to make your shake your pants
Take a chance, come on and dance
Guys grab a girl, don't wait, make a whirl
It's your world and I'm just a swirl
Trying to get a nut to move your butt
To the dance floor, so yo what's up
Hands in the air, Come on say yeah,
everybody over here everybody over there
the crowd is live and I feel this groove
Party people in the house
Move ... (Let your mind)
Move ... (Put me online)
Come on let's sweat, baby
Let the music take control
Let the rhythm move you
Sweat, sweat
Let the music take control
Let the rhythm move you
Everybody dance now ...
Da da da da
da da da da
da da da da, da da da
da da da da, da da da
la da da da
la da da da
dum da dum da dum
everybody dance now
[rap by freedom williams]
Pause take a breath go for yours
On my command now hit the dance floors
I'm gonna make you sweat till you bleed
Is that ... enough, indeed
I pay the price, control the dice
I'm more precise, to a point I'm nice
The music takes control, your heart and soul
Oh, your body is free and a whole
Dance till you can't dance
Till you can't dance no more
Get on the floor and get warm
Then come back and upside down
Easy now, let me see ya
Move ... (Let your mind)
Move ... (Put me online)
The music is my life ...
everybody dance now ...
everybody dance now ...
everybody dance now ...
everybody ...
(Repeat Chorus)


2、 冒牌天神2 的 英文观后感


This should've gone straight to video. Evan Almighty was not able to manage the expectations of those who came to see it anticipating as riotous a ride as its predecessor Bruce Almighty. It retained the premise of the original as a spin-off but it doesn't work not because Steve Carell is less talented than Jim Carrey but because he had lousy material to work with. Even Morgan Freeman (who reprises his role as God) lost the zing and impressive qualities he had in the first installment.

Evan Almighty apparently targets a family audience with its decidedly more religious overtones (check out what ARK really means), so it shouldn't have attempted to fool the audience by maintaining the Almighty franchise because it doesn't fit; its brand of humor and story simply failed to keep up.
It would've probably done better if it were marketed differently instead of lazily riding on the success of Bruce Almighty when it painfully couldn't deliver the same punches.


上帝说完之后就消失不见了,布鲁斯试了试身手,竟然真的拥有了无所不能的法力,想怎么样就怎么样。他兴奋不已,开始了疯狂的法力游戏:隔空取物拿杯子;吹着口哨打爆街上的消防水龙头;轻轻一口气吹起性感女郎的裙子;把女友格蕾丝的乳房变大;报复电视台以前欺负他的同事;使街上所有的车都停下来靠在两边,而他自己则开着车在街中间一路飞驰;更绝的是,布鲁斯看着自己那条讨厌的狗希望它去洗手间解决问题,想不到的是,那条狗竟然真的走进了洗手间,掀开马桶站在边上尿尿,尿完后还“顺脚”冲了水。在这一系列的胡闹之后,布鲁斯忽然惊觉与上帝约定的时间就快到了 。



Bruce Almighty [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack]
1. One Of Us - Joan Osborne
2. God-Shaped Hole - Plumb
3. You’re A God - Vertical Horizon
4. The Power - Snap!
5. A Little Less Conversation - Elvis vs. JXL
6. The Rockafeller Skank - Fatboy Slim
7. God Gave Me Everything - Mick Jagger
8. AB Positive
9. Walking On Water
10. Seventh at Seven
11. Bruce Meets God
12. Bruce’s Prayer
13. Grace’s Prayer









金凯瑞的 大话王 一个头两个大



6、冒牌天神 里 扮演上帝的那个黑人演员叫什么名字?拜托了各位 谢谢

摩根弗里曼 附简介一份:本人也超喜欢他的 姓名:摩根·弗里曼 英文名:Morgan Freeman 生日:1937-6-1 星座:双子座 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 生平介绍:他的父亲是理发师,母亲是护士助理。 1971年他出演了他的第一部影片《谁说我不能驾驶彩虹》但直到九年后他才得到第二部影片。此后他又拍有一些影片,但大多影响平平,这些角色缺乏内涵,没有震憾力,并不能充分发挥他的才能。直到1987年,他在《浪迹街头》中扮演一个黑社会的恶棍,他精湛出色的演技使他获得了当年奥斯卡最佳男配角和金球奖的两项提名。这一成功使弗里曼彻底地把精力从戏剧转到电影上来,紧接着1989年弗里曼的两部电影都受到了极高的评价。《为戴西小姐开车》中的忠厚诚实、善良勇敢的老司机形象为他赢得了金球奖和全美影评奖,并第二次获得奥斯卡 奖提名;而在《光荣》一片中他与丹泽尔.华盛顿配戏,扮演了由掘墓人成为军官的曹林,弗里曼认为这是他自己所扮演的最重要的也是最成功的角色之一。 90年代以来弗里曼出演了几部既叫好又叫座的巨片,他出神入化地表演才能得到了公众一致认可,成为最受欢迎的电影明星。在《罗宾汉》中他饰演了一个摩尔人武士;在《不可饶恕》中他饰 演了一个善良正直,勇敢坚强的西部老枪手;在《七宗罪》中他又成功地塑造了清醒、冷静、机智、敏捷的老侦探形象;而《肖申克的救赎》一片又让他第三次获得奥斯卡金像奖提名;在与老牌明星影帝达斯汀.霍夫曼合作的《蔓延》一片中他的表演 亦受到了一致的好评。1996年他又拍摄了《连锁反应》(《Chain Reaction》)。 非常好的演员!




下载地址 http://school.catstw.com.tw/upload_file/mp3/2034070041111_08.mp3


Gonna make you Sweat

Everybody Dance now ...
Everybody Dance now ...
Give me the music
Give me the music
Everybody Dance now ...
Everybody Dance now ...
Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah
Everybody Dance now ...
Yeah ... Yeah ... Yeah
Everybody Dance now ...
[rap by Freedom Williams]
Here is the doe, back with the bass
The jam is live in effect and I don't waste time
or the mike if it don't rhyme
Jump to the rhythm jump jump to the rhythm jump
And I'm here to provide 字串2
Peace and lyrics to make your shake your pants
Take a chance, come on and dance
Guys grab a girl, don't wait, make a whirl
It's your world and I'm just a swirl
Trying to get a nut to move your butt
To the dance floor, so yo what's up
Hands in the air, Come on say yeah,
everybody over here everybody over there
the crowd is live and I feel this groove
Party people in the house
Move ... (Let your mind)
Move ... (Put me online)
Come on let's sweat, baby
Let the music take control

Let the rhythm move you
Sweat, sweat
Let the music take control
Let the rhythm move you
Everybody dance now ...
Da da da da
da da da da
da da da da, da da da
da da da da, da da da
la da da da
la da da da
dum da dum da dum
everybody dance now
[rap by freedom williams]
Pause take a breath go for yours
On my command now hit the dance floors
I'm gonna make you sweat till you bleed
Is that ... enough, indeed
I pay the price, control the dice 字串2
I'm more precise, to a point I'm nice
The music takes control, your heart and soul
Oh, your body is free and a whole
Dance till you can't dance
Till you can't dance no more
Get on the floor and get warm
Then come back and upside down
Easy now, let me see ya
Move ... (Let your mind)
Move ... (Put me online)
The music is my life ...
everybody dance now ...
everybody dance now ...
everybody dance now ...
everybody ...
(Repeat Chorus)

参考资料: http://www.kudee.cn/html/Entertainment/music/20070911/1691.html



